10 Best Shopping Malls in Moscow

Shopping mall in Moscow – is something more than a bunch of shops under one roof. In addition to shopping, Muscovites and guests of the capital go there to eat in pleasant company and just have fun. In general, to see people and to show themselves off.

We present to your attention the rating of the 10 best shopping centers in Moscow, the largest shopping centers where you should definitely visit to buy clothes, accessories and toys for children. The rating is based on reviews and ratings from TripAdvisor users.

10. Gostiny Dvor

Shopping center Gostiny Dvor, MoscowWhere is it located: 500 meters from the Kitay-Gorod metro station

The top 10 best shopping centers in Moscow opens with one of the oldest shopping centers in Russia and, perhaps, in all of Europe. Its existence was mentioned as early as the beginning of the 16th century! It was there that medieval Moscow merchants displayed their goods and concluded trade deals.

Many years have passed since then, the building was repeatedly rebuilt until it acquired its current appearance in the early 2000s.

Feature of the center: It hosts a variety of exhibitions every year, from art fairs to flamboyant shows from leading car brands.

9. Metropolis

Metropolis shopping center, MoscowWhere is it located: Leningradskoe shosse, near the Voykovskaya metro station and the Baltiyskaya MCC station.

Unlike Gostiny Dvor, Metropolis is a new building. It is barely ten years old. The shopping center is located in the best possible way: when a metro station was built nearby, a separate covered passage was made from there to the new shopping center.

Parents can shop in 350 stores in this ultra-modern temple of commerce, while children jump and have fun under the supervision of special staff or explore virtual reality spaces.

Peculiarity: In addition to shops and parking spaces, the newest shopping center also has a winter garden and a swimming pool.

8. Vegas

VegasWhere is it located: MKAD st. 24 km, 1 (intersection with Kashirskoe shosse).

This popular Moscow shopping mall is home to an amusement park, and some of the rides there are not for the faint of heart. For example, who would dare to jump off a tower almost 20 meters high? There are also less extreme attractions, such as an ice arena.

And the creators of the center managed to squeeze in an entire 18-meter-high Ferris wheel. Yes, in a completely enclosed space.

True, there is a lot of space there - in terms of area, Vegas is only 4 thousand square meters smaller than the very first place in the rating.

Peculiarity: Although Vegas is located quite far from the metro, the city's main transport artery, buses run to it regularly from the nearest station. And, most importantly, they are completely free.

7. Atrium

AtriumWhere is it located: on the Garden Ring.

In Soviet times, the two temples of commerce (GUM and TSUM) were for respectable people with well-filled wallets. But Atrium was the best for men and teenagers, where those who were younger, more adventurous and more fashionable shopped.

Part of the aura of that time has reached our days, mainly due to the unusually thoughtful choice of brands. Leading European brands from budget to more expensive are presented here, but they all have one thing in common - style, brightness and chic, inherent in youth.

And for those who are tired of shopping, there are numerous cafes from famous brands on the territory of the Atrium: Starbucks, Kabuki, Shokoladnitsa, Mama Carlo, etc.

Peculiarities: The shopping center has all the amenities for people with disabilities, from spacious elevators to specially equipped ramps at the parking lot.

6. Crocus City Mall

Crocus City MallWhere is it located: MKAD, 65-66th km, near the exit from Mayakovsky station.

Unlike other places in the rating, where every buyer will find something to suit their budget, the target audience of Crocus City Mall is people with money.

The two floors of this relatively small shopping center house about two hundred premium and luxury brands; Crocus is considered to have the best selection of goods in this price category.

Peculiarities: To keep shoppers from getting tired, Crocus has a garden where they can relax, restaurants where they can eat, and a tailor shop where they can have their clothes adjusted to their height and figure right on the spot.

5. Okhotny Ryad

Okhotny RyadWhere is it located: on Manezhnaya Square

The main feature of this shopping center is its exceptionally convenient location. Want to combine shopping with a walk through the historical center of Moscow? No problem, Okhotny Ryad is located literally a few minutes' walk from the heart of the city - Red Square. And you can get there directly from the metro, without even going outside.

Despite its location (the city center is always associated with money), Okhotny Ryad has goods for every taste, from budget youth brands to very expensive ones. And in the end, you can just go there for a snack to recharge your batteries after a long walk around the city.

Peculiarities: On the ground floor there is a large selection of fast food outlets. One of the unpleasant moments: the toilet in "Okhotny Ryad" is paid.

4. Afimall City

Afimall CityWhere is it located: Presnenskaya embankment, 2.

This is perhaps the most high-tech shopping center in Moscow, next to the metro. It is located in the center of "Moscow-City", in one of the most impressive and complex buildings from an engineering and technical point of view. The shopping center is located in the middle of it, its space is divided into four thematic zones, symbolizing the four seasons.

Visitors are particularly impressed by the completely transparent roof of the building. If you climb to the top floor, you can see the skyscrapers of Moscow City. It creates the complete impression of being in some kind of science fiction film.

Peculiarities: In five floors of futurism, the architects placed trade pavilions, exhibition space, art galleries, restaurants, exhibits, a cinema and a giant fountain. Its jet shoots up to the roof, 32 meters high.

3. European

European shopping and entertainment centerWhere is it located: Kievsky Vokzal Square, 2

Why is one of Moscow's best shopping malls for clothes called "European"? Because the building's layout is a miniature version of Europe - five atriums named after major European capitals.

  • The largest and most important of them is dedicated, of course, to Moscow.
  • And the smaller ones go to Rome, London, Berlin and, of course, Paris.
  • The decorators tried to give the interior design of the atriums a complete resemblance to the architectural styles of these cities.

The interior layout of the "European" is made according to all the rules of modern art - gigantic, richly decorated spaces, chic fountains with lighting are adjacent to small cozy cafes and small retail spaces where you can hide from the hustle and bustle around.

And its convenient location made “Evropeyskiy” one of the most popular shopping centers not only in Europe, but also throughout the world.

Peculiarities: In terms of the number of visitors, the European Mall is second only to the shopping centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

2. Central Children's Store

Central Children's Store, MoscowWhere is it located: on Lubyanka Square

Today, only the shell remains of this beautiful 1950s building, as its interior has undergone a major renovation.

Leaving aside the cultural value of the object, the best Moscow shopping center for children has only benefited from these changes. Its area has increased by more than a quarter. And the larger the area, the more interesting things can be placed there.

So, in addition to a variety of shops for children to suit every taste and budget, Mir also has an amusement park, a cinema, various cafes, and even several museums.

Peculiarities: In "Innopark" both children and adults can get acquainted with the latest achievements of science and technology in an easy-to-understand interactive form, and in the "Museum of Childhood" - remember the Soviet past. It carefully collects many toys that were once sold in "Detsky Mir" from the moment of its foundation.

1. Aircraft fleet

TC Aviapark – the best shopping complex in MoscowWhere is it located: at Khodynka Field.

The best shopping center in Moscow for shopping, according to visitors, is the one located on Khodynka, a couple of minutes' walk from the Aviapark metro station.

In addition to the people's love, Aviapark is famous for being the largest shopping center not only in Russia, but also in all of Europe.

Despite its huge area, the Khodynka shopping center is inferior to the others in terms of the number of stores. Either because it prefers the premium class (and the more expensive the store, the more space it requires), or because of concern for children. So that future customers do not get bored, an entire floor is dedicated to their entertainment.

Peculiarities: Moscow's best shopping mall is famous for its giant aquarium, which goes up 4-5 floors. It is one of the tallest cylindrical aquariums in the world. You can dive into it, but swimmers will have to make several stops on the way up to compensate for the difference in pressure.