10 Interesting Facts About ChatGPT

It will help you write an essay or make the right court decision, look for bugs in the code, allow you to live forever in the Metaverse - and all this is about ChatGPT. This most popular chatbot with artificial intelligence at the moment is trained on a huge array of data and has a "memory", remembering the details of the conversation. Therefore, it can build answers based on previous data.

It is unknown whether this text neural network will conquer the world like Skynet (although it will not be able to Russia - it does not officially work here), but it is definitely capable of surprising with its capabilities. Here are the top 10 interesting facts related to ChatGPT.

10. ChatGPT will help you live forever in the Metaverse


Metaverse Somnium Space is developing a Live Forever service, using artificial intelligence to create digital avatars of living people.

The business model works like this: A person uploads personal information, creating a virtual version of “themselves” that lives in the metaverse. This avatar will never die, so somehow “you” can continue to interact with your family and future generations forever. At least as long as the metaverse exists.

Somnium Space CEO Artur Sychev claims that thanks to ChatGPT, the emergence of “digital copies” of living people can be expected much sooner than he expected. Previously, he thought that the development of the technology would take five or more years. But with the help of an advanced chatbot, Somnium Space has reduced this period to two years.

Doesn't that sound like a perfectly rational and not at all creepy way to grieve?

9. ChatGPT upholds the law


In February 2023, media reports emerged of a Colombian judge who decided to consult with ChatGPT in a case involving health insurance for an autistic child.

The question the judge asked the chatbot was: “Is a minor with autism exempt from paying fees for treatment?»

Bot confirmed that, according to Colombian law, minors diagnosed with autism are exempt from paying for treatment.

The judge's actions have sparked debate about the appropriateness of using artificial intelligence in court cases. This is the first precedent, but it may not be the last.

8. ChatGPT will help you write a book


Gone are the days when you could spend years slaving over your next novel. Using ChatGPT, you can write a book in no time. Sounds too good to be true?

Consider the example of author Brett Schickler, who used Chat GPT to write and illustrate a children's book about a squirrel who finds a gold coin and invests it in an acorn trading business. The squirrel eventually becomes the richest animal in the forest.

Schickler listed the book on Amazon for $2.99 ($9.99 for the print version) and made $100 from it.

7. ChatGPT and the poor workers of Kenya


In January 2023, the famous chatbot's developer, OpenAI, came under fire. Time journalist Billy Perrigo wrote about the poor Kenyan workers who trained Chat GPT to deal with toxic content, and earned less than $2 an hour for it.

OpenAI paid Kenyan company Sama to study the content of the most questionable websites on the Internet. The topics included sexual abuse of minors, zoophilia, murder and suicide, torture, self-mutilation, etc. Sama employees received between $1.32 and $2 per hour. Well, at least Chat GPT can now recognize and filter such content.

6. Chat GPT will help you write a good resume


A couple of months ago, a Reddit post came from someone who started using ChatGPT to increase interest in his resume and cover letter.

Before that, he applied to almost 50 new employers. And how many interviews did he get invited to? Answer: one.

But with ChatGPT's help, the man created 12 new resumes. And how many of them did employers respond to? Three! Thanks for your work, ChatGPT!

5. Chat GPT will help you create a chatbot


It’s funny how one AI system can be used to create another. At least one person has managed to create a reliable chatbot using ChatGPT’s features.

Instead of programming that used to take hours, developing an interactive chatbot took just a couple of days.

Shawn (@shawnhll) sold his development for $10,000 to Originality.ai, a company that creates a tool for detecting plagiarism and AI.

4. Chat GPT can write a short article


In just 30 seconds, the AI produced a marketing article that only needed a little polishing before being handed over to the client. Freelancer Henry Williams received about $600 for the article.

Williams said the bot's article was structured in a simplistic manner and used non-human language, but "the key points, grammar and syntax were spot on."

«I'm pretty sure AI will take my job"," Williams added.

However, when it comes to content that you publish on your sites, using ChatGPT is not recommended. In addition, the OpenAI team plans to put a watermark on the texts generated by the neural network.

3. Don't tell your employer about Chat GPT!


A recent survey conducted by the social app Fishbowl found that 43% working professionals used AI tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT to complete work tasks. Of those people, 68% did not tell their bosses that they were using a neural network for work.

The survey was conducted from January 26 to 30 and included responses from more than 11,700 employees from companies including Amazon, Google, IBM, JPMorgan, Meta and Twitter.

2. ChatGPT and the criminal path


OpenAI claims that ChatGPT has an answer to almost any question you can think of. But what if that question is criminal?

Orwell Prize-winning journalist Max Daly claims that ChatGPT has given him several suggestions on how to become the next Walter White. For example, the chatbot told the journalist how to effectively smuggle drugs into Europe, although it didn’t help when Daly asked how to conquer the criminal underworld.

Later, the man and the neural network even discussed the morality of drug use and the ethical issues surrounding the US government's war on drugs.

1. ChatGPT will help you write your thesis


RSUH student Alexander Zhadan became famous in RuNet after he said that he wrote his diploma thesis using a chatbot from OpenAI. The topic of the thesis is "Analysis and improvement of organization management (using "CM Games" as an example)."

Since ChatGPT does not speak Russian, Alexander sent him requests in English and then translated the received responses into Russian.

The entire work on creating the diploma took 23 hours, of which 15 hours were spent on writing using ChatGPT, and another 9 hours on editing. The originality of the text was 82%.

Despite the fact that Zhadan’s story received wide publicity, the RSUH leadership did not revoke the diploma.

«There would be no cancellation of the diploma, otherwise RSUH and the Ministry of Education would violate their rules, harm education, admit incompetence. The dismissal of the teachers who checked my diploma was discussed. A letter was sent from our group to the rector that their dismissal was pointless. Of course, we supported them to save their reputation. For 4.5 years they helped us, so there is no reason to harm them“,” IXBT quotes Alexander as saying.