10 Benefits of Pet Insurance from a Veterinarian's Perspective

Top 10 Benefits of Pet Insurance from a Veterinarian's Perspective

Pet insurance is a health policy tailored specifically for your fur baby. You can talk to your vet about what they think the benefits of pet insurance are for your pet. I have listed the main benefits below. Some may suit your needs, some may not. Remember, when getting a pet insurance policy, you are shopping around to find the best at a price that won’t break the bank.

Ease of mind

Our fur babies are family members and they need medical care just like we do. It is estimated that about 10% veterinary visits that require intensive care result in the animal being put down because the owner cannot afford the care. Vets cost money. Insurance gives you peace of mind knowing that if something bad happens, your pet is covered and will get the care they need.

Saves money

The cost of taking your pet to the vet can be very high when tests or medications are needed. A policy will help reduce most of the costs. The amount you save depends on the policy you choose.

The vet stays

If your fur baby needs to stay a night or two at the vet because of an accident or sudden illness, you may be able to afford it if your pet is insured. Staying at the vet, like going to the hospital, is expensive. A policy will make the cost bearable for you.

Treatment options

In many cases, treatment options are often limited due to the high cost of treatment. Your furry friend deserves the right to treatment that will help them cope with whatever is going on. With coverage, you can choose a treatment plan that is usually out of reach.

Select a plan

When buying pet insurance in Australia, n companies will allow you to choose your own plan. You can have a high deductible, so you get a lower premium cost. You can choose the highest maximum payout to ensure that your pet is always protected. The plan is up to you, your fur baby, and your budget.

Choose your veterinarian

You can choose any vet as long as they are registered. You can even have more than one vet if you need to, such as when you travel.

All pets

Any pet can be covered by the policy. There are no conditions attached to the policy as long as you list who your pet is from the start.


Most pet owners have a monthly budget that they follow. If you have a pet, you should set a budget for them as well. Accidents or illnesses with them won't ruin your active budget because you won't have to pay extra out of pocket.


When bad things happen and your companion needs to see a vet, you'll often find yourself dipping into your savings account to pay for the service. That's not the case if your pet has a good policy.

Pet Health

The best part about pet insurance is that you can focus on your pet's health. You don't have to worry about how to cover the bills or what you should do. Focus on getting your pet better and let the policy pay the bills.

The British Veterinary Association says that owning a pet is a privilege. With that comes great responsibility. Having a policy that covers your fur baby is a must when it comes to responsible ownership.