10 Most Influential Marriages in World History

They say marriages are made in heaven. But some unions have served purely earthly purposes. They have united empires, prevented wars, and changed the world, for better or for worse.

Here are ten of the most influential marriages in history.

10. Cleopatra and Mark Antony

Cleopatra and Mark AntonyMark Antony was one of the most powerful military leaders in the entire Roman Empire, but like many men, he had a weakness for beautiful women. And Cleopatra was one of the most beautiful women in the world. At the same time, she was also very smart: she knew 9 languages, studied astronomy and was one of the best mathematicians of her time.

They fell in love with each other and got married, although the Romans were very unhappy that Mark Antony left his Roman wife for a foreigner.

As a result, Cleopatra became the ruler of Egypt, Cyprus, Crete and Antioch (Syria). However, due to the confrontation with Mark Antony's political enemy, Octavian, Cleopatra and her lover were forced to flee back to Egypt.

Mark Antony, who did not want to become Octavian's prisoner, committed suicide. Upon learning of this, Cleopatra ordered her servants to get a poisonous snake - an asp. Then the queen of Egypt dressed herself in luxurious clothes and put the snake to her chest. When she was found, she was already dead.

9. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt

Franklin and Eleanor RooseveltThe 32nd President of the United States and his wife played a huge role in bringing the country out of not only the Great Depression, but also World War II.

His New Deal to address the economic crisis of 1929-1933 and her civil rights work influenced America for the better. In 1939, the First Lady's popularity surpassed that of her husband: 67% U.S. citizens rated her performance as "good," while Franklin Roosevelt received 58% favorable ratings. Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the founders of the United Nations.

However, the marriage had many problems beneath the surface, the least of which was sexual incompatibility. According to some sources, Eleanor was a lesbian. Despite this, the couple stayed together for political reasons, leading America to a brighter future.

8. Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon

Henry VIII and Catherine of AragonThe long 24-year marriage of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon was directly responsible for the break with the Roman Catholic Church.

Henry VIII was looking for a way to divorce Catherine, whose marriage produced mostly girls (only one daughter survived), and whose only son did not live even six months. In addition, the king's attention was completely taken up by his maid of honor, Anne Boleyn. But he could not annul the marriage, since Catherine did not agree to it, and the Pope did not give his favor.

As a result, the King of England decided to separate from the Catholic Church in order to get what he so passionately wanted. The English Parliament passed a series of laws according to which the power of the Pope no longer had any force in the country, and all church affairs were now handled by the King. In 1534, Henry VIII was proclaimed the Supreme Head of the English Church.

7. Anne-Marie Toos and Helen Faasen

Anne-Marie Toos and Helen FaasenThese two are not princesses, not politicians, and not even great military leaders. If you meet these women on the street, you will probably pass by without looking back, because there is nothing unusual about them. Except for one fact.

Anne-Marie Toos and Helen Faasen were the first lesbian couple in world history to marry. Their union laid the foundation for changing marriage laws around the world.

6. Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell

Lucy Stone and Henry BlackwellLucy was an American women's rights activist, while Henry was a businessman who heard her speak at a legislative event. And although their wedding, held on May 1, 1855, did not feature any celebrities or a super-lavish banquet, it became a landmark event for the 19th-century West.

The fact is that Lucy kept her own name in marriage, not taking her husband's. This event went down in history and laid the foundation for women's suffrage in the future. Henry's renunciation of his "family rights" was also unheard of at the time, and made their marriage one of the first truly equal partnerships in the West.

5. Margaret and Denis Thatcher

Margaret and Denis ThatcherUsually, a successful man has a strong woman behind him. But here, it seems, the opposite was true.

The "Iron Lady", who became the first female Prime Minister of Great Britain, achieved great success in politics. However, she wrote many times that she could not have done as much as she did without her husband, who was always by her side.

4. Bill and Hillary Clinton

Bill and Hillary ClintonOne of the most influential couples in modern history is remembered not only for the scandal with Monica Lewinsky's dirty dress, but also for the loyalty to her husband that the First Lady of the United States maintained (perhaps purely outwardly).

In politics, Hillary has held many important posts, from the head of the task force on health care reform to a senator in New York and the US Secretary of State under Barack Obama. She has an active anti-Russian position and opposes the policies of current US President Donald Trump.

3. Raisa and Mikhail Gorbachev

Raisa and Mikhail GorbachevOnce upon a time, this couple from the USSR charmed the world. It was not a political union, but the strongest marriage of love. Mikhail and Raisa got married while still students.

However, after graduating from the institute, Gorbachev's political career, as they say, went uphill. And when he became the first person of what was then not Russia, but the USSR, Raisa Gorbacheva became the First Lady of a new type.

She did not remain in the shadow of her husband, but actively appeared in public, went on foreign trips with Gorbachev and was a trendsetter on an all-Union scale. It was Raisa Gorbacheva who opened the Burda Fashion House in Moscow. Foreign publications wrote about her as "A Communist Lady with Parisian Chic". She received the awards "Woman of the Year", "Woman of the World" and "Lady of the Year".

One can have different attitudes towards the activities of Mikhail Gorbachev as General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, as well as the first and last President of the USSR. However, it is an undeniable fact that he and his wife had a great influence on world politics in the 1990s.

2. Marie and Pierre Curie

Marie and Pierre CurieLet's talk marital chemistry. And physics. Working side by side in Paris, the Curies pioneered the study of radioactivity, without which we would have no X-rays, no radiotherapy, and, by the way, no nuclear reactors. Marie remains one of the smartest women in the history of the world.

The names of Marie and Pierre Curie have reached truly cosmic proportions. One of the craters on Mars, the asteroid 7000 Curie, and a crater on the far side of the Moon are named in their honor.

1. Abraham and Sarah

Abraham and SarahAlthough some people do not believe that these two famous historical figures ever existed, the impact of their marriage cannot be denied. The union of Abraham and Sarah produced many children who laid the foundation for three major religions of the world. Without Abraham and Sarah, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam would not exist today.