10 Scariest Prisons in the World: Cruel and Horrible

The very thought of prison is terrifying enough to keep most people on this side of the law. Being deprived of freedom of movement and the ability to see loved ones, having your career prospects ruined, not to mention the risk of all sorts of attacks from hardened criminals – what could be worse?

Unless you end up in the worst prison in the world, which makes other prisons look like summer camps.

10. Black Dolphin Prison, Russia

Correctional Facility "Black Dolphin", RussiaThis special regime penal colony houses the most dangerous criminals from all over Russia, including cannibals, terrorists and pedophiles.

Prisoners sleep with the lights on and are constantly under video surveillance. And when they leave their cells under escort, a dog handler follows them with a dog. The cells are small - 4.5 m², and the room is a cage within a cage, as a steel grate separates people from the windows and doors.

Whenever prisoners walk through the corridors, they are blindfolded, which prevents them from remembering the prison layout, reducing the chances of escape. The prisoners' hands are cuffed behind their backs while moving, and their heads are lowered low - this is the so-called "swallow pose".

Even prisoners walk around with their hands cuffed behind their backs.

This strategy has proven effective, as there have been no escapes from the Black Dolphin yet.

9. Sante Correctional Institution, France

Sante Prison, FranceThe only prison left within the Parisian city limits, it is known for its harsh, if not brutal, conditions. Many inmates have committed suicide while serving their sentences at Santé. In 1999, for example, 124 prisoners committed suicide.

Violence in this prison is so widespread that inmates are only allowed out of their cells for four hours a day.

There is a sad irony in the fact that the name "Sante" translates as "health". It is given by the name of the nearby street.

8. Bangkwang Prison, Thailand

Bangkwang Prison, Thailand: Brutal PrisonThis correctional facility, located in Bangkok, is known as the "Bangkok Hilton" thanks to the Australian TV series starring Nicole Kidman.

The Thais themselves call this prison "Big Tiger", hinting at the fact that it devours its victims. It houses prisoners sentenced to death or long-term imprisonment, so few of them ever leave the jaws of the "Big Tiger".

Bangkwang is a torture center, and prisoners (25 or more) are kept in small 6 x 4 meter cells. Criminals are fed once a day, and the rest of the food they have to buy with money given by relatives or friends. Due to overcrowding, lack of normal sanitary and hygienic conditions, and poor nutrition, Big Tiger often experiences outbreaks of cholera, diphtheria, malaria, and other diseases.

7. La Sabaneta Prison, Venezuela

La Sabaneta Prison, VenezuelaThe world's worst prisons are usually overcrowded. But even among them, La Sabaneta stands out. In a building designed for just 700 people, there are more than 3,700 inmates. At the same time, the prison is severely understaffed, with only one guard for every 150 inmates.

There is no proper sanitation, plastic bags are used as toilets, prisoners wash from a communal bucket of water, and the drinking water is teeming with parasites and bacteria.

Violence in La Sabaneta is as much a part of daily life as eating or sleeping. Rape and even beheadings are common.

Most prisoners sleep in cramped hammocks that are placed in narrow corridors and even on the roof of the prison. Only gang leaders with money and power can afford basic services such as medical care and their own cell with a fan and TV.

6. La Modelo, Colombia

La Modelo, ColombiaIn this notorious prison, prisoners have easy access to weapons and even grenades, and bloodshed is common. One of the worst examples was the death of 25 prisoners killed on April 27, 2000.

According to their political views, prisoners in La Modelo are divided into left and right. Accordingly, the prison is divided into two sectors, between which there is a war. Moreover, the right sector even has its own prison, where the guilty are put.

5. Muhanga Prison, Rwanda

Muhanga Prison, RwandaIt is the most overcrowded prison in the world. Around 7,000 prisoners are being held in a facility designed to hold only 400 people.However, in a country like Rwanda, where half a million people were killed in genocide, prison conditions are not at the forefront of most citizens' minds.

Many people held in Muhanga prison have no choice but to stand all day and sleep cramped together due to a chronic lack of space. The overcrowding is so severe that many prisoners die of suffocation and disease before their day of release.

Like many of the world's worst prisons, sanitation in Muhanga is virtually non-existent. With the floor covered in filth, many prisoners develop foot infections that are treated with the drastic method of amputating their feet or toes.

4. Guantanamo, USA

Guantanamo, USAWhile other worst prisons do not even pretend to respect human rights, the hypocrisy of the “world’s stronghold of democracy” was clearly revealed when the world learned of the atrocities taking place in Guantanamo Bay.

It houses prisoners with combatant status who are subject to trial by a special military commission. Most of them are Muslims. Many of the detainees have not been formally charged.

According to the testimony of the prisoners themselves, as well as human rights organizations, various torture methods are used against prisoners in Guantanamo, including sleep deprivation, prolonged exposure to music at maximum volume, beatings, and simulated drowning.

3. ADX Florence, USA

ADX Florence, USAThis maximum security prison is a "cleaner version of Hell." And this epithet was not invented by journalists, but by the former prison governor.

It is designed to house the most dangerous criminals, many of whom are kept in solitary confinement 24 hours a day in 2.1 x 3.7 m cells. They spend 23 hours in the cells, and the remaining hour is spent in a separate room where they can walk around or do physical exercise.

Prisoner's cellThe table, bunk, and chair in the cells at ADX Florence are made of cast concrete. However, they do have such "luxuries" as a toilet and sink without a faucet. For good behavior, prisoners can be transferred to a cell with a TV, radio, and a mirror made of polished steel screwed to the wall.

2. Tadmor Prison, Syria

Tadmor Prison, SyriaThe prison, located in the Syrian city of Tadmor, has a reputation as one of the worst prisons in the world. The abuse, torture and inhuman treatment within the walls of this prison have made it notorious throughout the world.

The most shocking incident at Tadmor prison occurred on June 27, 1980, when soldiers, under orders from military leader Rifaat al-Assad, killed around 500 prisoners in one go. It was revenge for a Muslim Brotherhood assassination attempt on Syrian President Hafez al-Assad.

Syrian poet Faraj Berakdar, who served a five-year sentence in Tadmor prison, called it "a kingdom of death and madness."

1. Camp 22, North Korea

Camp 22 is the most terrible prison on the planetThere are approximately 50,000 prisoners inside Camp 22, most of them serving life sentences for criticizing the North Korean government. What is even more shocking is that Camp 22 is just one of 30 such concentration camps operating in North Korea.

Conditions in the world's worst prison are clearly made as horrific as possible. Malnutrition is the norm, and all prisoners are required to work and are essentially slaves to the state, performing hard physical labor for free.

There are even reports that experiments on humans are being carried out in political prison camps in North Korea. One of the official UN reports on human rights violations in the DPRK compared the situation with the camps in the country to the crimes of the Nazis in Germany during World War II.