10 Most Unusual Professions in the World

Choosing a profession that you will have to do for the most part of your life is one of the most difficult things in life. But what if you can’t find your dream job among all those ordinary and boring professions, such as lawyers, teachers and doctors?

In this selection, we have collected the strangest professions in the world, work that seems too unusual, too exciting, too pleasant to be real. Perhaps one of them is exactly what you need.

10. Princess or Prince in Disneyland

y4mvrjemProfessional princesses and princes earn a little over $30,000 a year, which isn't much in America. But the perks of the job include the right to bring friends to "their" park, discounts at Disney hotels, and free passes to Disneylands around the world. Not to mention, you get to dress and act like a princess on the job.

By the way, princes and princesses in Disney parks earn more than Goofy, Mickey Mouse and other animal characters. This is explained by the fact that human characters appear before the public without a mask, actively communicate with people and spend more time with them.

9. Paint Drying Observer

wrun3vjfNo, this is not a joke. Some people actually make a living watching paint dry.

The job of such a worker is to paint sheets of cardboard to check how long it takes for new paint mixtures to dry and how their color and texture change. This is probably the most boring of the most unusual jobs in the world.

8. Regular Netflix viewer

e0moo4ztImagine being paid to watch TV all day! Well, for some lucky people, that dream has become a reality. Netflix pays these people to watch all their content before it is released to the general public.

The job of these workers is to assign each program the correct tag, which helps us, the viewers, determine exactly what we want, whether it is a crime film, a mystical series, a comedy or a witty TV show with talking animals.

7. Professional mourner

poi3h53eIn Southeast Asia, there is a tradition of loudly mourning at funerals. It is believed to help the dead as they move on to the afterlife. So professional mourners scream, sob, and even try to throw themselves into the coffin throughout the funeral ceremony.

A two-hour mourner's services cost about $55 (3,466 rubles)

By the way, there was a similar profession in ancient Rus'. It was performed by women, "shaggy" (with loose and disheveled hair), who participated not only in funerals, but also in annual memorial feasts.

You must admit that this is a rather sad and gloomy occupation, but it is far from the most disgusting profession in the world.

6. Television Corpse

d1xssa30Sure, posing as a corpse isn't the best job in the world. But earning $200 (over 12,000 rubles) to lie around doing nothing all day, let alone get into a movie or TV series, isn't the worst way to make a quick buck.

5. Psychologist for dogs

p3w5lqlaWho do you picture when you see the job title? A dog lying on the couch, complaining to a psychologist that his owner calls him "bad boy" too often? No, that's not exactly what pet psychologists do.

They provide their services to owners who face difficulties in raising their pets. They help correct it and identify triggers for inappropriate behavior.

Representatives of one of the strangest professions earn in the UK from 15,000 to 50,000 pounds sterling per year, which is equivalent to 1.9-3.9 million rubles.

4. Professional bridesmaid

bdk0xapvExhausted, distracted, or angry bridesmaids can easily ruin the most important day of your life. And some women don't even have close friends to invite to the wedding.

The solution is to hire a professional "undercover bridesmaid". The American company Bridesmaid for Hire charges from $300 to $2,000 (18-126 thousand rubles) per wedding for this service.

3. Poison Collector

lcorvo4aAnd this is not a job for the carefree. The job of a snake milker is to collect the venom of poisonous snakes in jars. This dangerous substance will then be used to make antidotes and other medicines.

2. Bed rest tester

qi3a1iaiThe space agency NASA sometimes recruits people to participate in nursing studies. In one study, people were paid $5,000 a month to lie in beds and sleep — for 87 days straight.

Test takers are allowed to use a TV, laptop, and game console. Hey, where do I sign up for an interview?

1. Sex toy tester

z4xqethcMost professionals have an office filled with important documents and the like. What regular offices don't have is a collection of products with a clear erotic slant. But for sex toy testers, it's the opposite.

These people, mostly women, test how comfortable and safe a particular dildo and other accessories for sex games are. They also evaluate the properties, appearance and packaging of such toys, since this is important for many buyers.

Foreign sex toy testers earn about $35,000 (2.2 million rubles) a year.

Urban Legend About the Most Unusual Profession in the World

You may have heard of such a job - penguin turner. Allegedly, when planes approach, the poor birds are so surprised that they fall on their backs and cannot get up on their own. And a specially trained person, receiving about $6,000 (377 thousand rubles) a month, gets the penguins back on their feet.

However, the story of the penguin flipper is an urban legend that has been circulating on the Internet since the 90s of the last century. And the first mentions of it date back to the 80s of the twentieth century, in connection with the flights of British aircraft to the Falkland Islands. Here, look at how penguins actually behave when they fall on their backs.