10 Oldest and Oldest Women Who Became Mothers

In recent years, the average age of women giving birth has been steadily increasing. And if earlier in Russia women who decided to become pregnant for the first time after 25, or to give birth to a second and subsequent child after 30 were called by the offensive word "old mother", now 35-40 year old mothers are not uncommon.

But there are women in the world who want to experience the joy of motherhood even in old age. And modern methods of infertility treatment allow them to do this. We present to you top 10 oldest women to become mothers.

10. Annegret Raunig


  • Age at birth: 65 years
  • Child's date of birth: May 2015

A German phenomenon is the oldest woman to give birth to quadruplets – three boys and a girl. Raunig is not a first-time mother, having already given birth to 13 children (from five different fathers), and with the quadruplets, the total number of her children has increased to 17.

German doctors refused to perform IVF on Raunig because they feared her body would not be able to withstand the stress of childbirth. So she traveled to Ukraine and underwent IVF there.

Annegret has been criticized by doctors and ordinary people alike, accused of selfishness and even madness. However, Raunig is not upset and says that everyone "should live the way they want."

Annegret's eldest daughter is already 44 years old and helps her mother with the kids.

9. Elizabeth Adeniyi


  • Age at birth: 66 years
  • Child's date of birth: May 28, 2009

The oldest mother in Great Britain, like Annegren Raunig, used the help of Ukrainian doctors to fulfill her dream of having a child. She underwent an IVF course in the independent country, since British clinics do not perform this procedure on women over 50.

Elizabeth is quite wealthy and was able to hire a nanny to look after her son while Adeney runs Delmore Ltd, a plastics and textile company.

8. Bhateri Devi Singh


  • Age at birth: 66 years
  • Child's date of birth: June 2010

An elderly Indian woman gave birth to triplets after the third round of IVF at the National Fertility Centre in Haryana. The delivery was done by Caesarean section.

During Bhateri Devi's two previous IVF attempts, only two embryos were transferred. The third time, doctors implanted three embryos, and this attempt was successful.

Bhateri Devi had been trying to conceive naturally for a long time, but for 40 years she and her husband had no children. After the triplets were born, Devi's husband said he was thrilled to be a father for the first time.

7. Adriana Iliescu


  • Age at birth: 66 years, 7 months, 16 days
  • Child's date of birth: January 16, 2005

In 2005, Adriana Iliescu was named the world's oldest mother (the title has now been taken by another woman). She successfully gave birth to a daughter via Caesarean section after nine years of fertility treatment. Iliescu told reporters that she had always wanted to experience the joy of motherhood, but had been unable to conceive naturally.

By the way, Adriana Iliescu is a retired university professor and the author of many children's books. And she took care of her daughter's future immediately after her birth. Iliescu signed a contract with the doctor who performed the IVF procedure and became the girl's godfather. In the event of the mother's death, the doctor will take care of Eliza until she comes of age.


Now the girl lives the life of an ordinary teenager, and has received several certificates and diplomas at the Olympiads. Adriana feels great and hopes to see her daughter come of age.

6. Maria del Carmen Busada de Lara


  • Age at birth: 66 years, 11 months, 24 days
  • Child's date of birth: December 29, 2006

Perhaps the most controversial mother on this list, she admitted to lying to doctors about her age in order to receive fertility treatment at a private clinic in Los Angeles. In the age column, the woman wrote 55 years old instead of her real age of 66.

After giving birth to twin sons, the elderly mother defended her decision, saying: "I've wanted to be a mother all my life, but I never had the opportunity and I never met the right man."

Bousada de Lara's family called her decision "selfish and irresponsible," adding that her children would likely be orphans. About a year after giving birth, the woman was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and her family's prognosis unfortunately came true. Bousada de Lara died on July 11, 2009. After her death, the twins were given to Bousada de Lara's nephew and his wife to raise.

5. Margaret Adenuga


  • Age at birth: 68 years
  • Child's date of birth: April 19, 2020

Most recently, in April 2020, Margaret Adenuga from Nigeria became one of the oldest mothers in the world when she gave birth to twins at the age of 68. Before this happened, she underwent several rounds of IVF, which were unsuccessful.

Adenuga's pregnancy and the birth of her twins proceeded without any major complications, and the babies were born full term.

“I am a dreamer and I was sure that our dream would come true,” said the happy father of the family, Noah Adenuga, who is already 77 years old.

4. Omkari Panwar


  • Age at birth: 70 years
  • Child's date of birth: June 27, 2008

Omkari Panwar is another elderly mother from India who gave birth to twins in 2008 at the age of 70. She was determined to have a son as she and her husband, Charan Singh, already had two grown-up daughters.

Due to her advanced age, Panwar had to undergo IVF treatments costing $8,100, which her husband paid for by selling his buffaloes, mortgaging their land, spending their savings and taking out a bank loan.

The babies, a boy and a girl, were born premature, each weighing about 1 kg. Because of this, they had to spend a long time in the hospital.

When Omkari Panwar was told she was now the oldest mother in the world, she replied: "It doesn't mean anything to me. I just want to see my newborn babies and take care of them while I can."

The last information about the Panwar family dates back to 2014. By that time, the girl had died due to improperly prescribed treatment (as the mother believes), and the boy was growing up and developing well, like all children.

3. Rajo Devi Lohan


  • Age at birth: 70 years
  • Child's date of birth: November 2008

In 2008, Indian Rajo Devi Lohan gave birth to a daughter at the age of 70. At the time, she was considered the oldest woman in the world to give birth, having managed to carry a child to term after an IVF procedure.

In 2013, the Daily Mail interviewed Lohan, who said that having a daughter made her stronger and that the child, named Naveen, was the "only reason" Lohan didn't die. And even when Naveen's parents pass away, the girl won't have to go begging. She has plenty of relatives who will take the child under their wing.

2. Daljinder Kaur


  • Age at birth: 72 years
  • Child's date of birth: April 19, 2016

The boy, named Arman (meaning "desire" in Hindi), is the first child of 72-year-old Indian woman Kaur and her 79-year-old husband Mohinder Singh Gill. After nearly five decades of marriage, Kaur was finally able to conceive through lengthy IVF treatments.

Although Kaur told doctors she was 70, she was actually 72 - many people in India do not know their exact age because they do not have a birth certificate.

Dr. Anurag Bishnoi, the doctor who treated Kaur for infertility, has been criticized by other doctors and fertility experts for performing IVF treatment on a woman at such an advanced age. These critics fear that Kaur's success will raise unrealistic expectations among other older women hoping to have children.

1. Mangayamma Yaramati


  • Age at birth: 74 years
  • Child's date of birth: September 5, 2019

The oldest woman to become a mother gave birth to twin girls only thanks to lengthy IVF procedures.

Since Yaramati had already gone through menopause, she and her 82-year-old husband, Seetharama Rajarao, used a donor egg, fertilized with Rajarao's sperm and implanted in Yaramati. Fortunately, Yaramati's pregnancy was smooth and uneventful. The birth was done by caesarean section, and the babies were born healthy.