10 Amazing Animal and Celebrity Look-Alikes

Before we go any further, I must confess that I realize how overblown an article like this is. I’ve seen more comparisons between horses and Sarah Jessica Parker than I think anyone could possibly need in a lifetime. But as the saying goes, “baby, the seasons may change, but men never do.” That’s why we always come back for more, whether it’s overblown or not. The good news is that the celebrity world is constantly changing, which helps people seeking new fame break out from the masses on a regular basis. So here’s what I say: Let’s find some celebrity and animal lookalikes that are so mind-boggling you’ll start to wonder why evolutionary theory hasn’t linked humanity to by all animals and only with primates. I say we should end the era of horses and Sarah Jessica Parker and let others have the spotlight for once. This is serious business. 10 Amazing Animal and Celebrity Look-Alikes.

Snoop Dogg and Kermit are among the most common celebrity doppelgangers

Right: Snoop Dogg . Left: not so much bloodhound .

Since I don't know much about Snoop Dogg's whereabouts, I'd rather focus on the other side of the picture. Believe it or not, he's also a celebrity! His name is Kermit, and he's the pet dog of YouTuber and internet sensation Jenna Marbles, who became a viral sensation with her video "How to Trick People into Thinking You're Attractive" These days, she's also popular for her relationship with her three dogs, and, ironically, comparisons to Snoop Dogg are a long-running joke in her fandom and one of the most common celebrity doppelgangers.

Celebrity Doubles - John Travolta

Right: John Travolta . Left: literally the most strange dog, that I have ever seen.

John Travolta has one of those faces that you can recognize by the paper bag on your head and his. He has a long career and a fair number of iconic performances behind him. And it seems that his role in "Lubrication" He went from confusing women everywhere to finding his long-lost canine brother. We're so happy for you, Mr. Travolta. Family is always important.

Most Popular Celebrity Lookalikes – Taylor Lautner/Alpaca

Right: Taylor Lautner . Left: alpaca (because they are aesthetically different from llamas).

There's no better time to poke fun at celebrities than when they're at the height of their fame. But that doesn't mean we're too shy to do so even when the flames aren't burning so brightly. Taylor Lautner's alpaca pairing is almost the same age as Sarah Jessica Parker and the horses, so for the sake of nostalgia, we decided to include her, too.

Celebrity Lookalikes Meet Up With Snoop Dogg Again

Right: Snoop Dogg again . Left : I think I understand why the word "dogg" is in the title.

What is it about Snoop Dogg's face that is so easy to find in the bodies of various mammals? He seems to be at the center of most celebrity doppelganger situations. No hard feelings, though. I'm sure he's a decent guy, and the dog on the left looks like he's having a great time, so let's leave it at that.

Dalai Lama - celebrity look-alikes

Right: Dalai Lama . Left: Ironically, llama .

I don’t think this is what the Tibetans expected when they inserted two words with deep meaning into the famous title “Dalai Lama.” The word “lama” actually has nothing to do with the friendly guy in the picture, but is the equivalent of the Sanskrit word for “guru.” Since beggars can’t be choosers, let’s just ignore all this factual information and pretend it has something to do with actual lamas. We’ll just say it’s further evidence that Tenzin Gyatso was born to be the 14th Dalai Lama.

Celebrity Doubles - Adrien Brody

Right: Adrien Brody . Left: monkey .

We have nine entries on this list, but we forgot to ask ourselves one important question: would we say that the animal looks like the celebrity, or vice versa? Either way, in this particular case, let's just say that the monkey gets that honor. After all, Adrien Brody's appearance is so unique that it is rarely seen among other people, let alone the animal world, making him one of the most memorable celebrity lookalikes.

Celebrity lookalikes even influence Harrison Ford

Right: Harrison . Left: very cheeky golden retriever .

The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this picture was how amazing a reconstruction would be. "Star Wars" only with dogs? This comparison is a good one to end this list, as it seems to benefit both sides of the picture. Harrison Ford is a handsome man, the dog is adorable, and if some brilliant mind decides to create Bark Wars , looks like they've found their canine Han Solo.

Donald Trump is a common target for celebrity lookalikes

Right: Donald Trump . Left: To be honest, don't even know.

Really, What this? I'm not even talking about Trump's hair here, since it's been the focus of comparisons to literally everything from an ear of corn to a troll doll. I think I know what happened to the one on the left. It was probably once was animal, but it couldn't stand living in such isolation from the Republican candidate, so it turned itself into a wig. In this way, he hopes it can occupy his head and live happily ever after.

Celebrity Doubles - Putin and the Dog

Right: Vladimir Putin . Left: very stern looking dog .

It is not easy to be the leader of a powerful country that used to have more or less absolute supremacy over most of the world. You will have to face the daily responsibilities of the president And Internet ridicule. As funny as it may sound, this is not the first time the Russian leader has lost the battle to social media satire, and it certainly won’t be the last.

Celebrity Lookalikes We Never Thought Of: Hitler

Right: Adolf Hitler . Left: cat , similar to the villain from Looney Tunes.

Hitler is not exactly a joke material, and if he what -somehow manages to become the subject of a good laugh, some say it's essentially a one-way ticket to hell. But what are you going to do: someone found this cat, immediately thought of the infamous Nazi leader, and shared it online as yet another of many celebrity lookalikes. And that's right, it probably took a long time to determine the plausibility of the picture (I'm talking about the cat, I have no doubt that Adolf Hitler was real).

Which celebrity animal do you like the most? Let me just tell you, there are a lot more offensive picks that could have been included, but we figured the world is complicated enough as it is. We don’t need to add fuel to the fire by pointlessly making fun of animals. I mean humans. Anyway, those were 10 amazing animal and celebrity lookalikes. Don’t sue us.