10 smallest cities in Russia by population

Cities are almost like people: they are born, live, grow old and even die. But, unlike the status of "Homo sapiens", the status of a city is not assigned to a settlement forever. So former cities disappear from the map of Russia, merge with each other, turn into villages or cease to exist altogether. Does this fate threaten the smallest cities in Russia?

10. Gorbatov – population 1982 people

Gorbatov cityOur "mini-list" opens with an ancient city, the first mention of which dates back to the 16th century. Gorbatov is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region. From the moment of its existence, it was not large, and its population did not exceed four thousand people.

In recent years, there has been an active outflow of population from Gorbatovo, and 2017 was a record year for the city – the population became the lowest in its entire history.

However, despite its population, Gorbatov is something of a celebrity in the world of cinema. After all, it was there that Nikita Mikhalkov filmed episodes of The Barber of Siberia and Burnt by the Sun 2. And really, what locale would be better suited to depict a sleepy provincial town on screen?

9. Primorsk – 1960 residents

PrimorskPrimorsk is located in the Kaliningrad region, on the shore of the Baltic Sea. People have settled there for a long time, so Primorsk is an ancient city. Its first mention (under a German name) dates back to 1288.

At that time, the future Primorsk was of great importance, served as a district center and was even awarded its own coat of arms, which has survived to this day.

Over the centuries, the city has shrunk in size and, since the 18th century, its population has rarely exceeded a modest two thousand people. Several times, attempts have been made to take away Primorsk's city status, but it has always been returned. The residents are not bothered by all these upheavals; they continue to live in a quiet city with old houses left over from German times. And the places there are very beautiful - the sea alone is worth it!

8. Island – 1847 people

Ostrovnoy, city in RussiaBefore the Soviet regime, the city had a hard-to-pronounce name, Yokanga, then it was renamed Gremikha. But in reality, these nondescript names concealed a naval base, from where Russia threatened not only the Swedes, but the entire capitalist Western world.

The latest achievements of military science, such as strategic military missile carriers, were based there. And then, after the collapse of the USSR, spent nuclear fuel began to be stored at the base.

Ostrovnoy is currently going through a period of decline, but there are rumors that the military base is going to be revived. This means that Ostrovnoy will also come to life.

7. Plyos – 1796 residents

PlyosPlyos may be a small town, but it is very important. It is the only one of the ten smallest towns in Russia to be included in the list of historical settlements of federal significance. And it is famous not even for its antiquity (the first mention of a human settlement on this site dates back to the 12th century), but for the fact that in the 19th century, famous Russian artists worked, rested and had fun there.

One of the most fabulous cities in the world has seen many celebrities – from Savrasov to Shalyapin, but it was Levitan who made it most famous. It was there that he wrote most of his works. Since then, Plyos has been firmly associated with the world of art. Every year, there are film, music and even sports festivals there.

And even if the town's own population is becoming smaller every year (from 4,000 residents in the early 1990s it has dropped to 1,796 people), it seems that Plyos is not in danger of disappearing. People will live in it, people will visit it, people will love it.

6. Artemovsk – 1688 people

Artemovsk, SiberiaIt is one of many mining settlements founded in Siberia when deposits of valuable metals were discovered there. Artemovsk was brought to life by gold mining in a nearby mine.

It is hard to believe that this small town was once considered a fairly decent-sized city. In the 60s and 70s, its population exceeded 10 thousand people. However, something went wrong, and perestroika finally undermined it. Since then, Artemovsk has been slowly dying.

5. Kurilsk – 1591 residents

City of KurilskThe city is located on an island in the Pacific Ocean, which changed hands approximately once a century, passing from Russia to Japan and back. So Xiang, which became Japanese in the mid-19th century, became part of the USSR after the end of World War II.

In order to eliminate any reminders of the previous owners, the country's government hastened to get rid of the Japanese names, turning Syana into Kurilsk. Of course, no one asked the opinion of the indigenous population, the Ainu; however, by that time they had almost completely disappeared from the face of the Earth. All that remained of them was the occupation that the current population of the city is engaged in - fishing.

4. Verkhoyansk – 1122 people

Verkhoyansk is the coldest city in Russia and the worldThis is the northernmost city of the Republic of Yakutia. Historically, this tiny settlement in white silence was where undesirable people were exiled – revolutionaries, political opponents and other troublemakers.

In addition to its exiled past, Verkhoyansk is also famous for being the coldest city in the world. In winter, the temperature there can reach -67.7°, a terrifying value for any warm-blooded creature. It is not surprising that the city's population has never exceeded 2,000 souls.

3. Vysotsk – 1094 residents

Vysotsk, Leningrad regionFrom the eastern borders of our Motherland we move to the northwest, to the Leningrad region. It is there, on the island of the same name in the Gulf of Finland, that the city of Vysotsk is located.

Previously, there was a modest Karelian-Finnish settlement called Uuras, whose inhabitants made their living by fishing. But after part of the northern territories fell into the hands of the USSR following World War II, as was the case with Kurilsk, the settlement was renamed Vysotsk.

Now it is a small port town, where some of the Russian border ships are based. After an oil terminal was built near Vysotsk, the city's population grew by almost a third (from 1,200 to 1,750 people). But it was not possible to exceed the 2,000 mark, especially since people began leaving Vysotsk in 2010. However, city services are not discouraged, and even plan to build a sports center using the latest science and technology.

2. Chekalin – 914 people

city Chekalin, Russian FederationThis Russian city, which for a long time held the palm of primacy in miniature, has a long and glorious history. It once served on the front lines, was part of the defensive line against the Kazan Khanate. Then it was a prosperous trade center, living off the rafting of goods along the Oka River. Then the river became shallow, and the railroad tracks - a new trade artery - bypassed the city. So Chekalin (then still Likhvin) began to lose people until it reached its current sad state.

The Chekalinsk residents themselves categorically do not want to lose their status as city residents. They were not tempted even by the generous promises of the district administration, which offered the city residents a reduction in utility rates, as well as various bonus payments.

No, the residents of Chekalin are ready to even suffer material damage, but to defend their city. Well, such love for their place of residence can only be envied. Perhaps tourism will breathe new life into the city. After all, the places there are very beautiful, and Chekalin is located only 250 km from Moscow.

1. Innopolis – 407 residents

InnopolisThe smallest city in Russia by population in 2019 is considered to be the science city located in the Republic of Tatarstan. It is distinguished not only by its small size, but also by the fact that it is one of the rare cities that appeared on the map of the Russian Federation after perestroika.

The first to talk about creating an advanced science city was the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. It was supposed to be a modern city, with all the necessary infrastructure, where great minds would calmly engage in science and earn fame and money for the republic. And the service personnel would make sure that they could do it comfortably and conveniently. The model of the city was created by a venerable Singaporean architect, and the name was personally chosen by the ruling elite of the republic.

Innopolis is the smallest city in Russia by populationThe city officially opened in 2015, and at that time its population was only 10 people. Over the past 4 years, it has increased 40 times and now has a total of 407 residents.

At this rate, Innopolis will have to wait only 388 years to reach the declared figure of 155 thousand citizens. In the meantime, these 407 people are living in luxury in a territory designed for a much larger number of people.

Innopolis, science cityThe city has its own university, an international school, a medical center designed to receive 500 patients per day, as well as a city stadium and a sports center. It's a pity that this splendor is rarely enlivened by human figures. True, the residents themselves are happy, because their city is quiet, calm, the air is fresh, and everyone knows each other. And if you want civilization, Kazan is very close, and you can get there by taxi.