10 Things Your Dog Should Have

10 Things Your Dog Deserve to Receive

We love our furry friends. They provide companionship, protection, and a reason to be happy every day. Without dogs in our lives, things would be a little bleaker than they are now. That’s why our dogs deserve the best. They are naturally quite easy to make happy. Bones, a little food, and lots of play are usually enough to keep them in high spirits. But sometimes it’s just so tempting to spoil them, you know? Watching their facial expressions and behavior change with new things is always fun.

So, to be the best dog in the whole world, here are 10 things your pup deserves to have.

1. Dog bed

Dogs can sleep anywhere. Whether it’s tall grass or a freshly vacuumed carpet, dogs can plop down on a random spot and just pass out. But if there’s one thing a dog loves more than the floor, it’s a soft, squishy place to rest. That’s why dog beds are the best. They’re the “official” sleeping spot for dogs. They walk up to it, circle around a few times, and plop down like a sack of potatoes. Surprisingly, there are a whole bunch of different types of dog beds. Depending on your pup’s size and fur type, they can get the most comfort from different bed styles. Lucky dogs, huh?

There are many reasons to buy your beloved pet a dog bed as part of the overall care you provide to your dog. A dog bed can provide your furry friend with one or more of the following benefits: comfort, orthopedic support, protection, and improved overall health and well-being. It’s true that dogs sleep better when they have a comfortable place to lie down. But buying a special bed for your dog may not always be what you imagine. Here are some things to consider when making a purchase.

  • Size, as your dog obviously needs to be able to lie down comfortably and still have enough room to move around in the bed;
  • The material the bed is made of, as it must be able to support the weight of your dog to provide sufficient orthopedic support;
  • Quality and durability so it can withstand the wear and tear your dog puts through.

2. Dog carrier

Your dog wants to be close to you. That’s a given. When you go out into the world and leave them in the house, some pups develop separation anxiety and need to vent. We come home to pieces of important mail on the floor, torn shoes, scratched coffee tables. It’s not fun. Why not take them with you? The Pet Carrier Backpack is the perfect little case for carrying the tiniest furballs in your life. If you can fit them in, take them with you! Why not? They’ll have an absolute blast taking in all the sights around town.

There are many reasons to buy a dog carrier, and they include:

  • This protects your dog when you are away from home.
  • This is a convenient way to carry your dog if he is tired of walking.
  • This allows you to take your dog with you on vacations and excursions.

3. New collar

Chances are, you need to step up your collar game. There’s a whole market full of different designs, features, themes, and you still have the red or blue nylon with one tag. It’s boring. Get your dog something stylish. You can even get multiple collars and match them to the occasion. Formal dinner? A bow tie collar. Birthday party? A sparkly collar. There’s so much you can do to add a little spice to an everyday accessory.

When choosing a collar for your dog, there are several things to consider. Your choice will affect how you handle your pet, so you should choose carefully. If the collar is too loose, it can easily fall off, and if it is too tight, it can cause choking or neck pain.

It is important to choose the correct size collar for your dog to ensure it remains safe and comfortable.

4. Ball gun

Do you like to play catch with your dog? Of course you do. Everyone loves to play catch. But maybe you threw your hand out or weren't in the right position to shoot heat into the distance. The Ball Launcher is just what the doctor ordered. It's basically a spring-loaded cannon that shoots tennis balls. Even without the theoretical injuries, a tennis ball cannon sounds like a lot of fun.

You will need to purchase tennis balls to go with the cannon. Choose high-quality products that will not rip, tear, or fall apart. Your dog will have many hours of happy chasing well-made tennis balls, so choose quality over quantity.

5. Action camera harness

Your dog deserves his own story. That’s why action camera harnesses were invented. Imagine going to the beach and throwing a frisbee with a GoPro camera strapped to your dog’s back? Jumping into the air and landing in the water will make for some sweet shots. That’s what an action camera was designed for — to capture cool footage of, say, a beach frisbee.

6. Yard fence window

Does your dog spend a lot of time in the backyard? Is it his or her primary spot? Well, as comfortable as they are in this space, it’s always fun to get a little exploration and observation into their lives. You can install a small pet window to the outside world so your pup can peek out and keep an eye out for cats, squirrels, or anyone else who decides to trespass.

7. Automatic fountain

Sometimes a water bowl can get gross. There’s all this gunk in the bottom and so much hair floating around. The last thing you want is for your dog to get an infection or some kind of pathogenic amoeba from a dirty dog bowl. Instead, why not hook up a fountain to the spout of a garden hose? There are plenty of cool models with sensors that pump out a continuous stream of water when your furry friend wants a drink. The best part is that you don’t have to worry about giving your dog water. It’s always there.

10 Things Your Dog Deserve to Receive

8. Bathhouse

If you don't have a Labrador, chances are that getting them to take a bath is like pulling teeth. Sure, some enjoy it, but most dogs don't like taking a bath they didn't plan on. Holding them down and keeping them in one place is a pain. Why not get a dog shower stall. A dog shower stall connects to a hose and sprays pressurized water from all directions. You can store them and wash them in this stall easier than any other way.

9. Life jacket

If there’s one thing every dog deserves, it’s adventure time. More often than not, we spend all our time working, and all they spend is running around in the yard. Dogs love the outdoors. Dogs love to explore. Why not get them out there and on their next adventure? That’s the inspiration for this next item: a doggie life jacket. Take them boating. Take them kayaking. Take them to the lake. Encourage them to explore new surroundings. Maybe they want to jump in the water, but never get around to it. A life jacket is a great way to get them used to the water without tiring them out with endless amounts of paddling. It’s a win-win.

10. Classic Chew Skin

With all the fancy items on the list, sometimes your dog just needs a classic piece of skin to chew on. That hard, chewable piece of animal is what connects to that primal part of their brain. They'll love it. They'll keep busy for hours. Most of all, they'll appreciate it.

Whether it's your dog or a friend's dog, finding something for them isn't always easy. They usually have everything they need. But with a list like this, you're sure to find something new and interesting for your furry friends.

Final words

Our pets are beloved family members, and it’s always nice to give them a gift or two. Dogs are especially appreciated during difficult times, so they absolutely deserve to receive something special from the list above. Choose quality items that will bring them joy for many years to come, and don’t forget to spoil them!