10 Tips for Caring for Exotic Reptiles and Amphibians

10 Tips for Caring for Exotic Reptiles and Amphibians

Having a pet is a wonderful feeling. But if the pet is exotic, like amphibians or reptiles, the excitement increases even more. In addition, petting these unique creatures requires special attention and procedures.

The custom of petting exotic reptiles (lizards, snakes, turtles) and amphibians (frogs, salamanders, chameleons) has become popular and widespread. These pets are called herptyls. Herptyls are reptiles and amphibians that cannot regulate their body temperature. These animals are exothermic in nature and require special care.

If you want to keep your amphibian and reptile pets in perfect condition, the following tips will be helpful:


1. Cells

Cages are where you keep your pet reptile. However, before choosing the type of enclosure, you need to pay attention to the size of your pet.

You should clearly assess how tall they will grow. It is very important to ensure a healthy lifespan for pets. If the cage becomes too small, your pet will begin to suffocate.

For example, keep in mind that green iguanas grow to be 4-6 feet tall. Some boas and pythons can grow to be 20 feet tall. So, the size of your reptile will determine the size of the cage.

When setting up the cage, try to focus on the environmental needs of the pet while it is in the cage. However, you will need to set up a narrow cage with climbing facilities if you want to pet the chameleon. Similarly, turtles need a low but wide cage.

While cages can come in many different types, some are even suitable for glass terrariums or aquariums with a screen. However, care must be taken to ensure that the cage is well ventilated, well lit, heat-proof, and moisture-proof. The cage should also have enough space to feed them their favorite mealworms, roaches, and other nutritious treats.

Floor covering

2. Floor covering

The flooring of the cage is of the utmost importance because your herptile pet will live on it. You need to choose surfaces that do not pose any health risks to your pet.

Remember, the material we use as floor mats or covers is never suitable for reptiles. These covers are chemically treated and have abrasion problems.
There are different types of shelters available in the market that are designed specifically for specific types of reptiles. For example, you can choose reptile covers that do not cause abrasion problems and are safe for the skin of reptiles.

Sand may be another option to consider. However, sand comes into contact with their food and may cause health problems. Gravel may be used instead. But be sure to wash and clean regularly.

Packed peat moss or shredded bark can also be a good alternative.

Don't forget to clean it up

3. Don't forget to clean

Unlike dogs or cats, these reptiles spend most of their time in their cages. It is therefore natural for the enclosures to become smelly and unpleasant. Therefore, regular cleaning is essential for the longevity of your pet.

You should regularly clean cages, grates, flooring, and food scraps. You should also monitor for harmful microorganisms.

Reptiles are susceptible to skin or bacterial infections. Salmonellosis is a disease that occurs from the feces of these reptiles. It is even more dangerous when it comes into contact with humans.

Therefore, it is important to regularly clean the grates, cages, floors and disinfect them to ensure the good health of your pet.


4. Temperature

Temperature is another important issue that requires your attention. Herptyls are cold-blooded animals. This means that they cannot regulate their body temperature and are therefore completely dependent on you.

You must provide the best possible temperature to give your pet optimal living conditions inside the cage.

You can install heat lamps to ensure uniform heating around the cage. However, place the lamps at a height that will prevent your pet from hurting itself or getting burned. Also, place thermometers in two corners of the enclosures to measure the cage temperature.

Hot rocks are not ideal because they may have hot spots and may burn or injure your pet. Also, these rocks may not provide an even distribution of heat throughout the cage.

Regulate humidity

5. Regulate humidity

Reptiles are sensitive to humidity. Too much dryness can cause severe damage to them; death is also possible. In addition, too much moisture can promote the growth of fungi and bacteria, which is also a concern.

Therefore, you need to regulate the humidity according to the specific requirements of your pet. Place a humidity alarm in the cage that constantly updates the humidity in the enclosure. You can keep a vivarium with water filtration to ensure humid conditions. For dry conditions, a dry terrarium is sufficient.

Ensure proper feeding

6. Ensure proper feeding

Herptiles have different dietary needs and are divided into three main categories: carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. All reptiles prefer fresh food and water. Also, clean dishes can affect their appetite.

For carnivores like snakes and lizards, you should provide rodents, mice, rats, crickets, flies, mealworms, etc. Herbivores like iguanas and turtles eat yellow vegetables, fruits, dandelion leaves, escarole, lettuce, etc. Omnivores can eat both types in controlled quantities.

Necessary additives

7. Necessary additives

No matter how carefully you feed your pet herptiles or give them the best foods, they may still lack nutrients. Therefore, it is good to give them vitamin and mineral supplements for reptiles. These supplements can help your pet's skeletal growth. They also help digestion and stimulate appetite.

Regular veterinary examination

8. Regular veterinary examination

To ensure your pet grows normally, it is best to see a vet and have them checked to find out about any emerging diseases long before anything happens. Most reptile diseases are caused by poor husbandry.

Quarantine New Reptiles

9. Quarantine of new reptiles

Another major cause of disease spread is mixing new ones with established ones. Do not put new ones in the cage of an older one. Quarantine for at least 3-6 months before mixing reptiles.

Do not use the same utensils, food, or gloves that you used for quarantine.

Basics of Handling Reptiles

10. Basics of Handling Reptiles

Reptiles don't like to be hugged. Herptiles are exotic and have unique needs. Some can even become very nervous when in close contact with people. It's best to consult with your vet to see if you should hug them at all.

Final thoughts

These tips mentioned above and good husbandry practices will ensure that your pet is in good and healthy condition. Exotic pets are not that difficult to tame once you get used to the basics.