10 Helpful Tips for Walking Dogs

10 Helpful Tips for Walking Dogs
Taking your puppy to the park seems like a no-brainer. All you need is your dog, a collar, and a leash, and you’re good to go. However, a few items can help make the walk safe, fun, and comfortable. Here are ten helpful dog items that will take your walk to a whole new level.

Collar with tag

You have hundreds of options when it comes to choosing a good collar for your puppy. When buying a collar, there are two things to consider: it should be comfortable and it should be secure. The collar should fit around the dog's neck. Insert two fingers between the collar and the dog's neck. If you can fit your fingers, this is a good sign that your dog has not been choked, the collar fits your dog and there is no chance of the collar slipping over your dog's head. Make sure the collar has a strong buckle that will not break when you press on it. Always make it a habit to check and make your dog's ID tag visible and all your information will be there.


If you are a new fur parent, do not buy a long leash or an extendable leash as it can do more harm than good. According to experts, flexible leashes make dogs move because they always feel a tingling sensation on their neck which makes them go crazy and run somewhere. Also, when you are 15 feet away from your dog, you will find it difficult to get their attention. If you are looking for an alternative, experts recommend a rope leash to all dog owners. This type of leash is made of cotton which gives softness and makes your journey relaxed and fun. It is not too long so you can keep your dog under control.

Poop bags

If you're walking your dog, be sure to bring a small plastic bag with you. You never know when or where your dog will have a precious moment, so a small plastic bag will come in handy when that happens. It's easy to slip a plastic bag or two into your pocket when you leave the house, so don't forget about this fun little moment when you're taking your dog for a sunny stroll.


One tip that experts recommend when walking your dog outside is to always take your phone with you. While this is stated, keeping your vet’s number handy will make your phone useful if an unexpected event occurs involving your dog. You never know what might happen on the road, and it’s always better to be prepared than sorry. Plus, taking your phone with you will be able to take plenty of photos of yourself and your dog.

Dog Wipes

Your dog can poop anywhere, and there may be something that can linger on his back. To keep your dog clean and presentable at all times, carry a pack of dog wipes with you. If you are not prepared for this scenario, a sheet may be your best option to help you finish the job, but it may cause anxiety in your dog. When buying dog wipes, choose soft and moist ones, as they provide a feeling of comfort to your dog.

Dog treats

It takes time and effort to teach your puppy obedience and leash manners, so it’s best to bring treats when your dog is fussy in public. This will help you tame them. Also, rewarding your dog is a form of encouragement and a job well done so that the next time you take them for a walk, they will be better. Choose small, soft, chewy, and meaty treats that your dog only gets when they are out for a walk to make them feel special.


If walking tires you out, so does your dog. As a responsible owner, you should bring water and a bowl to keep your puppy hydrated. Dogs need to stay hydrated just like humans, and since they can’t ask you for a drink, it’s your job to keep an eye on their situation. There are plenty of options available, from water bottles to cute bowls that can be folded for more portable use. Some bowls also allow you to share the bowl with your puppy, which is safe and hygienic.

10 Helpful Tips for Walking Dogs


To take your walking experience to a whole new level, bring a toy with you. This will make your puppy go crazy and wild. You can also think of it as a reward during walks. Many dogs like to carry a toy with them, so bringing a small toy, like a tennis ball, is a great thing. Use this to reward them when they do good things.

Reflective collar

If you prefer to walk your dog at night, you need a reflective collar. This will help you protect your dog and make him visible at night. There are battery-powered collars that hang from your dog's collar and light up. These collars are rechargeable LEDs, so you just need to charge them after use. Having a reflective collar may seem unnecessary, but the suggestion makes your dog visible at night.

Weather gear

Some people enjoy going for walks in bad weather, and there are dog breeds that do the same. Dressing your dog in the right clothes can help them feel comfortable in cold weather and be more tolerant of strong winds. As a dog owner, you should keep in mind that not all dogs need to be dressed. Remember that small dogs, older dogs, or dogs with less fur get cold more quickly in bad weather and may benefit from additional clothing underneath their clothes.

Now that you are ready to have a fun day with your dog, don’t forget to give them attention. Always check on them to see if they are tired or if they need water. They can’t ask directly, so pay attention to their needs.