13 Most Famous and Mystical Ghosts of Moscow

People have always been interested in paranormal phenomena, but if a couple of centuries ago they were afraid of meeting otherworldly forces, now the situation has changed. Ghosts and spirits have become very popular, thanks to horror films and psychic shows. You can find many answers to the question: "How to summon a ghost?" on the Internet.

If you live in the capital or are planning to visit it in the near future, do not miss a unique opportunity: to see phantoms with your own eyes. Below is a selection of the most famous ghosts of Moscow. If you live far from the capital, but are looking for thrills, pay attention to our rating of the scariest horror films in the world.

13. Black Monk

nkj3aztxYou can meet this otherworldly guest in the Aleshkinsky forest (Khimki forest park). His story is unknown. He is a tall, thin man, very pale. He is dressed in a monk's robe. There is one difference from ordinary monks: his head is covered with a hood. They say that he appears only in rainy weather. He likes to talk and often tells people how to save a lost soul. Park guests who have never heard of him may mistake the ghost for a madman. Remember: you should never talk to him, otherwise misfortune will happen to your family.

Interesting fact. The Black Monk was seen on the eve of terrible events: the terrorist attack in the underground passage on Pushkinskaya Square and the tragedy at the Nord-Ost.

12. Lavrentiy Beria's limousine

qq2o0gl3Lives on Malaya Nikitskaya Street. The ghost car drives up to the house where this politician once lived. Usually it stops there, and then Beria's ghost gets out of the limousine and gives orders to the driver and guards. If rumors are to be believed, Lavrenty Pavlovich offers girls a ride in a luxury car. The frivolous beauties who said "Yes" to the ghost were never seen again. Most likely, this is fiction, but Beria really did have a weakness for beautiful women.

11. The ghosts of Alexander Herzen and Nikolai Ogarev

bznb14bcOn the observation deck of Vorobyovy Gory you can see two unusually dressed men. These are the ghosts of Alexander Herzen and Nikolay Ogarev. It was at this place that the friends swore eternal friendship, and they also promised each other to fight for the freedom of their country. Both Herzen and Ogarev died far from their homeland, but they are still drawn to Russia. The ghosts do not harm people, and MSU students even believe that they bring good luck.

10. Old Man Kusovnikov

oxa5hbsiMyasnitskaya Street also has a bad reputation. A rather famous ghost lives here – old man Kusovnikov. He lived here with his wife in a huge mansion (on the site of houses 17 and 19). They were very rich, but they saved on everything. Soon, disaster struck: they lost all their fortune. The Kusovnikovs kept their money in a large box, and this time they decided to hide it in the stove. A servant lit a fire, and only some of the banknotes were saved. Kusovnikov’s wife could not stand it and died, and Alexey spent the rest of his life trying to get his wealth back. Attempts to exchange the burnt banknotes were unsuccessful, but even after his death, Kusovnikov does not retreat from his goal. The old ghost still regrets the lost money. To prevent this story from repeating itself with you, keep your money in reliable banks, and not under your pillow.

9. Black cat

izybrh1yAnother kind ghost, considered to be the prototype of Bulgakov's Behemoth. He was seen on Tverskaya Street, near the Museum of the Revolution. The black cat appears out of nowhere, crosses the road and hides in the building. He does not pay attention to people, there is no need to be afraid of him. The ghost brings good luck.

The black cat is a famous figure and was even included in the International Ghost Directory.

8. The Barber's Dead Wife

rvnxgsboThe ghost of a barber's dead wife lives in a house on Lefortovsky Lane. A classic of the genre. He loved her and was very jealous. Soon the man lost the last of his mind, he saw rivals everywhere. He killed his wife with a razor. For a long time, she frightened students, there used to be drawing workshops here. Now the house is a police station. Apparently, the dead woman does not dare to disturb them. Nothing has been heard from her for a long time.

7. The Ghost of the Frenchwoman Juju

zlktu4reFrenchwoman Zhuzhu is the lover of Russian businessman Savva Morozov. The ghost lives on Kuznetsky Most. The girl worked in one of the shops as a model. A tragic accident. Zhuzhu was riding in a carriage on the bridge when she heard a newspaperman shouting about Morozov's death. She hurried to buy a newspaper and went out onto the roadway. She was immediately hit by a carriage. The woman could not be saved. A day later, the newspaper seller was found dead. He was strangled with a stocking. Some believe that Zhuzhu did it, and this is not her only victim. Residents of Moscow occasionally meet a mysterious girl in white, who easily glides along the sidewalk and does not look at passers-by ...

6. Ghost Train

1cozemkjAt night, you can see a ghost train on the Circle Line. It travels counterclockwise. Tour guides love to talk about it. They say that the train carries dead prisoners who died during the construction of the metro. Moscow metro employees do not comment on this story.

5. The Ghost of the House on the Embankment

va5dgztuSerafimovich Street 2. This house should be avoided by anyone who is afraid of meeting ghosts. The house was built in 1931. The place where they decided to build it is not the most favorable. Some archaeologists believe that torture chambers were located here earlier, which were very popular during the times of Ivan the Terrible. Also, in the 30s, there were several suicides in the house; the repressed had no other way out. Residents say that strange things constantly happen here. Voices and music are heard in empty apartments. Phantoms and unusual phenomena are also not uncommon.

4. Book expert Rubakin

gqamcdh2The ghost of the bibliologist Rubakin lives in the Russian State Library. Nikolai Aleksandrovich is known for having compiled a guide for readers, thanks to which one can easily find the necessary book. He also bequeathed his entire collection of books to the USSR library. Rubakin's footsteps can be heard in the reading room. The ghost likes to watch readers and can even help in finding a particular book.

3. Ghosts of the nobles Khovansky

3eoniwkiGhosts are famous for their evil deeds. They are found on the Yaroslavl highway and often cause car accidents. Ivan Khovansky and his son led the Streltsy rebellion, for which they paid with their lives. Princess Sophia ordered them to be beheaded and thrown into the swamp. Ghosts appear on the road and ask drivers to put in a good word with the princess. They want to be buried according to Christian custom. The ghosts look scary, they hold their heads in their hands. An eerie sight, even horror movie lovers cannot cope with their fear.

2. The Gray Carriage

pipxk1cwAnd again Kuznetsky Most. In the 19th century, there were many gambling houses here. Players told each other the story of a mysterious gray carriage. The coachman again waited for losers, offering them a ride home for a symbolic sum. People who got into the carriage disappeared without a trace. They say that now, instead of a carriage, you can see a battered "six" there.

1. The Ghost of Princess Sophia

vavsbxnfVisitors to the Moscow Hotel won't have to go far to meet the local ghosts. A ghost nun lives nearby. This is Princess Sophia. After Peter I came to power, the girl was sent to a monastery. She was in love with Prince Vasily Golitsyn, and there was an underground passage in this place. It connected the Kremlin and Golitsyn's chambers. That's why the ghost often comes here. Don't be afraid, it won't harm you. Sophia is just looking for her lover...

If the capital's ghosts haven't scared you, you can meet those who live in the castles of Denmark, Austria and other countries.