15 Most Beautiful Places in Russia According to Google Maps

Google Maps has compiled a selection of the most beautiful places in Russia. And we present them to your attention. Perhaps you will want to spend your vacation in one of these places.

15. "Sevkabel Port", Vasilievsky Island, St. Petersburg

Sevkabel portSevkabel port 2

A cultural centre on the site of a former factory, which regularly hosts exhibitions, creative studios, fairs and other cultural events.

Residents of the Northern capital and visitors to the city love this place for its beautiful view of the Gulf of Finland, as well as for the many cozy restaurants and cafes where you can have a tasty and inexpensive lunch.

14. Stolby Nature Reserve, Krasnoyarsk

Stolby Nature ReserveReserve Stolby 2

One of the most beautiful places in Russia appeared on the initiative of the residents of Krasnoyarsk in the distant 1925. Since then and to this day, "Stolby" remains a popular place for sports and recreation. Here, stolbism was formed - rock climbing and informal communication in the bosom of nature.

13. The Don River

The Don RiverDon River 2

According to Google experts, a walk along one of the most beautiful and longest rivers in Russia is a great way to get to know Rostov. We won't argue with that, will you?

12. Shartash stone tents, Yekaterinburg

Shartash stone tentsShartash stone tents 2

These natural stone structures are located right within the city limits of Yekaterinburg. Their distinctive feature is the mattress-like shape of the slabs, which appeared due to the weathering of granite. Although there is a theory that these tents are man-made megalithic structures with an unclear purpose.

There are many such stone tents in the Urals, but the Shartash ones are the most famous and picturesque.

11. Stadium of FC Krasnodar

Stadium of FC KrasnodarStadium of FC Krasnodar 2

One of the most beautiful sports facilities in Russia is called the Krasnodar Coliseum. And after looking at the video and photos, you will understand why.

10. Ermak Stone, Perm Region

Ermak Stone1fne1zon

This majestic rock massif, located on the Sylva River, is one of the favorite places of Perm climbers.

According to legend, Ataman Yermak, having confused Sylva with Chusovaya, climbed up to Kungur Mountain and set up winter quarters there. Later, local residents named one of the most beautiful rocks in Russia in his honor.

9. Museum ship "Goto Predestination", Voronezh

Goto Predestinationkqq0novm

The beautiful name "Goto Predestinatsia" (translated from German and Latin - "God's Foreknowledge") was given to the first battleship of the Russian Navy, laid down in 1698 at the Voronezh shipyard.

It did not survive to this day, but the current museum ship is an exact historical copy of its "ancestor". The two-deck vessel is designed for 50 passengers and 5 crew members, is equipped with 32 guns of various calibers, and the museum exposition includes over 700 items from the everyday life and military service of 18th century sailors.

8. Bridge on Russky Island, Vladivostok

Russian IslandRussian Island 2

This beautiful island, covered with dense broad-leaved forest, received its name from Count N. N. Muravyov-Amursky. Either in honor of Russia, or in honor of the Russian mountain located on it.

The island is famous not only for its magnificent bridge, but also for the fact that the first observation point in Russia was built on it, which protected Vladivostok from dangerous diseases such as plague, cholera, etc.

Nowadays, Russky Island is one of the most popular places for recreation for Vladivostok residents. There are no industrial enterprises polluting the atmosphere and water, therefore

7. The "falling" tower of Syuyumbike, Kazan

Syuyumbike TowerSyuyumbike Tower 2

One of the most interesting and beautiful sights of Russia has been “falling” for several centuries.

Historians cannot come to a consensus on when Syuyumbike was built, but they eventually agreed that it was erected between 1645 and 1650. However, scientists have no disagreement about the deviation of the spire from the vertical, it is exactly 1.98 meters. As for the height of the tower, it is 58 meters.

No one knows why the building began to lean to one side. The most popular assumption is that it was due to a construction error. The strong frame stopped the fall.

6. Kaolin quarry, Chelyabinsk region

Kaolin quarry 2chx3v101

You can put the hashtag #fairytalebali without leaving Russia. It is enough to visit the Kaolin quarry near Kyshtym, which was nicknamed the Ural Bali. The quarry, where raw kaolin was mined, was flooded in 2011, and is distinguished by an amazing azure-turquoise shade of water. This is explained by the presence of the same kaolin. But there are no fish or other living creatures in the quarry, there are too many minerals and clay in it.

5. Cape Khoboy, Olkhon Island, Irkutsk Region

Cape KhoboyMys Khoboy 2

The Buryats have a legend about the formation of this cape. A woman envied the palace that was granted to her husband and asked the celestials for the same. The Tengris became angry and turned the envious woman into a rock, saying that she would remain a stone as long as there was evil and envy on earth.

By the way, if you look at Cape Khoboy from the water, its outlines really resemble a female figure. That is where its other name comes from – Virgo.

4. Lake Teletskoye, Altai

Lake TeletskoyeLake Teletskoye 2

"Golden Lake" is what Altyn Nuur, one of the names of Lake Teletskoye, sounds like in Mongolian. According to legend, one Altai man wanted to exchange food for himself and his family for gold during a hungry year. But no one sold him food, and in despair he threw the gold into the lake and jumped in after it.

It was named Teletskoye 400 years ago by Russian pioneers because the Turkic Telesy tribes lived on its banks.

Due to its beauty, the lake has become a popular holiday destination; 18 tourist centers and campsites are located on its shores; there are also places for fishing, and bicycle, car and even air excursions.

3. White Tower, Yekaterinburg

White TowerWhite Tower 2

This unique hydraulic structure is a monument of constructivist architecture, once forgotten, but now transformed into a cultural site.

Thanks to the actions of the Podelniki archgroup and financial assistance from the Vnimanie foundation, founded by Ilya Varlamov, lighting was installed in the tower, which had been abandoned for a long time, and a lightning rod was installed. Now Vnimanie is looking for money (about 4 million rubles) to reconstruct the unofficial symbol of Uralmash.

2. Rybachy Peninsula, Murmansk Region

Rybachy PeninsulaRybachy Peninsula 2

Google experts also included this sparsely populated peninsula, which has only 3 settlements, among the most picturesque corners of Russia.

After World War II, the peninsula was home to numerous military garrisons, as Rybachy is located in close proximity to NATO member Norway. Most of these garrisons are now closed, and only recently has the peninsula become accessible to visitors.

1. Oka and Volga Rivers, Nizhny Novgorod

The spit of the Oka and VolgaOka and Volga River Arrow 2

One of Russia's most interesting natural landmarks is located at the confluence of the Oka and Volga rivers. It used to serve as a port for cargo ships sailing to and from Nizhny Novgorod.

And in 2016, underground bunkers built during the Cold War in case of a nuclear strike were found on the territory of Strelka.