The cutest and most cute animals in the world: TOP-20 photos

Among the huge variety of earthly fauna, there are both disgusting and creepy creatures, as well as animals that can rightfully be called "cute".

Having studied several websites dedicated to zoology, we have selected 20 specimens that can claim the title of "cutest animals". This top is not only pleasing to the eye, but also useful, because it will give you positive emotions that are so lacking in a stressful life.

20. Meerkat


Despite looking almost identical to its other mongoose relatives, this little animal is famous for its human-like posture and love of hugging. Meerkats hug each other at sunset to keep each other warm.

These agile creatures can be found in the deserts of South Africa and parts of Angola. Highly social, meerkats live in “gangs” or “clans” of around 20 members, although some larger families can contain up to 50 individuals.

19. Koala

Cute Koala

This cuddly marsupial (which is not actually related to a bear) can be found in the wild in the eucalyptus forests of Australia. However, most of us are used to seeing these cute, furry animals in zoos.

Despite its attractive appearance, the koala has a rather vicious disposition. But this did not stop us from including it in our top 20 very cute animals.

18. Red Panda

Red Panda

Also known as the lesser panda and red cat-bear, this small animal is famous for its thick red or hazel colored fur with yellow tips on its back. The red panda is a true "owl", active at dusk and at night, and usually sleeping during the day.

Unfortunately, there are very few red pandas left in the wild (according to various estimates, from 10,000 to 2,500 individuals). But these fluffy creatures reproduce well in captivity, so there is a chance to see a red panda at least in a zoo.

18. Clownfish


There are about 30 species of clownfish found in the wild, all sporting distinct color patterns. The largest species of one of the most beautiful fish in the world reaches up to 18 centimeters in length, while the smallest barely reaches 10 centimeters.

17. Chinchilla


One of the cutest pets. Because of its extremely soft, plush fur, the chinchilla was a favorite hunting object and was once even on the verge of extinction.

You are unlikely to see these little animals in the wild, as these rodents usually live at dizzying heights in the Andes, Argentina, and Chile. However, you can easily find a chinchilla at your local pet store and choose one as a pet.

16. Roe deer

Roe deer, cute

This beautiful and graceful creature belongs to the deer family. Its characteristic features are brown-orange skin, slender legs and sharp little hooves. The roe deer has a tail, but it is not visible under its thick fur. Roe deer are found in many countries around the world, including Russia.

15. Alpaca


Alpaca wool is mainly used to make sweaters and warm blankets, and it also gives these calm, domesticated animals a cozy and attractive appearance. Unlike other members of the camelid family, alpacas do not spit at people. But they do spit at each other when competing for food.

14. Bee Hummingbird

Bee Hummingbird

The smallest bird in the world comes from the Island of Freedom, Cuba. The bee hummingbird got its name because it acts like a bee – pollinating plants. Its wings beat 80 times per second – so fast that the human eye perceives them as a blur.

13. Belok


A newborn Greenland or Caspian seal is one of the most attractive and innocent creatures in the world. They have large black eyes and snow-white fur. Because of their fur, seal pups are an object of the fur trade. Would you raise your hand to such a charming creature?

In 2009, Vladimir Putin introduced a complete, albeit temporary, ban on hunting whitecoats, khokhlushkas and serks (different age groups of seal pups).

12. Giant Panda

Giant Panda

Perhaps soon all we will have left to do is admire this cute animal in photos. Giant pandas are endangered, and there are about 1,600 of them left in the world. The reason for this is mainly due to deforestation, as pandas are heavily dependent on bamboo trees. Adult pandas eat up to 30 kilograms of bamboo and its shoots daily.

11. Fennec Fox

Fennec Fox

This small, nocturnal fox lives in the Sahara Desert. Its most attractive features are its large ears and pointed muzzle. Its cute appearance makes the fennec fox one of the most beautiful animals and an ideal candidate for domestication, especially since it is slightly larger than one of the smallest cats in the world.

10. Snowy Owl

Polar owl

An owl isn't what usually comes to mind when you think of the word "beautiful," but that's not the case with the snowy owl. This large, snow-white bird is found on some islands in the Arctic Ocean, as well as in the tundra zones of Greenland, North America, and Eurasia.

Snowy owls are predators and skillfully hunt rabbits, rats and other small animals at night.

9. Capuchin


Some of the cutest animals in the world are easy to train, smart, cheerful, in a word, ideal pets for active and cheerful people.

They have a funny habit of rubbing their fur with scented substances, so keep perfumes and strong-smelling ointments away from Capuchins.

8. Long-eared hedgehog

Long-eared hedgehog

This small, spiny mammal is one of the cutest animals on the planet thanks to its small size, long snout and, of course, large, rounded ears.

As with all animals, baby hedgehogs look much cuter than adults and can melt even the hardest heart.

7. Flying squirrel

Flying squirrel

The only representative of the flying squirrel family that lives in Russia. Between the front and back paws of the flying squirrel there is a wide fold of skin. It is called the gliding membrane and plays the role of a parachute for the animal.

The flying beauty has long and thick fur (thicker than that of ordinary squirrels), but it has a thin flesh side. And for the better, since this saves flying squirrels from becoming objects of the fur trade.

6. Wombat


"Wombat, kitty, kitty, wombat." Admit it, did the lines of this animal hit immediately pop into your head at the mere word "wombat"?

In appearance, the furry giant is very reminiscent of a bear cub or an overgrown hamster. The wombat weighs up to 45 kg, has sharp teeth and can run up to 40 kilometers per hour, and over short distances it is even faster. In general, do not anger the wombat.

5. Dolphin


This delightful sea mammal is considered the national animal of Greece. As the ancient Greek poet Oppian said: "Nothing has ever been created in the world more beautiful than the dolphin!" And looking at the photos of the cutest animals in the world, it is difficult to disagree with Oppian.

4. Raccoon

Raccoon is cute

Raccoons may be the cutest animals to ever rummage through a trash can. But most of them aren't afraid to show you their teeth if they feel threatened. Plus, their little paws are equipped with very sharp claws. So it's best not to pet a wild raccoon, or even a domestic one, unless their owner gives permission.

3. Arctic fox

Arctic fox

The Arctic fox's beautiful white coat may make you think that it is a gentle and pampered creature. However, this animal can withstand incredibly harsh conditions - down to minus 50 degrees during the Arctic winter. Arctic foxes may be adorable, but they are certainly tough and tough beasts.

2. Emperor Tamarin

Emperor Tamarin

A delightful white beard and moustache give this monkey the appearance of a mentor who is about to utter some ancient wisdom. However, the “mentor” is not very tall. Tamarins grow up to 25 centimeters in length, which makes them one of the smallest monkeys on the planet.

1. Ili pika

Ili pika

It’s highly unlikely that you’ve heard of the Illy pika, let alone seen one in person. This cute, rabbit-like creature was first discovered in China in 1983, and was only seen for the second time in 2014.

The unique species is found in the mountainous regions of northwest China and is believed to have declined by 70% over the past 15 years.