20 Most Amazing Mysteries of the World

Many secrets and mysteries have accompanied humanity since the emergence of our Universe. People are surrounded by a large number of inexplicable phenomena that the greatest minds of all times and nations are trying to uncover. But there are still secrets that remain unanswered. We have compiled a rating 20 Most Amazing and Unsolved Mysteries of the World according to X-Files magazine.

20. Funnels in Yamal

2gcjrs1lIn the summer of 2015, a crater with a diameter of about 100 meters appeared in the ground in Yamal, Siberia. After some time, another hole appeared in another place, but with a smaller diameter. According to eyewitnesses, the appearance of the second hole was accompanied by smoke and a bright blinding light.

After that, in November, an expedition was assembled to the bottom of the funnel. Scientists took samples for research, but have still not been able to explain the reason for the appearance of these deep black holes. The only reliable fact is that the distance between the craters that appeared and the permafrost line is the same.

19. The Walrus of St Pancras

g0431hrbSt Pancras is a London railway station that became famous thanks to archaeological excavations in 2003. A burial site dating back to the early 19th century was found on the site of an old church.

At that time, such burial grounds were a frequent occurrence due to the constant epidemics. In one of the coffins, a family of 8 people was found together with a sea animal - a walrus from the Pacific Ocean. Scientists still cannot explain what the walrus was doing in the 19th century more than 13,000 kilometers from home and how it got there.

18. The D.B. Cooper Case

eeme3rlmThe most notorious crime of the second half of the 20th century, organized by D.B. Cooper, remains unsolved to this day. On the eve of Thanksgiving, a young man boarded a Boeing 727 flight to Seattle. Having told the flight attendant that he had a bomb, Cooper demanded a ransom of 200 thousand dollars and 4 parachutes.

The terrorist's demands were met by the FBI, after which the plane took off and landed safely at the destination airport. Cooper released all the hostages except the pilots and the flight attendant. He then demanded that the plane be lifted into the sky and flew towards Mexico. Somewhere in the middle of the flight, D.B. Cooper jumped out and has not been found to this day. Perhaps he simply crashed.

17. Max Headroom's Ether Infiltration

4hh1z3g3During the broadcast of the famous series "Doctor Who" in 1987, an unknown person in a mask of Max Headroom managed to interrupt the live broadcast. The burglar said something inarticulate and, after 90 seconds, disappeared.

The incident took place on November 22 in Wyoming. At the same time in 1963, President John Kennedy was assassinated. Some still believe that these events are connected. Let us recall that Max Headroom is a fictional character created by George Stone, presented as an artificial intelligence.

16. Rain of meat

inwmnofcAnother amazing thing happened in Kentucky. Pieces of meat fell from the sky for half an hour, which is confirmed by newspapers of that time. The meat tasted like mutton. The incident happened more than 100 years ago in 1876 in the Bath area.

At the moment, an explanation for the past phenomenon has not been found. Scientists suggest that the cause could be cyanobacteria, which, when released into the atmosphere, swell to the size of a good steak.

15. The Man with the Iron Mask

xi5htavsProbably everyone has heard the legend of the man who wore the iron mask, from movies or books. This mysterious story happened in France during the troubled times of the 17th century.

Scientists have yet to establish the identity of this mysterious man or the reasons why he wore it. In fact, historians claim that the mask was not made of iron, but of black leather with metal fasteners.

14. The Secret of the Hinterkaifeck Farm

1wb5cbpgThe incident took place on April 4, 1922, on a farm in Hinterkaifeck, Germany. What happened resembles a classic horror movie scenario. In a remote wilderness, an unknown person brutally murders 6 people with an ordinary hoe.

The mass murder of all the residents of the house remains the most mysterious crime committed in Germany. According to official information, the investigation is still ongoing, but there is no guarantee that the killer will be punished. He may already be dead.

13. The Golden State Killer

cqmepkqnThis is an American story about a serial killer who operated during the late 20th century. He committed many crimes, according to police estimates, about 50. The maniac robbed, raped and killed his victims.

People who survived his attacks claim that the man called them and taunted them after committing the crime. The killer has now been arrested.

12. Mysterious hum

zlu2t24cThere are many stories from people all over the world about how at one fine moment a sound suddenly appears, reminiscent of a terrifying hum.

A particularly unusual phenomenon is the "Taos Noise" coming from the desert.

Scientists have spent a lot of time trying to explain this phenomenon. One thing is clear: this is not a hallucination caused by the brain, as there are quite a few eyewitnesses. However, the cause has not yet been found.

11. Sailboat Maria Nebesnaya

4tazsujkA fairly well-known story in narrow circles of people who love stories about ghost ships. One of them is the legend of the sailing ship "Maria Nebesnaya", whose crew disappeared without a trace under mysterious circumstances.

According to researchers, the crew abandoned the ship not because of a storm, but for their own unknown reasons. All the valuables and money were in place, as was the cargo. One can only guess what made the crew leave the ship in a hurry.

10. Wow signal

bhpaplpeThe events of this phenomenon date back to 1977. Astronomer Jerry Ehman receives a strange signal from space, on the printout of which he writes the word "Wow!"

The scientific world generally believes that the received radio signal is proof of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. However, the signal was hopelessly lost, and all attempts to catch it again were unsuccessful.

9. Tarrare

4otgfrbhThis was the name given to a man who could eat anything. Tarrare staged performances in which stones, animals, and a basket of whole apples were served as dishes. The action took place in France at the end of the 18th century.

The physiological characteristics of this man are still unknown. Historians claim that in life Tarrare was no different from those around him and had an average build. Or perhaps he was just a skilled illusionist, who knows.

8. Silent Twins

0yglc0t5The story begins in the 1960s, when mysterious twins June and Jennifer Gibbons are born in Wales. Throughout their lives, the twin sisters refuse to communicate with other people.

However, this does not mean that they could not speak or hear. The girls communicated with each other perfectly, although it was not always clear what they were saying. Later, when they grew older, they were placed in a mental hospital.

The sisters agreed that if one of them died, the other one must start communicating with others. After some time, Jennifer died under mysterious circumstances. Inflammation of the heart muscle (myacorditis) was diagnosed, although the doctors never found the cause. June kept her promise.

7. Tunguska meteorite

4mh2jaheA powerful explosion, 100 times stronger than an atomic bomb, thundered on June 30, 1908. Even a village located 60 kilometers from the epicenter felt the consequences. Many trees were simply destroyed, and everything around was burned. The official version of this phenomenon says that it was a meteorite.

However, there is no crater or evidence of a celestial impact at the scene. This discrepancy has given rise to many speculations, one of which is Tesla's experiment in teleporting the enormous energy reserves collected in his laboratory.

6. Cicada 3301

y2revu52A more modern phenomenon that began in 2012, someone posts complex puzzles online every year that are hard to solve even for scientists.

The hacker's identity has not yet been established, and the mysterious man has not been tracked down. It is also unknown what awaits the smart guy who solves all the puzzles.

5. The Green Children of Woolpit

whqt2arkThe top five is opened by an event from the 12th century that took place in England. According to legend, two children with green skin came into the village. They claimed that they had escaped from the underworld, where the same green people lived.

This story remains controversial to this day, but sources from those years point to its authenticity. Whether it is true is still unknown.

4. The Voynich Manuscript

rfrqqj3vA manuscript that was probably written in the early 15th century, the Voynich manuscript contains many drawings, sketches, and inscriptions in an unknown language. The document is believed to contain some kind of code, the rules of which were followed by warriors of that time.

At the moment, this is one of the encrypted messages that has not been interpreted. Scientists are still struggling to decipher this manuscript, but so far without success.

3. Tamam Shud

qn5kjnjbThis is the name of a criminal case opened in 1948 in the Australian city of Somerton. A man's body was found on the ocean shore, and in his pocket they found a scrap of a phrase from Omar Khayyam's collection of poems, "Tamam Shud," which means "completed."

The scrap of paper belonged to a book in a car parked near the crime scene. It also contained an incomprehensible code that the police were unable to decipher. In addition, the book contained a nurse's phone number.

Later, during the investigation, a hospital worker told the police that she had given the book to a man named Albert Boxall. However, after some time, a man with the same name and a collection with the same words "Tamam Shud" appeared.

2. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Missing

wfypygye2nd place goes to the disappearance of an entire plane. In March 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 307 disappeared under strange circumstances. After takeoff, the plane gradually deviated from its course for an hour, but then simply disappeared from radar.

No SOS signals were received, the flight was normal. 289 people are missing, the police still cannot determine the reasons. The official version says that the plane crashed in the Indian Ocean, but no wreckage was found.

1. Zodiac

nrivoy5uThe first place goes to the most mysterious and cunning serial killer of the 1960s, known by the nickname "Zodiac". The criminal communicated with the police through local newspapers and media, sending them encrypted messages and cryptograms with information about himself.

The maniac remains at large, despite the fact that many suspects were questioned and tested. However, the evidence found was insufficient to accurately identify the perpetrator.

The case is currently open. Only one cryptogram containing personal information about the Zodiac has been deciphered. The killer himself claims to be responsible for 37 victims, of which only 7 are known to the police.