20 Most Beautiful Cat Breeds in the World

Calling a woman a kitty means paying her a compliment. After all, cats are associated with elegance, grace and independence for most people.

Now, please, take your furry and not so furry pets away from our blue screens. Because now we are going to show you a photo top 20 most beautiful cat breeds. And those who are not included in the list will probably want to take revenge on us right in the slippers. 

Of course, the concept of "beauty" is very subjective. Therefore, in selecting candidates for the title of "most beautiful cat breeds," we were guided not only by personal preferences, but also by the opinions of authoritative publications such as Business Insider, as well as the opinion of judge Joan Miller from the international organization Cat Fanciers' Association. The result is a top 20 breeds that are likely to cause admiring "oohs" and "ahs" from cat lovers. All participants in the list are distributed in random order, since they are all good in their own way.

20. Turkish Angora (Angora cat)

Angora cat with different eye colorsThis elegant longhaired cat has come a long way: from a descendant of a domesticated African wild cat to a completely white and odd-eyed animal, which was recognized as one of the national treasures of Turkey. However, now in the photos of the most beautiful cats you can often see not a snow-white Angora, but a cat of white-red, white-gray or other colors. But there are fewer and fewer pure white representatives of the breed.

The Turkish Angora is inquisitive, loves to “talk” to people, and often makes guttural purring sounds instead of meowing, without opening its mouth.

19. Russian Blue Cat

Photo of the Russian Blue breed This is a graceful, yet muscular cat with a slender body, wedge-shaped head and sparkling emerald-green eyes. She is an excellent rat catcher, distrustful of strangers, very affectionate and playful with children (while not releasing her claws), and behaves delicately and meekly with her owners. An ideal pet for both an apartment and a private home.

18. Persian cat

Persian cat"This breed is the epitome of ethereal beauty," says Joan Miller. Calm, dignified Persians know they are beautiful and take admiration for granted. But if their luxurious, long fur is not maintained, a photo of one of the world's most beautiful cats will resemble a nightmare: a huge, matted mess with huge eyes poking out.

17. Siamese cat

Siamese catOnly nobles and members of the royal family of Siam (modern Thailand) were once allowed to pet these elegant beauties with bright blue eyes and colorpoint coat. They were forbidden to be exported outside the country.

In 1871, Siamese cats, presented to the English consul by the King of Siam, appeared at England's first National Crystal Palace Competition. Journalists immediately called them "unnatural nightmare cats." However, ordinary Englishmen did not agree with the press. They were amazed by the unusual coloring of the animals. Currently, Siamese cats have about 40 coat color variations.

It is interesting that representatives of the Siamese-Oriental group can change the tonality and pitch of the sound to convey their feelings and desires to the owner.

16. Pixie-bob (short-tailed elf)

Pixie bob photoDo you want a miniature, affectionate and loyal lynx to run around your house? Then get a pixie-bob cat, which translates as "short-tailed elf." This breed, artificially bred in 1995, is the result of crossing domestic and wild Canadian and American forest cats.

The result is a cat that is highly trainable, highly intelligent, and very attached to its owner. And at the same time has the appearance of a lynx, only a small one. Isn't it lovely?

15. Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex, a cat of unusual beautyBeneath the fragile elegance of these slender, long-legged cats lies a muscular, hardy body. “The Cornish Rex is considered the most graceful of all cat breeds,” says Joan Miller, “and this is always evident in the way it moves.” High cheekbones, oval eyes, and huge ears give the Cornish Rex a charming, pet-friendly look.

14. Bombay cat

Bombay catThe Bombay resembles a jungle cat. And this is no coincidence, because Bombay cats were originally conceived as miniature black panthers. The breeding of the "pure" Bombay cat lasted four generations. It is difficult not to call such a pet Bagheera.

13. Maine Coon

Maine CoonThe king size and thick, fluffy fur make Maine Coons one of the most beautiful cat breeds in the world. Like other fluffy breeds, Maine Coons need good cat food, with plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Maine Coons are as loyal and friendly to people as dogs. Unlike many other domestic cats, they never demand constant attention from their owner. These affectionate giants adapt to any environment, they are quiet and playful. An excellent option for a home with children who already understand that they should not grab the "kitty" by the whiskers and tail.

12. Abyssinian cat

The Abyssinian cat is one of the most beautiful in the world.One of the oldest cat breeds in the world, Abyssinians have large, expressive eyes and a beautiful textured coat, which is why they are called "sun cats."

Abyssinian cats are some of the most beautiful and cheerful cats in the world. They are energetic, lean, muscular and very similar to the cats depicted in ancient Egyptian paintings. Do not expect these cats to sit quietly on your lap, they need movement and entertainment.

11. Burmese cat

Birman catSilky fur, mesmerizing blue eyes, a lush fluffy tail - all this is about the Birman cat. Kittens are born white, and then their fur acquires its unique shade.

One of the most beautiful cats in the world has a beautiful legend associated with the appearance of the breed. A group of white cats lived in one of the Buddhist temples, guarding a golden statue of a goddess with bright blue eyes. Unfortunately, the head priest of the temple was killed by robbers. One white cat approached the priest, stood on his head and changed before the eyes of the amazed defenders of the temple. The eyes of the animal became blue, the fur golden, and the tips of the paws white, like the hair of the murdered monk. Obeying the gaze of the magical animal, the monks plucked up courage and managed to drive the robbers out of the temple. And the cat stayed next to the body of his master for 7 days, after which he died and took the soul of the monk to heaven. Since then, all sacred Burmese cats have a characteristic color, supposedly blessed by the goddess.

10. Siberian cat

Siberian catThis elegant cat has long, lush fur, ideal for keeping warm in the harsh Siberian frosts. Well, or in conditions when the heating season has already begun, and the radiators in your house are still cold. But the temperament of Siberian cats is not at all harsh, they are gentle, kind, and very smart animals.

9. Bengal (Felis silvestris catus) (Prionailurus bengalensis)

Bengal cat, beautiful photoIn appearance, this cat with a golden-orange coloring is a real mini-leopard. Black or chocolate spots are visible all over its body. The Bengal's movements are full of grace, and its character is a mixture of a wild animal and a domestic cat. These animals are devoted to their owners, sociable, and at the same time adore hunting games. They enjoy chasing a piece of paper or a toy mouse.

The Bengal breed was created by crossing a domestic black cat with a wild Bengal cat named Malaysia, which biologist Jean Mill bought as a kitten.

8. Ragdoll

Beautiful RagdollCats of this breed are known for their blue eyes, lush coats, and large size. Ragdolls are very affectionate, playful, and loyal house cats that love to follow their owners around the house. These cats are smart enough to retract their claws while playing. They are also known to greet you at the door like guard dogs.

7. Scottish Fold

Photo of a beautiful Scottish Fold breedThanks to their wide muzzle and curled ears, these cats look very cute and touching.

Unlike adult cats, Scottish Fold kittens have straight ears. They begin to bend forward and down three weeks after birth. There are both longhaired and shorthaired Scottish Fold cats.

6. Toyger

Toyger tiger catLeopards and panthers have already been in our photo rating of the most beautiful cat breeds in the world. Now it's time for tigers. The breed "toyger" is so named because its representatives look like miniature toy tigers. They weigh from 4 to 6 kilograms.

Toygers are very difficult to find outside the United States. The toy cat breed is still “in development.” The unique tiger stripes are randomly distributed across the light orange body of these cats. Toygers are muscular, have small rounded ears, and a long tail. Unlike their “big brothers,” they are playful, easy to train, and enjoy interacting with people.

5. Norwegian Forest Cat

Photo of the Norwegian Forest Cat breedThese cats are distinguished by their magnificent long hair, which makes them related to Maine Coons and Siberian cats. The Norwegians' necks are surrounded by a luxurious fur collar, which is their distinctive feature.

These animals can entertain themselves if their owners are busy. They are very smart, friendly, but do not like "hugs" and kisses. But Norwegian forest cats are very favorable to stroking and scratching.

4. American curl

American Curl photoAn elongated muzzle, large eyes of a special shape that give the look a slightly surprised expression, small curved ears with rounded tips and woolen tassels inside the shell - by these features you will immediately distinguish the American Curl from other breeds.

American Curls are some of the most affectionate and gentle creatures in the world. To be in the spotlight, these cats are ready to perform various tricks, for which they were even nicknamed "clown cats". They do not tolerate loneliness well.

3. Nibelung

Nibelung cat breedThis is a very rare breed of cat that is a longhaired variety of the Russian Blue. The breed is named after the "creature of the mist" from the Germanic epic "The Song of the Nibelungs".

Nibelungs have beautiful blue fur with silver tipping, large green eyes and pointed ears. They do not adapt well to changes in the home, but they are very attached to family members and love to sit on laps.

2. Munchkin

MunchkinThe first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "munchkin" is short legs. These funny-looking cats are very cheerful and smart. Because of their short legs, it is difficult for them to jump, but "dachshund cats" run quickly. Instead of rising on their hind legs and looking around, the munchkin will sit on its buttocks and firmly push its tail. It can sit in this position for a very long time and looks like a kangaroo because of its front legs hanging down the sides.

1. Turkish Van (Van Kedisi)

Turkish van photoSnow-white fur combined with a red-chestnut tail gives these cats a unique charm. And if you have succumbed to the charm of the Turkish Van and are already thinking about buying a kitten, then keep in mind: you will have a very difficult time bathing your pet. Its fur completely absorbs water.

Many Turkish Vans have a human finger print on their left shoulder. According to legend, a cat on Noah's Ark killed a mouse created by the devil that was trying to gnaw a hole in the ship. For this, the cat received God's blessing. The Lord laid his hand on her.

If your cat's breed didn't make the list, don't worry. Beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder. So look at your cat. Isn't she the most beautiful in the world?