TOP 30 most beautiful places in Moscow: photos with descriptions

Moscow is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Russia, and it has more attractions per square meter than many European capitals. Sometimes even native Muscovites are at a loss as to where to go and what to see. To ensure that your walk or photo shoot in the capital takes place in a cozy and unusual setting, we present to your attention the top 30 most beautiful places in Moscow in 2023-2024. The list includes corners of the capital that have received good reviews on tourist sites and specialized review sites.

Apothecary's garden

Russia's oldest botanical garden is open to visitors every day from 10 a.m. You can sign up for a tour, but it's probably best to just wander around. The garden is beautiful at any time of year; it's cool in the summer and warm in the winter. The garden's Instagram can give you some idea of the beauty hidden behind its modest name.

Arkhangelskoye Estate

A beautiful monument of Catherine's era architecture with all the signs of the times - columns, balustrades, pseudo-antique busts and medallions with the Yusupov family coats of arms. For the beauty of the buildings and the surrounding park, the estate was nicknamed "the Versailles of the Moscow region".


Well, who doesn't know the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy! Having spent the last couple of decades as a wreck with stalls and peddlers, after reconstruction VDNKh was miraculously transformed. Now you can indulge in the joys of cultural recreation both on your own and with friends or family. There are exhibitions, museums, interactive expositions (where you can touch and try on things), bike rental and even a boat station.

Sparrow Hills

The left bank of Moscow, rising to a height of up to 80 m above the river, is one of the most beautiful places in Moscow. It is notable not only for its complex and interesting relief, but also for its observation deck, from where a wonderful view of the city opens up – you can see not only the giant buildings of Moscow City, but also the Novodevichy Convent and even the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Zaryadye Park

lu355r5hd4pa43mnw11ynkkaHere, amidst the bustle of the big city, there is a real oasis of peace and beauty. Over a million different plants have been planted there, including those listed in the Red Book.

The park has many attractions and programs: from “Flight over Russia” on a 13-meter screen and the most important historical events of our country on “Time Machine” to an ice arctic cave, an Underground Museum with various exhibitions and Scientific programs in the Nature Embassy, which will be interesting for both children and adults.

One of the main attractions of the park is the observation deck "Floating Bridge", which offers an excellent view of the city.

Dream Island Park

epyuwtxxbhhsutwjsjufc054The largest indoor amusement park in Europe, where you can take pictures with the characters of popular cartoons and just have a good time with your children for reasonable money. Here you will find monsters from Transylvania and Hello Kitty, and the atmospheric "Abandoned House", reminiscent of an old estate with ghosts, and the Snow Queen's Castle, and many other themed zones.

Not only can you have a great time, but you can also take lots of photos for your personal blog or family album. The only problem is that there may be queues for the rides.

Catherine Park

A small but very beautiful area of living nature, squeezed between two highways and one square. A surprisingly quiet and peaceful place (especially considering its location). And not even too crowded.

Kyiv metro station

The embodiment of the lush splendor of Stalin's times - against the background of white walls, the gilded stucco and bright mosaics, in which the Ukrainian people fraternize with the Russians, stand out especially brightly. And what luxurious lamps there are! Don't forget to walk through the southern vestibule and appreciate all the Byzantine richness of the mosaic images.

Kolomenskoye Estate

The oldest building of the Kolomenskaya estate is the Church of the Ascension of the Lord, which seems to be soaring towards the sky, one of the best examples of tent-roofed architecture. You can also admire examples of wooden architecture miraculously preserved from past centuries - both sacred and economic.

Krutitsy farmstead

Surprisingly, once you get to Krutitsy Podvorye, you will feel as if you are in another time – despite the busy highways nearby, it is quiet here, bees are buzzing, and the nettle thickets seem to be straight from childhood. On the territory you can see church buildings and temples from the 16th-17th centuries that have survived to this day almost unchanged.

Kuskovo Estate

A stunningly beautiful estate built in the 18th century - it looks especially good from the pond, in the calm waters of which the noble proportions of the building are reflected. It was in Kuskovo that films about the Russia we lost were shot, including a series about midshipmen.

Luzhkov Bridge

Officially, the bridge is called "Tretyakov", but people stubbornly associate it with the name of the former mayor of Moscow. The bridge is also called "kissing" - there are several iron trees on it, where lovers hang locks as a sign of the reliability of their feelings (since there are many who want to hang locks, new trees are added regularly). One of the most beautiful places in Moscow for walks - on one side of it are the buildings of the Tretyakov Gallery, and on the other side is the square of the 800th anniversary of Moscow.

Metro station Mayakovskaya

Without a doubt, the most beautiful Moscow metro station, distinguished by the laconicism and elegance of its lines and colors. Its design once created a furor at the international exhibition in 1938, and since then it has continued to delight the eyes of both Muscovites and visitors to the city. Muscovites love and know it to such an extent that when the Moscow government decided to install lamps with a different color shade, the public rebelled. And the lamps were returned.

Beautiful Moscow-city

But this is the fruit of today's Russia, which, incidentally, inherited the USSR's gigantomania. If we were to build, then the tallest buildings in Europe - apparently, this was the principle that guided the project's customers. Moscow-City looks, of course, stunning - dizzying structures made of glass and chrome look especially advantageous against the backdrop of the usual urban landscape.

Moscow Zoo

Be prepared to spend at least 3-4 hours in the kingdom of living nature - otherwise it will be impossible to even briefly examine all the diversity of living creatures. There are many animals there, they live in contentment and even delight people with the appearance of babies. It is better to visit the zoo from Wednesday to Friday - on Monday they have a sanitary day, on Tuesday part of the territory is inaccessible (though tickets will be cheaper), and on Saturday and Sunday - a real crowd.

Victory Museum

It is located in Victory Park, located near the metro station of the same name, so it is impossible to get lost on the way to it. One of the best places to relax with children, especially those who are delighted with military equipment. There are not only tanks and planes from the war, but also cars, trains, the same one-and-a-half ton truck sung by Simonov and much more.

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

One of the largest Catholic cathedrals in the country, built before the revolution. It has a distinctive appearance that evokes associations with high Gothic buildings – the abundance of spires and battlements has an irresistible effect on the romantic soul. The cathedral is located on a quiet street among buildings from the middle of the last century; if you want to take a break from the Gothic, it’s nice to just take a walk there.

Neskuchny Garden

Once upon a time, all the Moscow informals hung out here. Much has changed since then – the informals have moved to other areas, but the garden remains. It is still quiet, calm, beautiful – flowers, trees, gazebos, picturesque bridges over streams and gazebos entwined with climbing plants. One of the most beautiful parks in Moscow, where it is nice to just walk and relax your soul. And a few steps from Neskuchny Garden is one of the most unusual restaurants in Moscow, it is called "Temple of the Snake".

Novodevichy Convent

One of the most beautiful places in Moscow - you can see this for yourself, seeing how the elegant red and white towers of the ancient monastery are reflected in the water surface. It was once founded for the nuns of the royal family and noble families of Russia and is still in operation. However, the requirements for admission have become much lower. Nearby is the famous cemetery of the same name.

Ostankino TV Tower

This symbol and personification of the Soviet era is famous not only for its impressive footage, but also for its observation deck, which offers stunning views of the city. However, it can only be visited during the warm season – from May to October.

Patriarch's Ponds

Although the word "ponds" is plural, in fact there is only one pond left - the others were filled in at the beginning of the 19th century. But around the remaining one they laid out a small park, which has survived to this day. It was in it, according to Mikhail Bulgakov, that two citizens met on a hot summer evening and the tragedy with Berlioz occurred. The ponds can be visited at any time of the year - in the summer it is cool and green, in the winter they organize a skating rink, and during the rest of the year various city festivals.

Metro station Ploshchad Revolyutsii

First of all, Revolution Square is famous for its sculptures depicting ordinary Soviet people – peasants, students, workers, sportswomen, sailors, engineers, and so on. Don't forget to stroke the nose of the border shepherd – it brings happiness.

Prechistenka Street

One of the oldest streets in Moscow, the first mention of which dates back to the 16th century. Since then, Prechistenka has been home to everything from the boyar chambers of the 17th century to the tenement houses of the early 20th century. A walk along it, especially with a guidebook in hand, will allow you to feel how Moscow lived and developed over the past four centuries.

Park Serebryany Bor

Here, a Muscovite, wild from gasoline exhaust, can fall to the broad green breast of Mother Nature. The park itself is located on an artificial island, where, in addition to civilized parks with benches, there are sports grounds, several beaches, an ecological trail and enclosures with animals and birds. Several beaches are also equipped, including one nudist one.

Spaso-Andronikov Monastery

The monastery once towered over the steep bank above the Yauza, of which only the name remains today. It houses one of the most beautiful churches in Moscow. We recommend visiting it if you are delighted by the architecture of pre-Mongol Rus', when churches did not yet have onion domes, but modest helmet-shaped caps.

Tverskoy Boulevard

Tverskoy Boulevard is honorably considered one of the most beautiful streets in Moscow. In addition to its beauty, it is also distinguished by its length – almost a kilometer. Griboyedov, Herzen, Tsvetaeva and other elites of Moscow nobility and intellectuals used to stroll here. Much time has passed since then, and pedestrians have become simpler – but the boulevard is still beautiful.

Frunzenskaya embankment

One of the favorite places for walks of both Muscovites and guests of the capital. It is located in one of the most beautiful places in Moscow, on the bank of the river of the same name, from where a fantastic view of the capital opens up. The buildings are mainly from the beginning and middle of the last century, the styles vary from constructivism to the magnificence of Stalin's skyscrapers.

Tsaritsyno Estate

First of all, the estate is remarkable for its architecture – surprisingly, something like a Gothic cathedral has grown up on the plains near Moscow. This is the impression that the main palace complex of the estate makes, since Empress Catherine the Great wanted to have something original in her park. The estate even has its own ruins of a tower, which was never a whole building. But it does evoke romantic thoughts – you involuntarily start turning around, looking for sinister monks, as well as ghosts of the knightly era.

Tsvetnoy Boulevard

At one time, flowers and flower seedlings were sold here (that is actually why the boulevard got its name). Unlike other old Moscow streets, the architectural appearance of the boulevard is more or less uniform - the buildings here are mostly from the mid-19th - mid-20th centuries. The fashionable constructivist building of the "Literary Newspaper" is adjacent to the House of the Gymnasts' Society and the circus, next to which is a wonderful kind monument to Y. Nikulin.

Japanese Garden

A small but very cozy garden, laid out by a real Japanese under the auspices of the Botanical Garden. Although the garden itself is small - wandering around it for hours admiring the blossoming sakura is unlikely to work - but meditating in the gazebos on the sophistication of Japanese landscape architecture is just the thing.