5 Habits to Become Special to a Man

To become special you don't need so much, but it is the dream of most girls and women of any age and whatever year it is on the calendar. Every girl really wants to be special. For a long time now, appearance alone is not enough to attract a successful man. By focusing only on the external image, a man will value only her. As soon as for some reason her outer wrapper stops corresponding to the ideal, conflicts and quarrels will immediately arise out of nowhere. Yes, the face and figure are the very first thing that attracts, but not for long. After that, any man will expect to see the personality itself behind the outer shell.

These 5 habits have become an integral part of the life of every woman of the highest level.

Apply them and implement them all into your life, and you will definitely have a line of men lining up. And this is not a joke.

1. Organize your life, put it in order

Successful men have achieved their position in society, have acquired resources not only through long and hard work. No. They simply use their time effectively, take care of it, delegate tasks and optimize each of their days! Time cannot be stopped and every hour is valuable for a man, it costs them money, because they have to do a lot. And now, imagine, you appear on the horizon of such a man in all your glory, you fit into his busy schedule. The acquaintance took place, and you agreed to meet in a few days.

Great! And suddenly, from the day you met, strange things start happening. You don’t answer his calls for two hours, you leave his messages unanswered, you promise to call back in five minutes and forget about it. When he arranged the meeting, he offered to agree on a time in advance, but you, referring to the impermanence of your life, said that you didn’t know about your plans and promised to resolve this issue closer to Friday. You said this to a man for whom every hour equals capital! In the end, you agreed on Friday evening, and an hour before the meeting, you text him something like: “Sorry, I can’t meet you, a friend is passing through town. Let’s do it next time.” And don’t forget to add a sad smiley. That’s it. Curtain. The movie is over. There will be no sequel. The man will leave and give preference to the one who knows how to organize her time and keep her promises.

You have two options: either work on getting organized, or your destiny will be slackers and blockheads like you.

Only after thirty do women begin to realize the importance of being in touch on time, answering calls and messages if a man has started to show extra attention. Meetings need to be planned and shown on time. You should respect your man's time, then he will respect you. This is the first step to becoming special to him, because 90% women suffer from their disorganization and complete chaos in their lives. There is no room for a successful man there, and he will not waste his time on such things.

2. The soul must be positive

Men live off of feminine energy. It should always be there in a woman. But how do men know that it is not there? They just look at her face. The most common nonsense is "you have to be a bitch and then men will run around in droves." It is not clear who came up with this, but it is wrong. A man will never stay with a woman for long if she has a dissatisfied face and is always in a bad mood! It is also worth mentioning the show-off and defiant behavior in public. This immediately sat down.

You will have to become special, and you should stock up on the second habit, learn to give your man positive emotions, convey a good mood, become an outlet for him and a pleasant oasis in the midst of his busy workdays.

Thus, you have just answered the eternal question from the topic, why does a man not help me. The very first rule of family life:

"Don't stress a man out, and he'll soon want to stress out for you."

Put a tick next to smile, joy, positivity and turn on this mode by default! They should be reflected on the face the more often, the better. Of course, you don't always want to smile, sometimes it's hard, painful and sad, you can be depressed. BUT! A little bit and without getting on your man's nerves, just a little bit, and then smile again.

You will notice how you will start to stand out against the background of tired, life-clogged women. And not only you. Your man will notice this too and will want to be charged with this positive energy.

3. Engage in your leisure time

If you ask any man whether he would be pleased if a woman herself came up with a topic for a date and entertainment, then not one would answer negatively. And if she also organizes it, then that would be absolutely wonderful!

Many girls do not use this trick to stand out and miss a great opportunity to become special for their man. Few people know that the girl is responsible for the entertainment in a couple. Yes, that's right! If you can't entertain a man, he will go where he can.

Turn on your imagination and come up with the theme and format of your meetings, the place and content of the dates. Don't worry, there will be a million lazy ladies for you who refused to do this. You will be able to impress a successful man with unique conditions, he will probably compare you with other women, and clearly not in their favor. A smart man will immediately decide to be with you. At least because he is interested in you.

You are interesting and active! That's the reason!

The conclusion suggests itself: if the relationship is at an early stage or has already been formed, take on the bulk of your shared leisure time.

You work from morning till night, sometimes around the clock, and you have neither time nor desire for entertainment?! Congratulations - you are a workhorse. There is absolutely nothing good in this. Change the format of your life, otherwise it will not lead to anything good.

4. Flirt!

Flirting is not a game, but a state of mind. If this state is alien to you, then at least do not frown and do not faint from spicy topics on dates. Stories with a twist of eroticism, ambiguous smiles, random slips of the tongue, original comments - will make you special. Leave the boundaries of decency, but do not turn on the slut mode yet. This line is very shaky, and it is difficult to catch. But it is still worth trying. Topics around sex can be allowed, but carefully, piquantly and beautifully, then this will become the sauce that will add flavor to your communication, and a successful man will want to try it again.

Supporting the sexual context and loving sex in all its manifestations, without overt vulgarity, will make you a rare specimen.

5. Inspire and support

A man expects this from you, because in return he gives you stability and security. That's right, that's how it should be. Millions of women have decided that they inspire men by liking photos on his social media profile.


Don't forget that you need to become special:

  • Men love compliments too;
  • the wild joy of his attention will spur him on better than a smiley face under a photo;
  • learn to show your admiration with just a look;

It doesn't matter if it's your first date or if you've been together for several years. Who compliments men? Parents, who always have them as naughty and unfinished porridge? Colleagues at work, who constantly demand success, indicators, and fulfillment of the plan? Friends who are always fighting who is cooler? No. Women should compliment their men. It's so simple! A woman who compliments her man is a rarity, and that makes her special!


"Why should I compliment a man? I'm a girl, and it's me that should be told nice things" - the talk of a potential old maid.

Don't be greedy with admiration. And you will be rewarded with gifts. So go ahead!

Women who implement these habits into their lives will be fought for.