5 Cases of Animal Invasions in Packs

Our love for pets usually extends to cats and dogs. We feel safe around them and love them like our own children. Our civilized world usually does not mix with the wild life of snakes, ferocious beasts and eight-legged tarantulas. But even we are not strong enough to hold back the invasions. Sometimes we are to blame for being intrusive and stepping on their territory. But sometimes we play the role of the victim and try to hide from wild creatures. These 5 scary pack invasions are a reminder that some animals will never be domesticated and we cannot control their behavior.

5. Invasions of a pack of scary animals

When a California couple returned from vacation, nothing could have prepared them for what they found in their home. Hundreds of birds had invaded their home and made a mess. An ornithologist attributed the strange incident to the birds mistaking the house's chimney for a tree. The swarm was not dangerous, but the experience was unsettling. Still, it was not an isolated incident. Many people have reported birds entering their homes through the chimney and wreaking havoc.

5. Invasions of a pack of scary animals

People living in Nevada are used to the idea of scorpions. They are not a threat to humans, but they are still a nuisance. However, the Arizona bark scorpion can be dangerous to children. It is attracted to palm trees, which people insist on adding to their gardens. Therefore, residents often complain of finding scorpions in their homes every day. In one particular case, a pet cat was stung and died shortly after. The problem forced another family to move, fearing for the safety of their children.

5. Invasions of a pack of scary animals

Unbeknownst to her, a kind woman who works in animal rescue, an anonymous person threw some rats into the cage. It took her some time before she discovered that they had multiplied like crazy and she hadn’t even noticed. Suddenly, she was overwhelmed by the situation and found herself knee-deep in rats. She felt very sorry for the rats and wanted to help them, but her neighbors did not hesitate to call the police and complain about thousands of rats from the neighboring house. So if you want to leave some rats at an animal shelter, be sure to inform the person in charge.

5. Invasions of a pack of scary animals

Monkeys may be cute when they swing from tree branch to tree branch, but the situation in India is really getting out of hand. According to the latest estimates, there are about fifty million monkeys roaming the country. Since the species is protected, there is little locals can do about this pest. And they are not harmless either. They steal important things, as well as food, and damage buildings and historical monuments. They also bite, and people risk contracting various diseases. Some consider monkeys sacred, which makes it even more difficult for India to find a solution to this alarming problem.

5. Invasions of a pack of scary animals

Back in 2003, a town in Nevada was overrun by Mormon crickets, which had no qualms about taking over roads, hospitals, and entire streets. This scared away tourists, and many stores were forced to close their doors for several days. Authorities bought $50,000 worth of insecticide and managed to exterminate the Mormon crickets, which was facilitated by the fact that the insects eat their dead brethren. This put an end to the 1.6-kilometer-long column of crickets that scared the living daylights out of locals and forced them to lock their windows and doors tightly.