5 Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day When You're Single

Ah, Valentine's Day! For those who have a significant other, this day is filled with candy, stuffed animals, and romantic dinners. However, if you are single, this day is filled with emptiness and it feels more like the universe is mocking you on this day.

If you are single, do not worry so much! First of all, you should remember that this day as a holiday did not come from our ancestors and it was invented only to make money on the feelings of young people. In addition, many people simply manipulate their loved ones on this day, or impose their feelings on others. If people love each other, no one prevents them from showing their feelings on any other day, and this holiday only emphasizes the feelings of those who are already unsure of their relationships, playing to the public, and dependence on society. Do you need it?

February brings those moments when everyone will be looking for a gift that says "I love you" in the last minutes before or on the 14th. Adapted Valentine's Day has turned into not a Valentine's Day, but a pure commercial move and the meaning of this holiday is too high. Why do we need one day a year to express our love to others? Why not share your feelings when you feel the need to, or just because you want to?

Of course, it is nice to receive and give gifts, flowers, candy, jewelry, to know that someone loves you, and to show attention yourself. However, can this gesture really be meaningful if it is dictated by the fact that on Valentine's Day you need to give gifts to loved ones and not so loved ones? If Valentine's Day is crossed out from the calendar or is cancelled altogether, will you really stop saying "I love you" to your other half, or will you not find a reason to spend a romantic evening together? These are all stereotypes imposed by a commercial decision, a marketing ploy that plays on your feelings and desire not to stand out from the crowd.

The idea of the holiday should not be neglected, but one should understand the exaggeration and scale of the hype around it. Today, society values material values too highly, and pushes people away from the true meaning of Love. The words "I love you" are much more valuable than a big box of chocolates.

So, for the boys who are at a loss for what to buy: put away your wallet and channel your inner Van Gogh. Make your own special Valentine card, even if your drawing skills are far from perfect. It will touch the girl's heart more than a diamond ring. The smallest thought can go a long way.

And for the girls: Valentine's Day is like any other day. Buy yourself that box of chocolates, eat as much as you want, watch those juicy love movies that will make your eyes pop and love yourself because you don't need a man to shower you with gifts and love when you have yourself.

This Valentine's Day, stop stressing about the perfect gift with the highest price tag. Do something that shows you care and love. And whatever you do...don't buy that giant stuffed bear!

And if you don’t have a partner and you have to survive Valentine’s Day somehow, here are 5 ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day alone!

1. Celebrate Valentine's Day!

No boyfriend? Get your single girlfriends together and have a special celebration for yourselves! Who needs a date when you have great company! Your girlfriends have probably spent more time with you and given you more love than all your ex-boyfriends combined, so why not celebrate it. Your bestie deserves it!


2. Congratulate yourself!

Take the most beautiful or the funniest Valentine and sign it for yourself. You can write something like: "Soon you will meet your beloved and the next holiday you will be with him." Go to a romantic dinner and order something that in everyday life you would hardly allow yourself. Buy yourself chocolate and some jewelry, and do not feel guilty about it! Today is your day!

3. Celebrate a different holiday on February 14th!

Although Valentine's Day steals the show, there are actually quite a few holidays that fall on February 14th, including Librarian Day! So if you don't celebrate Valentine's Day, then celebrate another holiday! You might even want to make one up yourself.

4. Dedicate this day to your greatest love: your pet.

Many of you have a pet at home who loves you, perhaps more than all the others who shout about it from every corner. He is your most devoted and loyal friend. He can also be Valentine. Cook him something delicious and spend this day together!

5. Find a replacement for Valentin

If you and your friend are both single this Valentine's Day, why not pretend you're a couple for the day? That way, you get gifts, a romantic dinner, and no feeling of loneliness!

So, to all your fellow singles, this Valentine's Day you have many options to feel loved and chase away your loneliness!