6 Strange Animals That Can Give You Nightmares

We all swoon over cute kittens and adorable puppies and spend hours online scrolling through pages of ducklings, pandas, bunnies, squirrels, or baby elephants. It’s understandable. No one wants to look at bizarre animals that might give you nightmares. Yes, animals are cute, especially when they’re tiny and fierce, and they always make us go “aww” in front of our screens and want to hit the share button. But there’s another side to the animal kingdom that you might not know about. Sure, you’re not expected to know every living thing on Earth, but we’re pretty sure there aren’t that many articles about the following specimens. Get ready to start scrolling through the list of the world’s weirdest creatures.

Bizarre Animals That Can Give You Nightmares

These giant rodents live in South America and can reach a staggering weight of up to 230 pounds (or about 115 kilograms). If that doesn’t scare you, then you should read on to learn about their most special feature. Their teeth never stop growing, meaning they are constantly improving their grip. These semi-aquatic rodents live in groups of 10-20 capybaras up to 100 individuals. Strangely, they are the largest rodents on our planet and their diet consists of only 5 types of grass and some aquatic plants. In some parts of the world, they are hunted for their meat, which can be eaten during Lent.

Bizarre Animals That Can Give You Nightmares

This English type of sheep can have between four and six impressive horns, which definitely adds to their evil Mephistopheles look. No one knows the exact story of their origins, but it is believed that their roots lie in Syria. They are thinner and much faster than normal sheep, as they are an heirloom breed, meaning that humans have not tampered with the breed or changed anything.

Bizarre Animals That Can Give You Nightmares

Ranked as the third largest freshwater fish in the world, the Wels catfish is found primarily in Europe and can weigh up to 270 pounds. You wouldn’t think they’re agile or good hunters given their length and weight, but you’d be surprised at how inventive they can be. They use their bulk to create whirlpools that disorient their prey. The tiny Velcro-like teeth are sure to come in handy when they want to grab their prey and immobilize it in the blink of an eye.

Bizarre Animals That Can Give You Nightmares

This species of frog is native to West Africa and is usually found near rivers and waterfalls. An adult can reach a full size of 12.6 inches (32 cm) and a weight of 7.17 pounds (3.25 kg), which is about the same as a newborn. Tadpoles are quite picky eaters and feed on only one type of aquatic plant, but adults grow up and begin to feed on dragonflies, worms, and locusts. The Goliath frog can live up to 15 years. They are now considered an endangered species and, although they are brought to zoos, they never breed in captivity.

Bizarre Animals That Can Give You Nightmares

If this giant poisonous rodent gives you the creeps, you might be relieved to know that it can only be found in a few remote locations near Cuba. Now that we’ve established how far away they are from us, let’s look at what makes them special. This insectivorous mammal is one of a kind thanks to its poisonous saliva, which helps it kill lizards, frogs, and even other rodents.

Bizarre Animals That Can Give You Nightmares

You won’t believe this bird exists until you do a Google image search yourself. The Potoo is a nocturnal insectivore, notorious for laying only one egg at a time, on a tree stump rather than in a nest. They spend their days camouflaged in tree slums in Mexico and Argentina, with their eyes half-closed. If they suspect danger, they “freeze” and blend perfectly into the background, making it difficult for a potential predator to see them.