7 Most Popular Fortune Tellings for Christmas 2025

The evening of January 6 is the period when you can start fortune telling. According to tradition, on the night from January 6 to January 7, unmarried girls can learn their fate, including the name of their betrothed.

A list of interesting fortune telling for Christmas of the year to find out if you are expecting marriage this year. These Christmas fortune telling do not require special knowledge and preparation to look into the future. You should not take this seriously, but it is an opportunity to spend an interesting Christmas evening with friends.

1. Wax will tell about the future


For this fortune telling you will need a wide bowl of water, a candle and a spoon. The candles need to be crumbled into pieces in a spoon and the spoon heated from below to melt the wax. As soon as the candle melts, pour the wax into the bowl. The near future will be reflected in the frozen figure. All that remains is to listen to your feelings and turn on your imagination. The necessary interpretation will itself emerge in the subconscious.

2: the matches will show the betrothed

It is considered the simplest fortune telling for Christmas. For it you will need a matchbox and two matches. One of them will symbolize the fortuneteller, on the second - to guess the guy. Both matches are inserted into the box on both sides, and light at the same time. When they burn out, the burnt match heads will show whether you will be together, if they are looking at each other. If when burning the matches turned away from each other, then leave this person alone, you are not destined to be together.

3: burning the thread will tell about marriage

For this fortune telling, it is better to gather with friends together. Each girl takes a thread, everyone's should be the same length, and all the threads are set on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns first, she will be the first to get married, and accordingly the rest of the threads: in what order they burn, in that order the friends will get married.

4: find out the name of your betrothed

For this fortune telling, you need to prepare a bowl of water and cut strips of clean paper. On one piece of paper, you need to write the name of the young man you like and crumple all the leaves. All the lumps need to be put in a bowl and then take out one leaf. Take it out no more than three times. Depending on which time the leaf with the name of your loved one falls out. If the first leaf turns out to be with a name, you are destined to be together, the second - there is no exact answer, but there is a good chance of this, the third - it is better to be careful with it, it can deceive. If all three notes are empty - this is not your person. This fortune telling is also better to do together with friends, each should do the same ritual.

5: who will be the groom

For this spell, you need to prepare a transparent glass with a smooth bottom, clean of drawings. Pour three quarters of water, then put a wedding ring, previously washed and cleaned, in the middle of the glass. When the water calms down, now you need to carefully look into the middle of the ring. Popular beliefs say that with great desire and sufficient imagination, you can see the face of your betrothed at the bottom.

6: Future with candles

For fortune telling, you should prepare a bowl of water, nuts and candles of the same size in advance. Each girl should take an empty half of a nut and put a candle in it. The shells with candles are simultaneously released into the water and lit. The girl whose candle finishes speaking first will be the first to get married. And then, in the order of the candles burning out, the rest of the girlfriends will also get married in the same order.

7: Shadows appear at midnight

For this fortune telling about the future, you can also call your girlfriends. Each fortune teller takes a sheet of paper, crumples it and puts it on a flat dish and sets it on fire. When it burns out, a candle is lit in front of the pile of ashes so that the shadow of the pile of ashes falls on the wall. The reflection will tell the near future.

But it is worth remembering, despite the results of this event, do not be upset, treat the process with humor. But you had a good time!