8 Most Interesting Facts About Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead is a holiday dedicated to the memory of the dead, one of the most famous traditions in the world.

It is celebrated on November 1st and 2nd and aims to remember and celebrate loved ones who are no longer with us. Although this tradition is of pre-Hispanic origin, throughout history it has adopted various Christian elements until it became the celebration we know today. Altars are a central part of this celebration; there is usually one per family and it contains photos of loved ones, as well as favorite foods and drinks. The altar is decorated with confetti and, of course, marigold flowers.

Here are eight interesting facts about this incredible Mexican tradition.

1. The celebration of death began with the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica

day of the dead change

There are records of these rituals dating back more than 3,000 years.

2. Combination of traditions

day of the dead cupcakes

During the conquest, Catholic and pre-Hispanic traditions merged, giving rise to the holiday we know today.

3. The Legend of the Day of the Dead


The legend of the Day of the Dead says that only on this day are the dead allowed to visit their relatives on Earth; that is why altars are made, to receive loved ones with what they liked most.

4. Calendula flower

day of the dead 2021

The calendula flower is an element that cannot be missing from altars, as it represents the sunlight that helps spirits reach the Earth.

5. Four elements present

Traditional Day of the Dead Food

Every altar of the dead requires objects representing the four elements: water, fire, earth and wind.

6. UNESCO Intangible Heritage of Humanity

la danza de los viejitos

The Day of the Dead celebration was declared an Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2003.

7. Unique skulls

Colorful Mexican Day of the Dead Sugar Skulls

Literary skulls are also made on this day, which are texts written in rhymed verse that talk about death, often in a humorous way. Several competitions are currently held.

8. Katrinas

Mexican Day of the Dead

The Katrinas were originally a criticism of Mexicans who pretended to be Europeans.