Alexander Zarayev's forecasts for 2025

A. Zarayev – one of the most respectable Russian astrologers. The author of books, articles and astrological calendars, the president of the local astrological school, a follower and student of S. Vronsky, Alexander Zarayev will give a forecast for the next year for different spheres of life. Public figures and politicians resort to his services, he is often invited to television.

Zarayev's forecasts for 2025 for all spheres of life

Alexander Zarayev's forecasts are highly accurate; for example, his information from 2020 was extremely reliable.


In order not to miss a good opportunity, it is important for businessmen and careerists to be vigilant. At the same time, one should not focus on inflated expectations. To succeed, it is necessary to set an achievable goal, use one’s own abilities and make an effort.

In the coming year, it is important to perceive what is happening as a game of lottery, without serious stress or focus on the result.

The first half of the year of the Earth Snake promises calm and predictability for many. The efforts made during this period when working on projects or setting goals will have an impact on the second half of the year, where the dynamics will become more progressive.

Here it is better to focus on the principle of "What goes around comes around" In the New Year, it is important to make a collective effort to develop in such areas as communication, fashion and creativity. The style of business life itself will become more active.


The weakening of control and simplification of laws are planned in public and political life. In the economic, service, medical, legal, insurance spheres this will become most noticeable. Conflicts will be resolved peacefully. If you stick to this strategy in the first half of the year, you will be able to avoid conflicts, scandals and military coups in the second half.

To achieve success, the inhabitants of the East choose the path of manipulation, affection and building positive relationships. To succeed, it is important to be resourceful, hiding true goals and demonstrating good nature.

Such people will be able to make an active breakthrough in the second half of the year to achieve bold goals.

Changes in plans, finding new career paths and a sense of success are expected. If you constantly think about your plans, the New Year will help you realize them.

However, in the first half of the year you should not lose your vigilance; it is important to show understanding and stop criticizing.

Those who love an idle lifestyle and comfort are threatened with failure in business in the second half.

Since many people will show indecisiveness and unwillingness to take risks in the first half of the year, there may be a tendency to default on family or partnerships. This will affect the use of new opportunities in the second half of the period.


According to Zarayev's forecast for 2025, this period will be favorable for creativity and any kind of partnerships, will contribute to business expansion and family creation. Next year, it will be easier for representatives of various signs to achieve reciprocity from their other half.

Women will be romantic, so they will need declarations of love to feel happy. The year is ideal for strengthening marital and friendly relationships. Negative experiences will not confuse. Presumably, the number of divorces will decrease during this period.

Many will not want to experience serious emotional experiences, so they will avoid previously received obligations, as well as making important decisions. Women at this time can become demanding, and men - intuitive. If there is a partnership between spouses, they will be able to avoid conflicts.


It is expected that the coming year will be successful for any undertakings. The bladder and kidney meridians may be overloaded, which suggests avoiding tension and hypothermia. It is important to be able to relax and support yourself in a timely manner. To avoid health problems, it is important to exclude overly salty and spicy foods, as well as reduce the amount of starchy and protein foods.

To strengthen the immune system, gastrointestinal tract, adrenal glands and kidneys, it is important to include cereals, whole grain bread and legumes in the diet. Such products contain many B vitamins, which are necessary for internal organs, healthy skin and mucous membranes, as well as proper metabolism.

Avoid eating spicy or sweet foods, hot food and drinks. It is advisable to limit spices and herbs so as not to overload the pancreas, liver and stomach.

To strengthen health and improve the condition of the skin, it is advisable to take bath procedures, rub down or douse with water.

Who will succeed in 2025?

2024 year promises success to people who are able to cooperate in new conditions. People who know how to show care in relationships and maintain balance will be able to act correctly in new circumstances related to marriage, childbirth or career.

This is a favorable period for traveling, improving your professional level or mastering a new profession, moving or changing the environment. A creative family environment and harmony in relationships help people regain their strength. Many will want to enjoy new events, romantic encounters. At the same time, it is important to maintain good relations with family, neighbors and old friends who can give good advice. It is important to maintain contact with your homeland, distant relatives, to feel a reliable rear, which prevents depression or a feeling of loneliness.

Zarayev's forecast for 2025 will help you achieve harmony in all areas of your life, improve relationships with family, friends or partners, enjoy new acquaintances and impressions, and also try yourself in a new profession.