Akshaya Tritiya 2025

It is the right of every person to decide whether or not to believe in the action of immaterial forces of the universe on his destiny.

But we must admit that everyone knows the warnings of grandmothers from distant childhood about the rules of behavior depending on the state of the Moon. Or special restrictions on operations in medical institutions of different countries (most often, the bans apply to the full moon). This process did not just arise, but has ancient traditions.

During the waxing moon, Akshaya Tritiya or the special day of the year occurs once a year. Each time it falls on a different date and is calculated using specific methods (Akshaya Tritiya in 2025 will be on April 22).

At this time, there is a particularly strong effect of the Sun and the Moon (they have the most energetically strong position). Man has found ways to use this power. It is in the spring, on the third lunar day of the month of "Vishakha", that the foundation for the success of upcoming important affairs is formed.

It is useful for every person to know about its capabilities, to be able to behave correctly, to prepare to receive its energy.

Akshaya Tritiya – what is this festival and why is this day so powerful?

The annual spring festival of Hindus and Jains of India takes place on the most auspicious day of the year and it is called Akti, Akti Teej, Akshaya Tritiya. On this day, the stars, planets send us enormous energy of blessing in destiny, important matters.

It is considered the most powerful day of the Vedic lunar calendar. It is the "third day of endless prosperity." Only once a year (the third lunar day on the waxing Moon) the Sun appears in the constellation of Aries, and the Moon is in the constellation of Taurus.

The constellation of Aries forms a place of luck, strength, favorable actions. At this time, the Sun, being in it, directs its powerful flow of energy to successful movement towards the goal. The Moon appears in the constellation of Taurus every month and is considered an assistant, symbolizing the spiritual essence, manifestations of emotions, mind.

The constellation of Taurus is responsible for success, softness, ease of carrying out all affairs. The confluence of these important circumstances for a person's fate falls on the day of Akshaya Tritiya. It creates conditions for the highest strength, invincibility in any affairs.

Helps to realize the best astrological predictions for people. It is necessary to remember that on this day the probability of the events that a person has dreamed about all his life to come true is the highest.

How to prepare for the holiday?

According to the calculations, the magical day of Akshaya Tritiya in 2025, when the stars help fulfill many desires, starts on Saturday, April 22 at 02:19 GMT, ends on April 23 at 02:17 GMT.

According to the lunar calendar, the day begins at midnight. To meet him, you need to prepare for several days. Carefully consider all your plans for the near future.

Summarize old affairs, put documents in order, rewrite them if necessary. New plans should be reflected in a new form on a clean sheet with a correct assessment of the methods of their achievement, deadlines.

Experts advise doing a general cleaning and tidying up your clothes. And, most importantly, check the order in your thoughts, cleanse your own body (take a bath, go through meditation, if you do it).

Before the holiday, people walk around the premises with a lit candle and put a juniper branch. It is useful to have a meeting with parents before this day or go to nature at dawn.

What to do on Akshaya Tritiya 2025?

The end of April is associated with many people's first trips to their dacha, to their own plot of land. Over the winter, new plans matured, and conditions for their implementation appeared.

On this day, you can come here, work, relax, do your favorite things. Just like lavish feasts, weddings, engagements and other ceremonies are discussed, planned, and held on this day.

Below is a list of possible activities to do during Akshaya Tritiya 2024:

  1. Make large purchases (real estate, household appliances), discuss important issues in pleasant company (possibly with influential people).
  2. Buy gold, silver. This is a symbolic sign of preserving wealth, future prosperity.
  3. Start a journey, long trips. They will go easily, without surprises.
  4. Engage in your own spiritual development. For this, it is useful to visit churches, temples, make generous donations without greed and only what is really needed. In this case, a person will never run out of opportunities for them.
  5. It is useful to be creative. Everything created on this day (sewing, knitting, various types of crafts, amulets) will have special energy and nourish a person for a long time.
  6. Young families can plan to conceive a child on this day. In the future, he will have talent, abilities, and will please his parents with his intellect.

On this day, people make a wish. How to make wishes on Akshaya Tritiya day can be found by reading the following tips:

  1. Listen to your inner voice and choose the most important desire. It should be specific and never have "bad thoughts" about other people.
  2. Each wish must be written down on a piece of paper point by point.
  3. You can't tell other people about your wishes. They are said in a whisper, in silence and solitude. If a person wants to warn (protect themselves) from some events, the wish is said out loud, in the presence of other people. You have to be careful with wishes on this day: most often they come true.

On the day of Akshaya Tritiya, it is not recommended to borrow money (the one who receives it will struggle for the funds for the entire next year). Luck is only with the person who gave the money. It is forbidden to participate in scandals (new enemies will appear for the entire year). It is forbidden to show greed and selfishness.

Interesting facts

The passion for astrology has captured the population of the planet with great force. People are trying to find any ways for prosperity, health, success in everything. Thanks to the Internet, it has become easy to get acquainted with the traditions and customs of different peoples.

Nowadays, the Akshaya Tritiya holiday has become a special day not only for the peoples of India, but also for other inhabitants of the earth. Its meaning in translation from Sanskrit (Akshaya is boundless, not confirmed by decay, and Tritiya is the third lunar day) promises a lot to a person, and the festival (holiday) in honor of such a day is shrouded in many myths and legends.

These include the following facts:

  1. In India, there is a belief that from this day the first era (Satya Yuna) and the second era of the Third Yuga began.
  2. On this day, Goddess Lakshmi comes to houses, blesses them, and bestows wealth on their inhabitants.
  3. All undertakings at any second of the holiday will be successful, but a special power will occur in May 2027, when Akshaya Tritiya will be created by the power of three planets: the Sun, Jupiter, and the Moon. This state of the luminaries is observed once every 12 years.

Knowing in advance what date Akshaya Tritiya 2025 will be, you can prepare, tune in according to all the rules and worthily celebrate the great astrological holiday.