Interesting New Year's Contests 2025: Simple Ideas

What kind of holiday would it be without fun competitions, especially on New Year? With funny and perky contests and games, New Year's Eve will be more interesting. The most active and positive contests for you!

Competitions for the New Year 2025:

Ice path

This competition is suitable for a large company, you can organize a New Year's corporate party, no one will get bored for sure. You can also use it for a matinee in a kindergarten, if you change it a little.

Preparing for the competition

For a large company, the area needs to be appropriate. So, first of all, you will need a square of territory of 3-4 meters. Otherwise, it will not be interesting.

You will also need to prepare the props for the competition. Prepare sheets of paper with images in advance: a smiley, skates, a chair, an ice hole, a gift. They should be attached to the floor in a chaotic order. The further they are from each other, the better. The images can be repeated if the area allows.

In addition, do not forget to get a prize. A set of sweets, enough for all members of the winning team, may be suitable for this.

The essence of the competition

Those wishing to participate in the competition must be divided into two teams and placed on opposite sides of the prepared playground. Each team selects a "Skater". This player will have to overcome the ice route with his eyes closed. The remaining team members must regulate the direction of movement by giving hints so that the player gets to the prize. After the players are blindfolded, the prize is placed.

In order for the players to take the right route and definitely forget where they are, they are spun around their axis after their eyes are blindfolded. The leader gives the command "Forward!" or "Start" and the heroes must go in search of the prize. The players must go around the sheets of paper with drawings that are lying on the floor, but if someone steps on them, then that team must complete the corresponding task. And this depends on the drawing.

1. Chair: recite a poem while standing on a stool.

2. Ice hole: this team will suffer a fate after the end of the game - they will have to share their prize with their opponents.

3. Smiley: you should make your colleagues laugh with a joke or a funny story from life;

4. Gift: the opponents will have to give something else in addition to the prize of the winning team (a bottle of wine, for example, or a bunch of grapes);

5. Skates: a bonus picture as it gives your team a chance to help your hero. Someone stands near the prize and can loudly say the word "Prize!" once.

Accordingly, the team whose "Skater" gets to it first will win the prize.

Decorate the Christmas tree

The simplest game, for which you don't need much preparation. It deserves to take first place in the list of New Year's entertainment for the year.

Props for the game

For the first version of the game, you should get two artificial Christmas trees. If you don't have any, then paper ones will do, but their height should be at least half a meter. It will be more convenient for the game. You will also have to cut out Christmas balls from paper. In addition, you need to make sure you have paper clips, tape or buttons to attach decorations to our Christmas tree.

The second version of this game is simpler. It only requires two hats or boxes that will act as a basket and a stack of sheets of paper. The more extensive the game, the more fun, so the first version will undoubtedly be more interesting.

Organization of the competition

Those present must be divided into three groups. The participants are divided into two, and the judges are the third group. None of these groups guesses the content of the competition, since you are not supposed to show them the game props. The task for the players is to come up with 10-15 words that denote the names of objects. After that, on each of the balls that were previously cut out of paper, each participant must write one of those words.

The teams are given Christmas trees and the objects written on the "balls" are naturally declared its decorations. The players must decorate their Christmas tree with them and show them to the judges. Of course, this will arouse their interest, so the participants of the game will have to give an interesting explanation of why this or that name is currently decorating their Christmas tree. The most original description of the decorations wins.

Add some color to the competition!

For this simple task, you just need to find a color printer and a computer with Internet. If you decide to start this game in the office, then there will definitely be no problem finding such props. But you will have to act quickly, before the excited fun dies down. All the words that the participants come up with should be quickly found on the Internet, printed on a printer, and cut out in the form of balls.

Jokes as New Year's contests

The simplest game, as it does not require any props, except for a cheerful and friendly company of friends.
But you should understand that if there are joke experts among your friends, then this can drag on for a very long time. One participant starts the game and must be the first to tell a joke. After that, he calls out a word for the next player. He in turn must remember or come up with a funny story that mentions this word. If not, then the penalty player is given some interesting task. For example, to portray some funny character to music. All those who wish must take part in the competition in turns. This game can be repeated in a circle endlessly. And what kind of New Year's competition would it be without a gift? The winner who told the funniest joke is chosen by voting, and he is awarded a prize.

The same method, but exactly the opposite, can complicate the game. For example, change the task. And now prohibit the use of some of the most common words, without which it will be impossible to tell a joke. Another option is to exclude words with a certain letter. If the player could not tell the story without the forbidden word or letter, then they come up with a penalty task for him.


A very popular game that could use some changes and improvements.

Preparing for the competition

Before the event, prepare a collection of funny and cheerful songs (they should be known among your friends). You also need to find two boxes (hats or bags) and paper for notes. Done, you can start the game.

Conducting the competition

The leaves are divided into two piles. In one you need to write the names of songs from the collection, in the second - the names of animals. The number of leaves in both lists must be the same. The piles are placed in different boxes. Each guest will have to choose one leaf from each box. As a result, he gets a song and the movements of the animal, which must be depicted to the music. According to the rules of the competition, the guessed animal cannot be described in words. In order for the other players to guess the answer, the participant must use sounds and movements to show the animal. And accordingly, fit into the rhythm of the melody so that it all looks harmonious.

To advance to the next level of the game, guests must guess the animal in 1 minute. At the second stage of the competition, the conditions become more complicated. A song and an animal are also chosen, but sounds can no longer be used. Those whose animals were guessed move on, and restrictions are added to the game again. This time, you need to show the animal without using any part of the body of the guests' choice. Naturally, after such an image, the zoo will look a little like clients of a veterinary clinic, but the winner will be determined at this stage. He will receive a reward.

Prepare a New Year's snack

The most edible New Year's competition. This fun is suitable for both adults and children who can already write.

Competition details

Each player is given three baskets or boxes. In the first, write down on separate sheets of paper all sorts of food products (potatoes, sausage, ... mayonnaise, sour cream, carrots, etc.); in the second, list the various kitchen utensils that are used in cooking (forks, spoons, knives, frying pans, pots, ladles, etc.); in the third box, you need to throw in sheets of paper with the names of actions for cooking dishes (boil, fry, beat, grind, stew, stir, etc.). You also need a cookbook - an ordinary A4 sheet can play its role, in it our "chefs" will write down the recipe for the New Year's dish, stock up on pens and pencils for them.

Conducting the competition

Players must take turns taking 5-10 leaves from each box (the more leaves you throw into the boxes, the tastier the competition dish will be, you need to take care of this in advance). The timer for creating and describing the culinary invention is 5 minutes.

During this time, you need to combine all the products, inventory and cooking that came from the three boxes. You can't skip anything, leave the names unused. This is the fun of the whole event. It remains to come up with a name for the masterpiece to match the recipe. It will be much more interesting if such products and actions are prepared and thought out for the competition that in normal life are simply incompatible in one recipe. The game will help to discover new talents. The main thing is to warn children not to experiment with such things in real life with real products.

Let's celebrate the New Year in a positive way!

Such competitions are just a springboard for your imagination. This list can be supplemented, remade, use other prizes, fines, rigged for any other events or take into account the specifics of the audience. Thoughtful and prepared in advance props will ensure interest and a positive atmosphere among both adults and adults with children. After all, children are the flowers of life, without them, a holiday is not a holiday. For those who decided to organize a competition program, you just need to take into account that the tasks must be acceptable for each of the guests. You can come up with your own competitions and games, celebrate the New Year holiday cheerfully and interestingly!