Full Moon Calendar for Zodiac Signs

The moon has a significant impact on all living organisms on our planet, because life and natural processes do not occur without its influence. It has long been noted that during the growing phase of this celestial body, new affairs and undertakings are successful, and any initiative brings a positive result. But the full moon is a special period, which is accompanied by sharp changes from a good mood to anxiety, and also, usually on these days, the number of various cataclysms, accidents, and other negative events increases.

The full moon period is the best time to complete tasks and take stock.

When the Sun does not cover the Moon, and the luminaries line up in a certain order, this has a negative impact on any important undertakings, but this is the best period for analyzing what has been done and achieved, and completing tasks.

Full Moon dates and Moon "houses":

  • 02 January

    The Moon will be in Cancer, which is favorable for everyday concerns, routine activities that do not require responsible and quick decisions or active physical activity. You can engage in meditation or self-development, a good time for books that are useful, but have been put on the shelf for a long time, as well as watching motivational videos and films.

  • January 31st

    The satellite will move to the constellation Leo. This time will have a positive effect on internal energy. Now you can devote yourself to active sports or implement several dynamic business ideas. But you should be wary of adventures, so as not to get caught in the trap of losing. It is also better not to rush into shopping, there is a risk of leaving your wallet empty.

  • 02 March

    The Moon will visit the house of Virgo, which will force you to do monotonous, but not urgent work. This day favors various analytical works, analysis of the financial market, banking affairs, transactions. Time that is better spent in thinking and calculating important matters, which will then lead to profit. But quick decisions are best left for later.

  • March 31

    The satellite will move to Libra and will provide an opportunity for rest from the fruitful, intense previous months of work. A suitable period for completing projects that have long been started and have brought results, as well as preparing reports on the work done. The best solution is to devote a couple of days to the family, leaving your worries behind for a while.

  • April 30

    The Moon will move into the constellation of Scorpio, which facilitates making important decisions that require responsibility. It is high time to review your goals and determine your main priorities, discarding insignificant areas. These days, the ability to think in critical situations will be sharpened, which is best used to develop business plans or new projects. A favorable period for working with numbers and calculations.

  • May 29

    The satellite will move to the house of Sagittarius, which will awaken the abilities of abstract thinking. It is possible to solve cases concerning bureaucratic issues in various government agencies. Business trips and negotiations will be completed successfully. But it is better to postpone the solution of serious issues for a while. Transactions related to land and movable property are subject to risk.

  • June 28

    The transition of the Moon to the house of Capricorn does not recommend solving issues related to government structures, as this will aggravate the whole situation, at a minimum, and at most - you can also get fined. It is better to postpone financial transactions for now, there is a risk of incurring losses. It is better to devote yourself to everyday current affairs without special significance.

  • July 27

    The satellite will still remain in the house of Capricorn. It is better to suspend matters related to the authorities, as well as financial transactions. It is better to devote time to household chores and family.

  • August 26

    The Moon will move into the constellation of Pisces, and does not recommend real estate and securities transactions. Concentration on small things during this period is almost zero. But instead, imagination is very developed, so you can engage in creativity. Active recreation in nature will be beneficial, especially outside the city. But you should be careful, injuries and wounds received during this period take a very long time to heal. Success awaits those whose activities are related to photography, paintings and handicrafts.

  • September 25

    The position of the satellite in the house of Aries will force you to pause in any important matters and slow down in advancing results. During this period, it is better to work slowly but surely, rather than rush and risk making mistakes, which will entail financial losses. The stars recommend avoiding open fire and sharp objects.

  • October 24

    The Moon still remains a "guest" in the house of Aries, so there are still risks associated with fire and sharp objects. The most emotional period, it is better to be careful with your words, quarrels and conflicts flare up very quickly out of nothing.

  • November 23

    The position of the satellite in the Gemini house has a positive effect on intellectual work. It is time to make quick and useful decisions in current projects that have been waiting for a long time. Business trips and negotiations on new contracts promise to be successful. Concentration of attention will be zero now, so it is better to leave analytics and painstaking work that requires perseverance and attention for another time.

  • December 22

    The Moon is still in Gemini and recommends doing all the things that require quick and precise decisions, you can even risk investing financial resources in some profitable project or currency. Favorable time for negotiations and business trips to conclude contracts. Work that requires great concentration is best postponed for a couple of days.