New Year's 2025 ditties - funny, for corporate parties, for children

New Year 2025 is the most long-awaited holiday. We always celebrate it with hope for big changes, both in the political sphere and in professional and personal life. New Year 2025 should be celebrated cheerfully, comfortably and interestingly. In order for the holiday to be successful, you need to prepare well for it. If you like to sing, then ditties will be a great option for leisure. New Year is a great reason to amuse guests and household members with funny ditties.

New Year's 2025 ditties - funny, for corporate parties, for children

In this article, we have prepared for you cool, funny and modern ditties for the New Year 2024. These ditties are suitable for various events - corporate parties, children's parties, family gatherings and fun parties with friends.

In 2025, the year of the Green Green Wooden Snake is coming. According to Eastern beliefs, this animal should bring happiness to all people in the world.

Cool New Year's ditties about the New Year 2024

Cool New Year's ditties about the New Year 2024

Totem of 2025 - Green Green Wooden Snake. Here is a large selection of funny New Year's ditties about this wonderful animal:

New New Year 2024

I dressed up as Snegurochka,
Santa Claus pestered me,
Agreed! For the gifts.
I was happy! Doubly so.

Dressed up as Baba Yoshka,
I rode everyone on a broom,
I earned some money,
Come to me quickly.

My Dragon came running right away,
When I heard about the money,
He was teasing me all night long,
Almost called Shaiga.

I woke up early in the morning,
And there was no trace of the Snake.
He is with Snegurochka, the traitor,
He went off to get some champagne!

Let's celebrate the New Year together,
All the neighbors, all the relatives.
I wish the whole world,
Much happiness and goodness!

New New Year 2024
The Year of the Dragon is coming!
Let it be good,
Will bring us prosperity
And will fulfill all wishes!

The Dragon is dressing up,
He will come to visit us.
Will be as kind as a mouse
And calm as an elephant.

Even though I am a mischievous Dragon,
I also have a law:
Next to the New Year's fairy tale
Surprise with kindness and affection!
I'll be soft and fluffy
Next to the silky Christmas tree!

I'm not a handsome man, alas.
One tail, three heads.
The dragon Gorynych has arrived
To you from a Russian fairy tale,
Because I wanted to
Kindness and affection!

New New Year 2024
For the New Year, everyone has a command:
The Snake has a stern eye,
So as not to become disgusting to him,
— Be kind and creative!

Let the year enter peacefully,
The one who carries the Light within himself.
The Dragon is strict with those who have dark souls,
Kindness to the hard-working and modest.

New New Year 2024

The dragon Gorynych was with us,
His ardor died out with drinking.
The Dragon will arrive soon.
He will lure the girls away.

I used to be the older brother,
But the Chinese one is too small.
I'll eat turnips with a stick
Perched on a perch.

Our Chinese elder brother,
We are glad to help you:
Will send it out quietly
Traders for the market.

The Chinese were laughed at,
They say they caved in to Mao.
Today, children of revolutions
They laugh at the Chubais.

The Chinese came to us,
The benches of the universities were occupied.
Life in China is something else...
Teach us, comrades.

They are afraid of corruption there
More than shitting yourself.
Our corruption master
Walks like a celestial being.

Here the Americans are trembling:
The diagonals are catching up with us.
The Russians can't overtake us...
Here is China... mother of Japan!

It turned out that the yuan is
Not some kind of crap
Tangled, twisted -
Real currency.

Communists from China
They have contempt for us.
We are a little slanted,
But you are young brats.

And the communists of Russia
They flew out with a whistle.
They didn't want to share
By power, so they flew away.

We are dragons from China
We accept it as a gift.
Come to us, little bird.
And lay an egg.

We will breed dragons
And we'll launch it into the pond.
We will live the Chinese way.
And Vanka will have a jeep.

New Year's 2025 ditties - funny, for corporate parties, for children

New New Year 2024

Be careful in the New Year
It is provided according to the quota.
Be modest in everyday life,
And diligent at work!

New New Year 2024

Fear the stern eye of the Snake
To attract with an unsuitable life
- He doesn't like slackers,
It hits drunk faces hard!

New New Year 2024

For the New Year, everyone has a command:
The Snake has a stern eye,
So as not to become disgusting to him
— Be kind and creative!

New New Year 2024

Let the year enter peacefully
The one who carries the Light within himself.
The Dragon is strict with those who have dark souls,
Kindness to the hard-working and modest.

New New Year 2024

The Dragon has arrived in Russia
And I didn't understand anything.
People, animals - all are cross-eyed.
There is no one sober!

Our Dragon was upset.
I gurgled some moonshine into a mug...
The honest people sleep and snore,
The chimes ring loudly!

New New Year 2024

Power-hungry Dragons
All laws are written for animals.
And the animals cry: “It’s not easy for us.”
Live by draconian laws.
These laws are for the "zoo"
Needed like a dead man needs a poultice,
Because, according to such laws
Only Dragons live normally.

New New Year 2024

Firecrackers are going off like in a shooting gallery:
"Pif da bang", and "oh-oh-oh!"
And under the tree, in the apartment,
My little bunny is dying.
But the gloomy faces are not visible
And the icons of suffering -
In it, to the song of crystal glasses,
The Dragon is reborn.
The view is hilarious, but without malice,
Smoke comes out of the nostrils,
And guests crowded around,
Like a little tower.
Everyone fell in love with the Dragon:
Children and old people -
He promised to be good,
Contrary to scary tales.

New New Year 2024

There goes the dragon, whistling -
A tail of smoke like a rocker
I ate too much peppery pilaf –
And he sneezed so loudly!

In the morning a snake came out of the tower
- there is a fearless detachment under the mountain!
The snake saw it and went home
Brush your teeth before eating

One day the dragon got drunk
And suddenly he decided to get married!
I thought for a long time and chose
He stole twenty girls!
The beast's freedom has ended -
Twenty mothers-in-law in one cave...

New New Year 2024

Once upon a time a fisherman came to the river
He cast the tackle and sits there
Here comes the person
Miracle Yudo - whale fish!
He ate all the bait in the jar.
And he trudged back into the forest

Funny ditties for the New Year 2025 for a corporate party

Cool remakes of songs for the New Year 2025

Funny ditties for the New Year 2025 for a corporate party:

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year!
The whole company is honest!
I wish you happiness and love!
Give me a penalty!

New New Year 2024

Not diamonds, not a car,
Not an apartment, not a painting:
Mug with branded emblem
This is the most valuable gift

New New Year 2024

New Year is knocking at the door,
Clean in legal terms,
Legitimate and legal -
Ideal for lawyers

New New Year 2024

Let it happen in the new year
Wonderful novel:
So that money suddenly falls in love
Into your wallet and pocket!

New New Year 2024

Me and my friends New Year
We celebrated happily
Shown on the news
How we had fun

New New Year 2024

We don't eat salads,
We have no time for gifts
The cat ate tinsel -
We're taking him to the vet

New New Year 2024

We are celebrating the new year,
The dragon brings it to us
Only in the festive frenzy
He wouldn't have fried us here.

New New Year 2024

Let them perish and very soon
SES and fire supervision services,
And the tax inspector...
Happy New Year, our director!

New New Year 2024

They say that on New Year's Eve
All the people just drink
And we have a corporate party -
Drinking and positivity

Happy New Year!
And we wish everyone health,
So that you can go to work
Go out on Saturdays too

New Year's 2025 ditties - funny, for corporate parties, for children

New New Year 2024

It's already twelve o'clock -
I suggest you get drunk!
Let's drink to the new year
It was fun, cool, awesome!

New New Year 2024

The dragon beats with his tail,
So that he would be let into the house
Only the rabbit, that bastard,
He doesn't want to leave right away

New New Year 2024

Don't lock your door
New Year's Eve
And then luck, happiness
They'll drop by for tea!

New New Year 2024

We sang ditties to you
Mostly decent
We are waiting for New Year's gifts
Cash would be better

New New Year 2024

There is a Christmas tree in the house.
The whole place is sparkling with lights.
And under the tree the darling sleeps,
Celebrates the New Year.

New New Year 2024

My dear, on New Year's Eve
I decided to confess my love.
He just confused me with my mother-in-law.
He tried to kiss her.

New New Year 2024

My husband went to a party.
He dressed up as Santa Claus.
Just in shorts and a hat
He showed up after the holiday.

New New Year 2024

On Christmas my wife returned.
She was cheerful.
You know, I fasted well,
Her deeds are good.

New New Year 2024

Have fun until you drop
We are under the shadow of snowfall,
When the rain starts pouring, we get angry,
And under the roof we have fun.

New New Year 2024

At Christmas and New Year
All the people under the Christmas tree,
The fun will stop -
The fir trees will turn into sticks.

New New Year 2024

Merry ones, merry ones,
Chickens, geese and turkeys,
Vodka, fish, aspic
And a pickled cucumber.

New New Year 2024

I gave it to my sweetheart
On New Year's Eve, as many as two bottles,
She drank one,
And it lies there - no whoa, no well...

New New Year 2024

There are honey mushrooms on the table,
The husband collected them in the forest,
There are suckling pigs,
The devil just ran away...

New New Year 2024

We'll spread some caviar,
And we'll have some champagne.
Walk, field, walk, grove,
I don’t have money – I’ll borrow it from my mother-in-law.

New New Year 2024

Dear mother-in-law,
How skinny you are!
All in work, all in struggle,
Is your pension not enough for you?

New New Year 2024

Well, I get my salaries
I will donate the Olympics to the Fund,
This is the kind of Patriot I am,
Well, maybe he's an idiot?..

New New Year 2024

Everything is for the people's benefit,
Know comrade, friend and brother,
By the age of eighteen -
World Championship!

New New Year 2024

For us at a solemn moment
The President himself wished,
So that we can be proud of our country,
And like rabbits, they multiplied.

New New Year 2024

I promised on New Year's Eve,
That income will increase,
He didn't know, we are the weaklings,
We are an unemployed people.

New New Year 2024

Allowed to become rich,
And the people are “always ready!”
And as best he could, he forged gold,
Exactly Lenya Golubkov.

New New Year 2024

But look at this picture,
What a wonderful game:
Fat Pinocchios
They strip naked...

New New Year 2024

People have been drinking for two weeks
In the Old Year and in the New Year,
The whole country is walking around like a ghoul,
Taking a break from worries.

New New Year 2024

Have fun until you drop
We are under the shadow of snowfall,
When the rain starts pouring, we get angry,
Even more fun!

New New Year 2024

Let it snow, let it freeze
Reigns on the street.
Even if it stings your nose -
There is no reason to frown!

New New Year 2024

What if it rains on New Year's Eve?
Are there puddles under your feet?
Everyone can avoid a puddle
And he won't frown!

New New Year 2024

Is the sun shining directly into your eye?
You can squint.
I give you all an order:
Don't frown on New Year's Eve!

New New Year 2024

Put it on the table for the New Year
Olivier and chicken.
Who will come to your party?
Exactly! He won't frown!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year, friends!
May your wishes come true!
I wish it with all my heart
Don't frown for a whole year!

New New Year 2024

For a single man on New Year's Eve
Let there be a companion,
To avoid worries
And reasons to frown.

New New Year 2024

At least one is still alive
A hard worker and a smart girl.
She will find a husband this year
And... won't frown!!!

New New Year 2024

When your beloved husband is with you
Doesn't kiss often,
Iron the relationship
And... you won't frown!!!

New New Year 2024

I wish I could celebrate the New Year,
Together, the whole street!..
If the general round dance...
Who will frown?

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year! Happiness to all!
Let them be friends with each other!!!
I wish to live without problems -
Never frown!!!

New New Year 2024

On the morning of the first day,
Look what's going on:
Absolutely impossible
Call 03!

New New Year 2024

There is noise and laughter around the tree,
The kids are in confusion.
Santa Claus snores under the tree
Completely intoxicated.

New New Year 2024

I'm a prickly broom
Grandpa was spanking under the tree.
And on the face and hands,
Don't get into my underwear!

New New Year 2024

Like the hare, I'll attach it
I put my ears to the back of my head.
I'll go buy a Christmas tree,
And then a bottle!

New Year's 2025 ditties - funny, for corporate parties, for children

New New Year 2024

New Year's Eve - snow,
Cold, snowstorms.
And my dear and I are under the tree,
We sweated from love.

New New Year 2024

I'm a cutie, you're a darling,
I'm a kitty, you're my cat.
We'll go under the tree with you
Sign up for the round dance!

New New Year 2024

Drunk Santa Claus
He suddenly started talking nonsense.
He began to beg the Snow Maiden
Dance the mazurka naked!

New New Year 2024

There is a woman standing at the window,
Looks sadly at the ceiling.
Santa Claus brought a gift,
And the kitten dragged him away!

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus is a man with greetings,
And a big joker at that.
New Year sends greetings,
Gives us warmth and light!

New New Year 2024

I'm not afraid of the cold,
Let it be minus thirty-five!
Give me a shot of vodka to drink
And I will light it up!

New New Year 2024

My husband went to a party.
He dressed up as Santa Claus.
Just in shorts and a hat
He showed up after the holiday.

New New Year 2024

The sun will hide in fear,
The whole nation will be darkened,
If vodka is in stores
Will disappear by New Year's.

New New Year 2024

How I brought the snow woman,
In the morning, lo and behold, there’s only water.
So think about it, guess,
Where did she go?

Modern New Year's ditties for children

Simple riddles for kids with answers

Children love to have fun during the New Year holidays! Here is a collection of modern funny ditties for the New Year 2025:

New New Year 2024

New Year is knocking at the window,
A troika is racing along the road,
The bells are ringing,
Winter holiday for the kids.

New New Year 2024

Let's get going, guys,
We need to get into the round dance quickly.
With song and merry dance
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

New New Year 2024

There is noise and laughter in our hall,
The singing never stops.
Our Christmas tree is the best!
There is no doubt about it.

New New Year 2024

Just as a Christmas tree has a top,
This is how our class sings ditties.
Our school people are cheerful,
It won't disappear for anything.

New New Year 2024

For the twos in our diaries
We won't let you get through
We promise Santa Claus
Try all year long.

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus said to the lazy man
— New Year has come, get up!
- Don't disturb me, I'm resting.
The lazy man muttered in response.

New New Year 2024

We've put on our masks now.
You won't recognize us.
Wolves and hares dance in masks
Showing us the highest class.

New New Year 2024

Father Frost is racing in a troika,
The bells are ringing.
The heart begins to beat,
The kids are having a great time on this holiday.

New New Year 2024

The children dance in a circle,
They clap their hands.
Hello, hello,
New Year! You are so good!

New New Year 2024

There is a flock of snowflakes outside the window
He also dances in a circle.
Having said goodbye to the old year,
We are celebrating the New Year!

New New Year 2024

We are all in our toys
We decorated the Christmas tree.
She doesn't have a free one.
Not a single needle!

New New Year 2024

Sing, children, more joyfully,
A round dance song,
Don't spare your ligaments
On New Year's Eve.

New New Year 2024

In the bright hall on the piano
They started playing a dance song
Gather round dance
Let's meet the New Year with dancing

New New Year 2024

This is how Grandfather Frost is -
Froze everyone seriously,
Look at the guys,
They all stand there like icicles!

New New Year 2024

Previously letters to Santa Claus
Oh, they were bringing snowmen!
And now he gets
SMS and calls!

New New Year 2024

Everyone is making a snowman
Mom is looking for Igor,
Where is my son? Where is he?
Rolled into a snowball!

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus, take the bag,
Untie the ropes
And get it for us quickly
Fashionable new things!

New New Year 2024

We chose for ourselves
A Christmas tree at the market.
We bought a three-meter one,
Needle to needle.

New New Year 2024

Yes! There are toys on the Christmas tree
You and I can't count them all.
Only our quartermaster knows for sure
How many of them are there on the tree?

New New Year 2024

It was fun on the slide
Tanya, Petya and Egorka.
Only Masha didn't skate
I was afraid of losing my briefcase!

New New Year 2024

Only at our carnival
A miracle happens:
Cats and mice dance,
The wolves are smiling!

New New Year 2024

I am a cheerful Snow Maiden,
I'll play blind man's buff with you,
But I'm afraid to drink tea-
I'll melt from the heat.

New New Year 2024

Near our Christmas tree
Games, dances, songs.
Dear, kind New Year,
There is no one more wonderful than you!

New New Year 2024

I used up three pieces of soap.
To wash ink off your face.
And he came to the carnival -
Nobody recognized me.

New New Year 2024

Branches of a beautiful Christmas tree
Hold the candles tightly.
Let's listen to our friends
Festive speeches.

New New Year 2024

Near the house, by the skating rink
I was making a snowman,
Made a nose out of a carrot,
It turned out to be Santa Claus.

New New Year 2024

I am for Santa Claus
I learned a lot of songs.
And when they called me on stage,
I forgot everything from excitement!

New New Year 2024

Snow fell from the birch tree -
Vanyusha gets a lump - bang.
Vanyusha turned out
Wonderful snowdrift.

New New Year 2024

Oh, winter, winter, winter,
How many snowdrifts have she piled up!
The people are not sad -
Celebrates New Year!

New New Year 2024

Our Christmas tree is shining,
In New Year's lights!
The kids are playing hockey,
Skating with Santa Claus!

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus was going to the party,
He was in a hurry to get to the kids.
He brought a big Christmas tree.
In multi-colored tinsel.

New New Year 2024

We decorated the Christmas trees together
We tried very hard
The diaries hang beautifully
Why was everyone arguing?

New New Year 2024

Ah, winter, winter, winter,
Russian beauty,
You drove us all crazy,
We like Zimushka!

New New Year 2024

We are not afraid of frost,
Even a blizzard doesn't matter to us!
We are taken from a walk to kindergarten
You won't be tempted by a roll!

New New Year 2024

Listened to Grandfather Frost
Ringing ditties,
I gave it to all the guys
Ringing firecrackers.

New New Year 2024

Our Christmas tree is decorated
We are in our toys.
We couldn't count
Cones and firecrackers.

New New Year 2024

Oh, what decorations!
The Christmas tree has been hung!
We sang you some ditties,
To make it fun

New New Year 2024

Here Santa Claus listened
Winter ditties.
Gave it to everyone for this
Soft toys.

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year,
Hello New Year's helmet!
And the whole class wishes you,
May they live to be a hundred years old!

New New Year 2024

We sang ditties to you
Is it good or bad?
We just ask you very much.
Why don't you give us a round of applause?

New New Year 2024

We start singing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
There are a lot of people here,
We might feel shy.

New New Year 2024

We composed ditties,
Everyone tried their best.
Listen, Grandfather Frost,
And don't be offended!

New New Year 2024

Keep your ears open
Listen carefully
New Year's ditties
We will sing for you diligently.

New New Year 2024

There is a Christmas tree in the hall,
And there are toys on it.
We'll sing for you now
School ditties.

New New Year 2024

We waited for winter all summer -
Finally, we've waited for it!
And under the magical Christmas tree
Finally we got together!

New New Year 2024

People love the Christmas tree,
Decorate for the New Year!
There is a Christmas tree in every house,
But this one is only here!

New New Year 2024

We and Grandfather Frost
And his Snow Maiden.
Let's get acquainted with the Internet
In one minute.

New New Year 2024

Our beloved Santa Claus,
Come to us more often!
After all, it's more fun here,
Than in the frosty thicket!

New Year's greeting ditties from famous people

Answering machine phone numbers by city

This version of ditties can be used for a separate number in the New Year's scenario. They can be presented like this: "And now we will read out New Year's greetings from famous people! Well, as we read out... let's sing."

New New Year 2024

The year will pass like clockwork,
You will all definitely be lucky.
If you sing with me,
Happy New Year! Pavrotti

New New Year 2024

Let your creative mood
Will become a festive spark,
Your whole life will be in rhyme,
Happy New Year! Pushkin Sasha

New New Year 2024

Have a wonderful New Year
It will be like a successful pass.
The goal won't take long to come,
Happy Holidays! Andrey Arshavin

New New Year 2024

To the question "to be or not to be"
In the New Year, answer: Live!
There's a whole world in front of you,
Happy Holidays! William Shakespeare

New New Year 2024

In the new year, let life allow
The main roles are to play only,
You will forget about boredom,
Happy holiday! Sergey Bezrukov

New New Year 2024

Forget about arthrosis,
Flu, measles, scoliosis,
Live a healthy life, choosing a healthy path,
Happy New Year! Yours, Ministry of Health.

New New Year 2024

Like a picture of bright colors,
Life will be full of gifts,
Smooth as a sidewalk...
Happy New Year! Renoir

Funny ditties for New Year 2025 for schoolchildren

Santa Claus Phone Number in 2025 - Free Answering Machine Numbers, Hotline

Funny ditties for New Year 2025 for schoolchildren:

New New Year 2024

I don't believe in Santa Claus,
I'm not a fool anymore!
I know that gifts are for children
Snow Maiden is giving away!

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus with a beard,
With a luxurious mustache,
As a young lad,
He jumps with us around the Christmas tree.

New New Year 2024

Near the house by the skating rink
My friend made a snowman,
I made a nose out of a carrot,
Why, it's Father Frost.

New New Year 2024

Bring us, Santa Claus,
Both skiing and hills!
Tell us, Santa Claus,
All the "colas" in "pyatyerochkas"!

New New Year 2024

For some reason Santa Claus,
Is he checking his chair?
Is he really grandchildren?
So he doesn't trust?

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus loves
Children's ditties,
He will give it to all the guys
Candy and firecrackers.

New New Year 2024

I haven't seen how it is with you,
in our school there is progress,
Instead of a letter to Santa Claus
We will send all SMS.

New New Year 2024

My mom doesn't allow me
Jumping and screaming at school.
When I grow up, I'll go to the disco
I'll be "jerking" while walking!

New New Year 2024

We say thank you to Grandpa,
For his gifts,
Let's all kiss him,
He'll be in for a hot time!

New New Year 2024

The Snow Maiden is down to the floor,
The braid has already grown.
As I walked down the corridor,
I swept the floor with my scythe.

New New Year 2024

Sparkle with lights, Christmas tree,
Invite us to the party!
Fulfill all your wishes,
Make all your dreams come true!

New New Year 2024

My grandmother sewed me a suit
Little white bunny,
I forgot to give him the carrots
To a little boy.

New New Year 2024

Look how much snow there is -
On the sofa, under the table!
It's a pity that all the cotton wool has run out -
We would decorate the whole house!

New Year's 2025 ditties - funny, for corporate parties, for children

New New Year 2024

And our Grandfather Frost
Old, old.
He was in such a hurry to come to our Christmas tree,
I lost two felt boots!

New New Year 2024

The sun is shining in the sky
Winter, cold.
But we are warm and cozy,
It's New Year's time.

New New Year 2024

Look, Santa Claus,
Dressed for the occasion.
He brought us gifts,
Gingerbread, sweets.

New New Year 2024

Dad put a suit on me
Before I knew it,
I'm hanging from the ceiling.

New New Year 2024

Oh, and Frost pinches,
Old bully.
On Irishka's cheeks
Two poppies have blossomed.

New New Year 2024

The lights are burning colorful
On a fluffy Christmas tree.
My friend and I are mischievous,
Cute nesting dolls.

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus brought gifts,
He keeps an eye on me.
Who has a quarter of three,
He knocks menacingly with his staff.

New New Year 2024

The New Year is coming –
I'll dress brightly!
Santa Claus will come to me –
He has a bag of presents with him!

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus of all the Santas
The most wonderful.
He brought us gifts,
Loves pranks.

New New Year 2024

The moon shines clear in the sky,
Shrouded in smoke.
Santa Claus under the tree
My beard got tangled up!

New New Year 2024

Paws of a beautiful Christmas tree
Hold the candles tightly.
Santa Claus will light them for us
On New Year's Eve!

New New Year 2024

New Year is knocking at the window,
A troika is racing along the road,
The bells are ringing,
Winter holiday for the kids.

New New Year 2024

There's a flock of snowflakes outside the window,
They also dance in a circle.
Having said goodbye to the old year,
We are celebrating the New Year.

New New Year 2024

I danced under the Christmas tree
And she stamped her feet,
She picked gingerbread from the branches
And she gobbled up the candies!

New New Year 2024

Let's get going, guys,
We need to get into the round dance quickly.
With song and merry dance
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

New New Year 2024

They smile with happiness
Girls and boys.
If you're having a great time today,
Raise your fingers.

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus has come,
Gave gifts.
I made up my mind and asked
And for my mommy.

New New Year 2024

Our beloved Santa Claus,
Come to us more often!
After all, it's more fun here,
Than in the frosty thicket!

New New Year 2024

Let the old year take it away
"Failures" and "C"s.
The new one carries with joy,
All we get are A's.

New New Year 2024

I got up early today.
I ran straight to the Christmas tree.
Thank you very much, Santa Claus,
What gifts you brought me!

New New Year 2024

Hello, Santa Claus,
We'll be waiting for you at the Christmas tree.
Even the hedgehog let loose
All your needles.

New New Year 2024

He has a huge bag.
And still the same red nose
This means: in the cold,
Frost's nose is frozen.

New New Year 2024

I danced and danced
And, dancing, she lost her way.
Santa Claus is so good,
I fell in love with him!

New New Year 2024

How the Christmas tree lit up
Golden lights,
You, my friend, have fun,
Just don't freeze!

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus is walking with a knapsack,
Children are jumping under the Christmas tree.
Gives gifts to everyone,
Having fun and singing.

New New Year 2024

In my kindergarten
We'll go to the matinee,
And for Santa Claus
Let's sing a song together.

New Year's 2025 ditties - funny, for corporate parties, for children

New New Year 2024

Urgently, children, let's call
Grandfather Frost,
He came to us from the North,
Frozen like a mimosa.

New New Year 2024

I'm early today
Santa Claus was helped by:
I took some white paint from my dad.
And he painted the window!

New New Year 2024

We swept out the needles,
How many "holiday" chores!
Someone fell into the shards,
What a great holiday – New Year!

New New Year 2024

Yes! I am Santa Claus -
beard to the waist.
I brought presents for everyone
Yes, from the North Pole!

Meet the kids,
Meet the adults!
This is my granddaughter
Snowy, frosty!

New New Year 2024

Listened to Grandfather Frost
Ringing ditties,
I gave it to all the guys
Ringing firecrackers.

New New Year 2024

We are in carnival costumes,
Let's stand together in a circle.
Squirrels, wolves, and hares are dancing,
People are having fun.

New New Year 2024

They say that a red nose,
They say - with potatoes.
Take a look: Santa Claus
Dancing to the accordion!

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus is very dear to us,
This is the kindest grandfather!
We know for sure that it will arrive.
Toys and sweets for us!

New New Year 2024

By the New Year tree
Green needles,
And from bottom to top
Beautiful toys.

New New Year 2024

Life is like this on New Year's Eve -
Don't toil, don't sweat.
Two weeks off -
Sleep and cuddle!

New New Year 2024

I danced and danced
And, dancing, she lost her way.
Santa Claus is so good,
I fell in love with him!

New New Year 2024

I stung and stung the barley,
Switched to buckwheat.
Look - a happy New Year
Rolling towards us!

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus is so handsome,
I fell in love with him.
If I were an icicle,
It would have broken for him!

New New Year 2024

I bought it for New Year's
I have chicken carcasses.
And then she made up some stories
New ditties!

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus, thank you for your work
There will be a bonus:
Two pot-bellied cucumbers
Yes, and half a liter!

New New Year 2024

If only I were young,
If I was frisky -
I would dance on the table
I could even fit on the Christmas tree!

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus, what a disaster
The beard reaches to the knees.
Nowhere to go -
He's trying to kiss!

New New Year 2024

God bless you with snow,
Smooth the path.
Santa Claus will come to me
Right under the window!

New New Year 2024

The Snow Maiden has white cheeks,
Thin waist,
Arms, legs, elbows,
Neck and so on...

New New Year 2024

I'm in Santa's bag
I'll make an audit.
He was going to give gifts
A whole division!

New New Year 2024

Well, you made a choice, my friend.
For yourself a berry:
I fell in love with Snegurochka,
A thin piece of ice!

New New Year 2024

I'll put you in a row
Ninety Christmas trees,
Just don't pass by,
Santa Claus, my dear!

New Year 2025 Chastushki for the Family

Riddles for the New Year 2025 for the whole family

Funny New Year's ditties for a family feast:

New New Year 2024

New Year is like a bad dream,
Everything is floating in the fog.
Wash down vodka with beer
You can't even do it when you're drunk!

New New Year 2024

Senior manager under the tree
Inflated a condom
With your lust
Having puzzled the team.

New New Year 2024

If you're going to have a drink,
You have to know your limits.
Because in the hustle and bustle
You might stupidly not get enough!

New New Year 2024

I asked for love on New Year's Eve
I have repeatedly
And for this year I ask:
Take it back!!!

New New Year 2024

I remember my childhood
And this is what is thought:
How much for Santa Claus?
What are all the debts listed?!

New New Year 2024

We have bottles on the table,
Vegetables for appetizer…
How much is the first number?
Ambulance work!

New New Year 2024

Everything is ready at the doctors
On New Year's Eve
They shine with a bright light
Suppositories for hemorrhoids.

New New Year 2024

Father Frost literally right away
The bastard didn't give me any peace.
Despite all the tricks,
The impudent fellow planted a "carrot!"

New New Year 2024

I wrote to Santa Claus
Oh, and to Santa Claus.
I'm ready for a gift
Write at least to an ostrich.

New New Year 2024

Like Snow Maiden in white cheeks
I kissed until the morning -
She didn't run away, she didn't send,
Didn't melt! Hurray!

New New Year 2024

We all gathered together
-This is no joke!
Pour a glass,
For those who are weak,
a glass!

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus froze it
Winter patterns,
I don't need to buy
There are curtains on the windows.

New New Year 2024

My darling doesn't kiss me,
It's just a promise,
— With the Snow Maiden under the tree
Meets every day!

New New Year 2024

Look - Santa Claus,
He runs around naked!
Sports are important for health,
— Remember this!

New New Year 2024

On New Year's Eve, students
Drunks are walking around,
And the teacher is under the table
Checks notebooks...

New New Year 2024

New Year's lights,
Christmas trees, gifts...
Even sex on New Year's Eve
Very, very bright!

New New Year 2024

People have been drinking for two weeks
In the Old Year and in the New Year,
The whole country is walking around like a ghoul,
Taking a break from worries.

New New Year 2024

There is not enough snow today.
What to throw at New Year?
I'll fill the whole dacha with cotton wool -
A drunk guest won't get it.

New New Year 2024

We launched firecrackers
At night from the festive veranda.
They set fire to the nearby forest –
They called the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

New New Year 2024

Once upon a time a hare told a snow woman
He confessed his feelings tenderly.
The oblique one must have had some self-interest –
At night he ate a carrot nose.

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus helped to get it
Wallet with charging.
Fighting inflation
Through innovation.

New New Year 2024

I wish you a Happy New Year
I am glad to see all my friends!
I wrote some ditties for you.
Sing more cheerfully!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year!
I send you my fiery GREETINGS!
I wish everyone good health
And live to be 100 years old!

New New Year 2024

New Year! New Year!
The whole nation is having fun!
Everyone is dancing and singing
And they give out gifts!

New New Year 2024

Our dear Santa Claus!
Come to the party!
Let's dance together
And to lure the Snow Maiden!

New New Year 2024

I fell in love with Santa Claus
And she forgot about her husband
And when I came home
He was already sitting with someone else!

New New Year 2024

Dear Santa Claus!
I am your Snow Maiden!
You and I will go to the forest
And let's sing under the Christmas tree!

New New Year 2024

My dear girlfriends!
Help me sing!
Compose ditties
There's no point in looking out the window!

New New Year 2024

The girls are dancing in a circle,
They dance around the Christmas tree.
Heels clicked
Beautiful girls!

New New Year 2024

Once, at the stroke of midnight, grandfather
I gave my grandma a tablet.
She doesn't need her grandfather now!
There is available internet!

New New Year 2024

The snowman fell asleep in a snowdrift
In a white robe under a snowstorm.
He hid from us cleverly,
But his carrot sticks out.

New New Year 2024

In the yard under the old tree
Kolka will celebrate the New Year!
There he will drink so much vodka,
That will come home in the spring.

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus in our village
I was dancing around with Natasha.
And now I'll tell you, guys,
Natasha has snowballs.

New New Year 2024

Grandma and Grandpa in January
They whipped up a Snow Maiden.
Only in the summer heat
My little daughter melted.

New New Year 2024Along the Russian road
You can't get through without help.
Here comes the Old New Year
It's been coming to us for two weeks.

Cool New Year's ditties for a cheerful adult company

Funny riddles for a corporate party for the New Year 2025

Cool New Year's ditties for a cheerful adult company:

New New Year 2024

New Year's fun
It doesn't end for a long time:
We've been drinking for two weeks,
Then we suffer from a hangover!

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus, don't yawn,
And get out the gifts.
If you want to quarrel
Let's have a fight!

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus, where have you been?
Are the mittens red?
And when did you fill it up?
Your shameless eyes?!

New New Year 2024

Everyone ate, everyone drank,
But you forgot to go home!
Everyone is snoring with their mouths open...
This is what New Year is like!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year holiday
Coming to us from Vladivostok!
Everyone there has been drunk for a long time already,
And they are probably sleeping...

New New Year 2024

Life is like this on New Year's Eve -
Don't toil, don't sweat.
Two weeks off -
Sleep and cuddle!

New New Year 2024

I'll dress up as Snegurochka
And I’ll sit in the tarantass.
I'll be driving around the village
For show to good people!

New New Year 2024

We are snowflakes window
We started decorating together -
And now you can't see out the window,
Go to bed or get up.

New New Year 2024

Past the winter salad
I don't go without jokes:
I'll spill it on my trousers,
Then I'll lie face down in it.

New New Year 2024

Without Snow Maiden Santa Claus
Doesn't go to the village.
Who will deliver him home?
After all the Christmas trees?

New New Year 2024

Oh, just like with Grandfather Frost,
They quickly drove off into the forest...
Under the green tree, under the Christmas tree
We have our own interest..

New New Year 2024

Snow Maiden has pigtails,
And a star burns on the forehead...
To Santa Claus in Russian
She talks about love...

New New Year 2024

I know: you are waiting for me in the forest,
And you eat suffering...
Now I'll finish writing the ditties,
I'll come on a date...

New New Year 2024

The wind howls, the snow falls,
My godfather is waiting for me with a bottle...
Now I'll go down the hill,
I'll get drunk with my godfather...

New New Year 2024

My dear gave me a present
A fur coat...
He didn't get rid of the fleas from her,
I'm itching all over...

New New Year 2024

Hello, Santa Claus!
He arrived on Sivka-Burka…
Didn’t you bring a new fur coat? -
Then go to Snegurochka...

New New Year 2024

Snow Maiden is in trouble,
The whole road is made of ice...
Slipped and fell,
She didn't send us any ditties...

New New Year 2024

Frost was in a hurry to visit us,
He brought order,
To everyone in the forest, coats of snow,
He gave away the "fur" ones.

New New Year 2024

He built a bridge overnight,
It reaches right up to the stars,
The towers are all made of crystal,
The whole planet is visible in them!

New New Year 2024

He looked into my window,
And he said: how good!
The only thing missing is me,
The entire appetizer froze.

New New Year 2024

If he comes to visit,
Turns alcohol into ice,
And then I don’t know anymore,
How should we celebrate the New Year!

New New Year 2024

You walk, Frost, walk,
Admire the snow,
And you will find the Snow Maiden,
Then kiss her!

New New Year 2024

Santa Claus went everywhere,
And, like a little weirdo,
All the roads are frozen,
And turned them into a skating rink.

New New Year 2024

In the morning we went out for a walk,
The legs are moving apart,
And Frost is looking at us,
Grunts and smiles!

New New Year 2024

Without me you drank, ate,
You were watching TV,
I was walking along the streets,
I danced with the Snow Woman!

Minus for New Year's ditties

Musical accompaniment for performing ditties:

Download minus ditties