Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Calendar 2025

For future parents during pregnancy, the main question is: will a boy or a girl be born? Some people take this calmly and will be happy with either gender. But there are families for whom it is important to have a son or a daughter.

For many centuries, there have been various folk methods that can help you conceive a child of the desired gender. The most popular recently have become special conception calendars that show the right day for intimacy between partners.

One of these tables came to the world from China. In this article, you can find out what the Chinese pregnancy calendar 2024 is and how to use it correctly.

What is Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Calendar?

In simple terms, this is a tabular method for determining the gender of a future child using the intersection point of the mother's age according to the lunar calendar and the lunar month.

According to rumors, the Eastern calendar existed more than 300 years agoHe was kept under the guard of dedicated eunuchs in the Qing Palace, where no one could see him.

It is also known that it was developed based on an ancient Chinese book for predictions and fortune telling called the Book of Changes. It was created for members of the imperial family, where it has proven its effectiveness in planning future male heirs since time immemorial.

The gender planning calendar was invented by ancient sages so that the desired date of conception could be calculated based on the phase of the moon and changes in the blood of the female body.

The calendar of the baby's gender by month itself looks like a table of 336 cells.. Each cell contains information about the gender: boy or girl. Vertically there is a column with the full age of the expectant mother.

Determining the sex of a child according to the eastern calendar

Before we understand how the 2024 baby gender calendar works, it is important to understand one thing. This method is not scientific, it is only a prediction with a higher percentage of probability that the baby will be born of the desired gender.

To determine a person’s gender, only 2 values are needed: the woman’s age and the month of conception.

It is important to remember that the calculations are based on the lunar calendar, which differs from the usual Gregorian calendar. This means that:

  1. The mother's age should not be counted from the moment of birth. In China, 9 months are added to the actual date. This is due to the fact that life begins to be counted from the moment of development in the womb. At the moment of birth, the baby is already 1 year old. Also, the Chinese celebrate the New Year between January 21 and February 21. If the expectant mother was born in this period, then she will have to add 1 to her current years.
  2. The lunar calendar can have 12 or 13 months per year, and also lag behind the Gregorian calendar by 30 or 50 days.

There is an opinion that the eastern calendar also indicates the predominance of male or female facial features in a baby.

How to use the Chinese calendar table?

Before using the 2024 Gender Determination Calendar, It is worth considering that the data is for women aged 18 to 45 years. Only for the given age range can the future gender be calculated.

Also, do not forget that if the expectant mother is a European, her age must be converted to Chinese. To do this, add 9 months to her years.

It is known that the reliability of information increases if conception occurs closer to the middle of the month. The forecast for 2025 to determine the birth of a boy or a girl can be found in the table below.

At first glance, the Chinese conception calendar 2025 looks simple and does not require specific calculation rules. However, to find out the exact expected sex of the child, you need to follow the following instructions:

  1. Before determining the appropriate ovulation date, it is important to convert your age and the date itself from the Gregorian calendar to the Chinese calendar. Beginners are best off using special calculators on the Internet. You can simply add 1 year to your age.
  2. If pregnancy has already taken place or is only planned, the date of conception should be converted into a lunar month. To make this easier, it is better to use an online converter.
  3. After determining the exact lunar age and month of conception, the baby's gender is determined by the intersection line of the data in the table.

Accuracy of gender determination

Modern science has not yet been able to verify the exact accuracy of this method of predicting gender. Therefore, many doctors recommend using them with caution.

Dr. Eduardo Villamor once tested the Chinese calendar by taking information about births that occurred in Sweden from 1973 to 2006 and comparing it with the expected predictions in the table. The results of the study showed that the accuracy of the prediction of who will be born according to the table is 50 percent.

But there are opinions that predictability is positive in 90 percent of cases. If you look at Chinese statistics, the accuracy of determination there is 75-80 percent.

Reliable ways to determine the sex of a child

Since ancient times, determining the sex of a child has been considered an important event. For many families, it was important to know in advance whether the future breadwinner and continuer of the family would be born or not. In addition, the sex of children was no less important for doctors - to determine the likelihood of hereditary diseases that can be transmitted genetically.

Today, there are many reliable methods of finding out, which are used mainly after the moment of conception. The accuracy of their predictions is usually up to 99 percent. But there are also other less reliable ones, with an accuracy of up to 70 percent.

The most reliable and scientific methods that help to determine gender with a high probability include:

  1. Ultrasound diagnostics at 16 weeks of pregnancyIt is during this period that the development of primary sexual characteristics occurs, which are visible on the screen.
  2. NIPT or blood test, with the help of which it is possible to determine the gender in the early stages of pregnancy with an accuracy of 94-99 percent. The method is based on the study of DNA molecules of the fetus and the detection of the Y-chromosome in the mother's blood.
  3. Amniocentesis or Cordocentesis – determination of gender using amniotic fluid or umbilical cord blood. The method is prescribed only in certain situations.

But simpler methods based on signs, external signs or the behavior of the pregnant woman are also popular among the people.

The following signs are considered the most popular:

  1. If the pregnant woman's belly is bulging, she will give birth to a son; if it is soft and wide, she will give birth to a daughter.
  2. A woman becomes more beautiful during pregnancy - for her son.
  3. A constant feeling of chilliness indicates the birth of a daughter.
  4. If the expectant mother eats more sweets, she is expecting a girl.
  5. Excessive hair growth on the body indicates male gender.
  6. A pregnant woman who prefers to sleep on the left boga will bear a son, while a pregnant woman who prefers to sleep on the left boga will bear a daughter.
  7. The pregnant woman's movements have become more awkward; a son will be born into the family.
  8. A boy will be born if conception occurred in an even month of an odd year or an odd month of an even year.
  9. If conception occurs in a cool room, a boy will be born.

In addition to the well-known Chinese calendar method, there is a Japanese calendar for boys and girls 2024. Unlike its colleague, it is more complex. To determine this, you must first find the intersection point of the months in the table when the woman and man were born. After that, according to the number found in the second table, look at the desired month of ovulation and the corresponding gender of the child.

For residents of European and other countries, there is a calendar with which you can find out who will be born. To find out on your own using the lunar calendar, the expectant mother needs to do the following:

  1. Determine the appropriate date of intimacy, taking into account the phase of the moon and the approach of the satellite to the planets of the zodiac circle.
  2. Know the last dates of menstruation.
  3. Do the calculations: add the numerical value of the month of ovulation and one to the mother's age. If the resulting date is odd, then it is more likely that a girl will be born.

Representatives of the fair sex have also learned to determine the desired gender without a calendar. To do this, they purchase a special ovulation test.

If a couple wants a boy, they need to conceive the baby the day before, on the day of ovulation or the next day. Those who want a girl should choose a day of intimacy no later than 2-5 days before the egg matures.