Signs for Christmas 2025 that you need to know

Christmas used to be considered a more important holiday than New Year, as it meant the birth of the Savior and was celebrated on a much larger scale. In addition to a special table and other traditions, people have long been very strict about the signs on this day. After all, what the new year will be like, whether a girl will get married, and what will help attract good luck into your life can be found out from signs and fortune telling on Christmas.

  • It is believed that if the holiday falls on Sunday, the summer will be rich in various fruits and honey.
  • On Christmas, the first person expected to enter the house is a man. Such a guest will bring good luck! Strange women should not enter the house first, otherwise it will bring trouble.
  • On this day, women must dress up and spruce up before the festive dinner, otherwise they will not marry a rich groom or they will marry, but their husbands will not love them.

  • If on Christmas night there is a starry sky and clear weather, then this means a fruitful and hospitable year.
  • On these days, you can't go hunting, slaughter animals or fish, even if you want to cook something for the table. Our ancestors believed that otherwise, misfortune could happen.
  • Ask God for what you really need on Christmas. Ask seventy-seven times, and it will be given to you. Whoever asks God for something on Christmas at three o'clock in the morning, it will be given to him.

  • At Christmas it is customary to light a large number of candles, lights, a fireplace - if there is one. Candles will attract warmth and wealth to your home.
  • It is necessary to light a special candle in honor of deceased relatives - then they will definitely help you in the coming year, attract good luck and prosperity to your home.

  • On the night of January 6-7, people do not eat until the first star appears.
  • At Christmas, figurines of livestock (cows, sheep, chickens) were baked so that the year would be rich and fertile.

  • On January 7, you can't sew or knit. Put off needlework until the next day, so as not to sew up your destiny.
  • Never sew, wash your hair, do laundry or lend money on three-day holy holidays, otherwise you will earn tears and poverty. Three-day holy holidays are Christmas, Easter and Trinity. These holidays are celebrated for three days.
  • Cucumbers will be firm and crispy if you pickle them on the day of the week that Christmas was this year. A good housewife keeps salt taken on Maundy Thursday in a secret place for this purpose.
  • You must not lend anything related to fire on Christmas Eve, such as a flint, matches, a lighter, a bucket of coal or firewood, etc., otherwise you will suffer misfortune.
  • If you lose something on Christmas, it means that you may face losses next year. If you find something, especially jewelry, then money is already rushing towards you at full sail!
  • It is a good, kind sign if during the Christmas feast a domestic cat sits under the table - this means that this year no one of those sitting at the table will die.
  • On Christmas Eve, do not borrow bread, salt or money from home, otherwise all the good will pass by your hands. Do not cut hair or spin wool. Do not wash or boil linen. Believers must finish all dirty work by this day, and whoever "drags" dirt on Christmas Eve will sit in it all year for it.
  • In the morning, tie a belt around your waist and wear it all day. In the evening, when you go to bed, take it off and put it under your pillow with the words: "Belt, belt, show me the train with the betrothed, not the one to see, but the one to marry." The future groom usually appears in a dream.
  • Throw your boot out the door. Whichever way the toe lands, expect a groom. And if the toe lands on you, you'll be a maid for another year! 🙂
  • Place a comb under your pillow and say: "My betrothed, comb my hair." You will see the groom in your dream.

  • From January 6 to January 7, before sitting down at the table, you need to dress nicely, then the whole year will be successful. Choose clothes in light colors.
  • Having made a bridge from twigs, they put it under the pillow. The girl, going to bed, says: "Who is my betrothed, who is my disguised one, he will take me across the bridge!" The betrothed appears in a dream and takes her by the hand across the bridge.
  • Take a thimbleful of salt, a thimbleful of water, mix everything and swallow. Going to bed, the girl says: "Who is my betrothed, who is my disguised one, he will give me a drink." The betrothed will appear in a dream and give me a drink.

Every girl and unmarried woman would not mind learning about her future husband. And on such days, many things come true, so why not try? 🙂
Whether or not to believe in omens is up to you. But, strange as it may seem, many folk superstitions can really tell you what will happen in the near future and protect you from all sorts of troubles. The main thing is, even if you encounter some not very pleasant sign on Christmas night, stay optimistic and do not spoil your mood.

Every person holds their destiny in their own hands! Take a closer look, maybe it is already close by…