Cool statuses for New Year 2025 - beautiful, meaningful

Social networks and messengers have become an integral part of our lives. Nowadays, almost every person uses the Internet and a smartphone. Everyone has a personal page on Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Telegram, Whatsapp or Viber. Social networks allow us to always stay in touch and be part of this Internet community.

In social networks we share thoughts and joyful moments of our lives. We also watch our friends, relatives and acquaintances with interest.

On this page we have collected for you statuses for the New Year 2025 with meaning. They are suitable for different purposes. Choose the one that suits you and place it on your page!

Cool statuses about Snakes

Pictures with funny Snakes

Cool statuses mentioning the symbol of 2025 - the Green Snake:

New New Year 2024

- What do you know about dragons? - What? Nothing. - Seriously! - Well, it's not the Loch Ness Monster, Dean. Dragons don't exist. - Make a few calls... - Who? Hogwarts?

New New Year 2024

- Dragons are wise, but not always smart.

New New Year 2024

Girls are the strangest creatures in the world, except for dragons, if they (I mean dragons) exist, of course.

New New Year 2024

I believe in dragons, faithful men and other fantastic creatures

New New Year 2024

Dragons can fall in love, but their love is more terrible than their hatred.

New New Year 2024

Dragons playing Dragons are the most dangerous.

New New Year 2024

Dragons can be very similar to our friends. But this is just a coincidence.

New New Year 2024

Dragons in love may discover new talents and close old ones.

New New Year 2024

Dragons love greenery. Grass, bushes, trees… Lettuce, parsley… Dollars…

New New Year 2024

There are professional psychologists among the Dragons!

New New Year 2024

Having fallen asleep on the dragon's treasures with greedy, dragon thoughts in his soul, he himself became a dragon.

New New Year 2024

Dragons love to talk about their feelings and regularly use "I-messages".

Cool statuses for New Year 2025 - beautiful, meaningful

New New Year 2024

Fairy tales are more than truth, not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be defeated.

New New Year 2024

Snakes sometimes get cold.

Beautiful statuses about New Year 2025

Short and funny quotes for New Year 2025

Beautiful statuses about New Year 2025:

New New Year 2024

May Happiness knock on your door on New Year's Eve... And may God grant that you find yourself at home at that moment!

New New Year 2024

Every year ends happily - it ends with the New Year.

New New Year 2024

The most important gift that every New Year gives us is hope for the best.

New New Year 2024

I love winter and the feeling that the holidays are approaching... The days before New Year... The days of wishes coming true, faith in miracles and fairy tales!

New New Year 2024

New Year's happiness is a special kind of treasure, a pearl that we find as children and keep until old age.

New New Year 2024

Every person is the smith of his own happiness. I want the best anvil for myself for the New Year... I want to forge myself boundless happiness, a sea of love and joy...

New New Year 2024

I don’t want anything for the New Year except one thing – to be next to you and kiss you when the chimes ring.

New New Year 2024

New Year... I want a holiday, cappuccino and chocolate. And to send away all the endless "musts".

New New Year 2024

Pre-New Year weather, pre-holiday bustle, snow outside the windows...

New New Year 2024

What awaits us in the New Year? - I don't know yet, but I'm sure we'll get lucky!

Cool statuses for New Year 2025 - beautiful, meaningful

New New Year 2024

New Year's charm - Christmas trees, lights, tangerines, festively smiling people and a good mood!

New New Year 2024

In connection with the arrival of the New Year, the country is undergoing a general mandarinization!

New New Year 2024

On New Year's Eve, all wishes have special power. It's a time of gifts and wishes coming true!

New New Year 2024

I don't want a Christmas tree, or presents, or all this holiday chaos. Just my beloved on this magical night -
he was there and hugged me tightly...

New New Year 2024

Adults need a fairy tale more than children. It is for them that the New Year was invented.

New New Year 2024

New Year… Life goes on!

New New Year 2024

New Year... Time of miracles. A ghostly opportunity appears to touch with your lips the one your heart has long kissed.

New New Year 2024

I want, like in childhood, to believe in a New Year's fairy tale, make a wish with the hope that it will come true and wait for a miracle on New Year's Eve! 9

New New Year 2024

The season of "Don't touch it, it's for New Year!" is declared open!

New New Year 2024

The waiting mode for a New Year's miracle and magic is on.

New New Year 2024

Soon, with these smartphones, we won’t be celebrating the New Year, but updating it.

New New Year 2024

Snow falling in big, big flakes, and I'm walking hand in hand with my beloved - that's my whole New Year's wish.

New New Year 2024

May the New Year bring you 365 reasons for joy and happiness!

New New Year 2024

To catch a good mood and not let it go – these are my plans for this wonderful New Year.

New New Year 2024

The longest night is from December 31 to January 9.

New New Year 2024

A New Year's wish is your last hope if what you really want can't be bought with money.

New New Year 2024

Dear Santa Claus, please put a piece of happiness under my Christmas tree for the New Year.

New New Year 2024

The main miracle of the New Year is that everyone begins to believe in miracles.

Cool statuses for New Year 2025 - beautiful, meaningful

New New Year 2024

New Year is the time to get charged with a great mood!

New New Year 2024

New Year is coming soon! May you all have someone nearby who will peel your tangerines...

New New Year 2024

You wait for winter not only because of snow and New Year. In winter you believe in miracles and fairy tales about love a little more!

New New Year 2024

The season of excuses "Let's do it after the New Year" is declared open!

New New Year 2024

The happiest happiness is New Year with your loved one.

New New Year 2024

Every year ends happily - it ends with the New Year!

New New Year 2024

New Year is a sad parting with old illusions and a joyful meeting with new ones.

New New Year 2024

Every tangerine has the soul of the New Year under its skin...

New New Year 2024

I want New Year. I want garlands, a Christmas tree, magic. I want new intrigues, hopes, desires. I want a sense of celebration!

New New Year 2024

Until the New Year, all that remains is to… figure out how to live on.

New New Year 2024

New Year. Time for promises and faith that everything will be better, easier and happier. It is a holiday of hope for the best.

New New Year 2024

New Year's mood is when you are happy to see even those who have made the wrong door.

New New Year 2024

Prepare for the New Year thoroughly! Don't forget to move the scales back!

New New Year 2024

Pre-New Year days... Days of wishes coming true, faith in miracles...

New New Year 2024

I thought of a cool gift for myself for the New Year. I just couldn't figure out who would spend so much money on me.

New New Year 2024

If in the morning you feel that you have celebrated the New Year incorrectly, you need to celebrate it again.

New New Year 2024

The city is reaching for the New Year - more and more lights, decorations, light and music, closer and closer to magic.

New New Year 2024

By the New Year, you need to learn the phrase: "Where am I?" in the most popular languages. You never know how things will turn out...

New New Year 2024

Another New Year in your life - an exciting anticipation of a miracle, a cozy Christmas tree, lights, gifts...

New New Year 2024

New Year is a reason to leave some people in the old way.

New New Year 2024

I wish everyone in the coming New Year not to miss out on their happiness with a mouse!

New New Year 2024

December is the fastest month. The New Year is hurrying it up!

New New Year 2024

The tangerines are in use, which means New Year is coming soon!

New New Year 2024

Every person is the smith of his own happiness. I want the best anvil for myself for the New Year... I want to forge myself boundless happiness, a sea of love and joy! 9

New New Year 2024

The shortest day of the year is January 1st: you wake up and it’s already dark outside.

New New Year 2024

There are a lot of options for where I will celebrate the New Year: at home, at home or at home, or maybe at home, or at worst - at home.

New New Year 2024

If the air smells of fir trees and tangerines, then it is...
For women - to a new dress,
For men - to a party,
For children - for gifts!

New New Year 2024

May Happiness knock on your door on New Year's Eve... And may you be home at that moment!

New New Year 2024

I wish you to be healthy all year long! I wish you all warmth of soul! May you always be lucky in all your affairs! Love, money and goodness!

Cool statuses for New Year 2025 - beautiful, meaningful

New New Year 2024

If you make a wish on New Year's Eve, it will of course come true, but it is so difficult to formulate it at this time!

New New Year 2024

Don't forget to put your smartphone away at 11:55 pm on December 31, make a wish and celebrate the New Year!

New New Year 2024

New Year is a sad parting with old illusions and a joyful meeting with new ones.

Congratulatory statuses

 "Happy New Year 2024" in English

Congratulatory statuses:

New New Year 2024

Snowflakes are swirling in the New Year,
And all dreams come true,
Let it happen in life,
What I've been dreaming about for a long time!

New New Year 2024

Let the New Year be under the tree
He'll bring a wad of money
And good luck, little knot,
And a big bag of love!

New New Year 2024

Let good things happen,
Let miracles come,
And all dreams come true.
Happy New Year everyone! Hooray!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year!
May he be happy,
Peace, goodness, love and joy
Let it carry into every home!

New New Year 2024

New opportunities, new ideas,
There are wonderful, reliable friends nearby!
May the New Year be the best ever,
Kind, cheerful and very lucky!

Cool statuses for New Year 2025 - beautiful, meaningful

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year! Life is beautiful!
Let the holiday bring you happiness,
Miracle, joy, ringing laughter,
Beauty, love, success!

New New Year 2024

Let it be a New Year's holiday
Light comes into hearts,
Kindness, warmth, health,
Good luck and good luck!

New New Year 2024

The Christmas tree sparkles merrily,
New Year is coming,
May he fulfill your wishes,
The sea of happiness will bring!

New New Year 2024

Let this year give you
A bright take-off of new plans!
And love, health, happiness
He gives you a bonus!

New New Year 2024

May the new year be wonderful,
Successful, easy, interesting.
May all your wishes come true
And generously filled life with happiness!

New New Year 2024

I wish to take it with me into the New Year
Love, dreams, pleasant moments.
And let the holiday bring with it
More strength, health, inspiration!

New New Year 2024

Snowflakes fall silently,
And the heart is really waiting for a miracle.
Let it be kind, the best
The New Year has come today!

New New Year 2024

Happy New Year! A miracle fairy tale
Let your home be filled!
And always warmth and joy,
Let kindness reign in him!

New Year statuses 2025 with meaning

New Year 2025 Cards in English

New Year statuses 2025 with meaning:

New New Year 2024

Part with the past irrevocably, it will never happen again...
That's it... And the chimes strike again... Let's start a new page!

New New Year 2024

Every year ends happily - it ends with the New Year.

New New Year 2024

May Happiness knock on your door on New Year's Eve... And may God grant that you find yourself at home at that moment!

New New Year 2024

New Year is a sad parting with old illusions and a joyful meeting with new ones.

New New Year 2024

Let the New Year be as kind as your mother’s voice!

New New Year 2024

I want cappuccino and chocolate.
Send to hell... all the endless "musts". Hang the garland in the most visible place.
And celebrate "another best day" together.

New New Year 2024

I don’t want anything for the New Year except to be next to you and kiss you at the stroke of midnight on December 31 at 23:59 and on January 1 at 00:01.

New New Year 2024

As we get older, our New Year's wish list gets smaller and smaller, and what we really want can't be bought with money.

New New Year 2024

The best New Year's gifts under the tree are not to be found. They are family, children, friends and the person you love.

Cool statuses for New Year 2025 - beautiful, meaningful

New New Year 2024

It is the way people are made that on New Year's Eve we forget everything that was and wait for what will be.

New New Year 2024

Two steps away from the New Year
Miracles and surprises await us.
And it doesn't matter what the weather is like:
Be happy… here and now!

New New Year 2024

May the New Year bring you 365 reasons for joy and happiness!

New New Year 2024

At heart, we all remain children, at least one day a year, when we expect a miracle from Santa Claus!

New New Year 2024

New Year. Time for promises and faith that in the morning everything will start anew, will become better and happier.

New New Year 2024

The most important gift that every New Year gives us is hope for the best.

New New Year 2024

I decided that I won't expect anything at all in the New Year. I already have everything. I'll just live. Just for myself. Just for my own pleasure. And what is destined will come by itself.

New New Year 2024

Tomorrow is the first page of a 365-page book. Write it well.

New New Year 2024

The house smells of tangerines
The spruce tree sparkles with lights…
And dad will wash off his makeup in the bathroom.
And he will quietly say: “Daughter, believe...

New New Year 2024

May those I love be the happiest in the NEW YEAR!

New New Year 2024

May your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions!

New New Year 2024

New Year is a time of miracles, and adults sometimes need a fairy tale more than children.

New New Year 2024

On New Year's Eve, all wishes have special power.

New New Year 2024

Each... even the smallest tangerine... has the soul of the New Year under its skin...

New New Year 2024

Somewhere far away is MY New Year!
MY holiday, MY happiness, MY childhood...
I am in memory, from everyday worries,
I come there to warm my soul...

New New Year 2024

Dear Grandfather Frost, for the New Year, put a piece of happiness under my tree...180 cm tall, please.

New New Year 2024

New Year is coming again
We believe in fairy tales for a short time,
And so naively we wait for a hint,
To understand ourselves.

New New Year 2024

I would leave a lot behind in the outgoing year: lying and unpleasant people, loud words and unfulfilled promises, fake friends and obsessive admirers, numerous phone numbers and unnecessary addresses. My fears and self-doubt, doubts and shattered hopes... I would probably easily part with everyone and everything... The only thing I would like to take with me into the New Year is your love...

New New Year 2024

Take all the troubles away,
The old year is leaving!
New - give me free traffic
Good luck - no adversity!

New New Year 2024

Let our loved ones be near in the New Year! May God give us the opportunity to touch with our lips the one whom our hearts have long kissed.

New New Year 2024

It's raining like it's May, lots of mud and water, only thunder is missing - let's go there! The Christmas tree is shining with lights, people are drinking champagne, every year it's funnier, we're celebrating the New Year!

New New Year 2024

Here in the USSR we had real holidays on New Year's - parents went to work on January 2, and we had freedom.

New New Year 2024

Very soon, winter will wake up,
will cover your streets with snow
and will burst into the calm of the cities
the familiar smell of fir needles...

New New Year 2024

I want December 31st. There are snowdrifts outside the window. Mom is cutting Olivier salad in the kitchen, Dad has gone to get a Christmas tree, and I am 8, I draw them postcards with snowflakes and believe in miracles.

New New Year 2024

Snow... Adults say it's frozen water, but children know better: these are little stars with the magical taste of the New Year.

New New Year 2024

Decorate the Christmas tree, forget all the grievances, hug those who are dear to you more often and most importantly remember that December is a little Magic!

Cool short statuses for New Year 2025 for VK

New Year pictures with the symbol of 2025 - Green Wooden Dragon

Cool statuses for New Year 2025 for VK:

New New Year 2024

I'm ready for you, 2024.

New New Year 2024

For your information, this is all from last year.

New New Year 2024

Trust the magic of a new beginning.

New New Year 2024

If you liked it last year, wait, because it will pass quickly. If you didn't like it this year, wait, because it will pass soon.

New New Year 2024

Let's drink to the New Year and another chance to do it right.

New New Year 2024

A year ago I couldn’t even imagine my life as it is now.

New New Year 2024

Let 2025 be the year you break free from all the troubles.

New New Year 2024

What comes will be better than what is happening.

New New Year 2024

I can't believe it's been a year since I've gotten better.

New New Year 2024

Wanted some smart status? This is so last year's.

New New Year 2024

May all your problems be as long as your promises.

New New Year 2024

Every beginning begins with someone's end.

New New Year 2024

I hope the New Year starts brightly and shines all year long.

New New Year 2024

You are never too old to reinvent yourself.

New New Year 2024

See you next year.

New New Year 2024

This will be our year.

Cool statuses for New Year 2025 - beautiful, meaningful

New New Year 2024

There's no such thing as too much glitter on New Year's Eve.

New New Year 2024

365 days, 365 excuses.

New New Year 2024

My New Year's resolution is to stop talking to people who ask about my New Year's resolutions.

New New Year 2024

It's never too late to be who you can be.

New New Year 2024

Every time you're afraid to do something, do it. Make mistakes next year and beyond.

New New Year 2024

This year I promise to be more optimistic, so that my glass is half full.

New New Year 2024

Happy New Pandemic Year!

New New Year 2024

The best is yet to come.

New New Year 2024

I am dedicating this year to myself.

New New Year 2024

Watch out 2024, I'm coming to you.

New New Year 2024

The best time for a new beginning is now.

New New Year 2024

Keep the smile, leave the tears, hold the laughter, leave the pain, think about joy, forget about fear and be happy because it's a new year. Happy 2024!

New New Year 2024

12 months to the best version of yourself.

New New Year 2024

Celebrating 2025 in style!

New New Year 2024

This is the beginning of everything we want.

New Year statuses in verse

Santa Claus Phone Number in 2025 - Free Answering Machine Numbers, Hotline

New Year statuses in verse:

New New Year 2024

The clink of glasses is heard

New Year is about to burst in!

He will destroy all problems!

And it will increase your luck!

New New Year 2024I congratulate you with all my heart!
I wish you health and happiness,
More happy days,
And let love live in your heart,
Let the smile never leave your face,
Make fewer mistakes,
And to live life without any troubles at all.
Wishing you many years of success!
Happy New Year!

New New Year 2024

To the sound of the clock,
To the sounds of a waltz
On New Year's Eve
We wish again
Raise a glass
For peace and happiness,
Hope, faith and love!

New New Year 2024

Winter is a bright, kind time.
It's time for magical snowflakes and happiness.
In winter, the doors open for the New Year!
Let there be an atmosphere of warmth in the family!

New New Year 2024

Friends, I wish you a Happy New Year,
I want to wish you love and happiness!
On all roads in any weather
May God's grace protect you!

New Year statuses in prose (in your own words)

Answering machine phone numbers by city

New Year statuses in your own words:

New New Year 2024

I want the New Year to come soon!!!... So that at exactly midnight I can go outside... look at the sky... and, catching the snow with my lips, realize... Life goes on!

New New Year 2024

I love winter and the feeling that the holidays are approaching... The days before New Year... The days of wishes coming true, faith in miracles and fairy tales!

New New Year 2024

The time of miracles and magic is approaching... I love this holiday!

New New Year 2024

On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus will bring gifts only to those who believe and wait for their miracle! Hurry to make a wish and believe - it will definitely come true!

New New Year 2024

New Year is always a hope for something good. It is a dream of happiness. It is a trembling expectation that the coming year will certainly be better than the previous one, and all troubles, disappointments and sorrows will remain in the past. It is on New Year's Eve, more than ever, that you want to believe that all your most secret and crazy desires will definitely come true.

New New Year 2024

I want December 31st. There are snowdrifts outside the window. Mom is cutting Olivier salad in the kitchen, Dad has gone to get a Christmas tree, and I am 8, I draw them postcards with snowflakes and believe in miracles.

New New Year 2024

Anticipation of a holiday is always pleasant and exciting, especially if it is New Year!

New New Year 2024

The anticipation of the New Year awakens the child in me... Just like when you woke up in the morning as a child and wanted to see a Christmas tree with presents under it... You wanted to play snowballs and eat snow and not think about getting sick.

New New Year 2024

That magical moment when it’s winter outside, cold, dark and the end of the year, but in your soul it’s warm, light, cozy and you’re expecting a miracle.

New New Year 2024

There are three periods in a man’s life: when he believes in Santa Claus, when he doesn’t, and when he himself is Santa Claus!

Cool statuses for New Year 2025 - beautiful, meaningful

New New Year 2024

Let our loved ones be near in the New Year! May God give us the opportunity to touch with our lips the one whom our hearts have long kissed.

New New Year 2024

At any age, the birth of a new year is the best time for a festive greeting.

New New Year 2024

It's good to earn money in an unfamiliar place, and it's good to celebrate the New Year in a familiar place.

New New Year 2024

I decided to celebrate New Year's Eve ahead of schedule - I ate Olivier salad and watched Yolki. I'm definitely in a New Year's mood now.

New New Year 2024

The Christmas truth is that we are never alone, our family and friends are with us.

New New Year 2024

On New Year's Eve, we forget what was and wait for what will be. But the past is always with us. It tries to interfere with the present.

New New Year 2024

With every tangerine you eat, you bring the New Year closer by 3 minutes and improve your immunity!

New New Year 2024

The New Year is associated - and this is not a joke or an exaggeration - with the fear of almost all women to spend this night alone. As if it is on this night that a woman must be with a man.

New New Year 2024

Every day the mood level increases. And by December 31st it will reach its highest point - 40 degrees!

New New Year 2024On social networks, some people still have the status “Happy New Year!”, I’m even afraid to ask… “is it alive or not”?

Proverbs and sayings for statuses

 "Happy New Year 2024" in English

Proverbs and sayings for statuses about New Year 2025:

New New Year 2024

  • New Year is the turn to spring.
  • Cold does not tolerate hunger.
  • You can't get enough food in a day for a year.
  • One year ends, another begins.
  • A fool celebrates the New Year worse than before each time
  • A year is not a week: everything will happen, but not now.
  • One day threw a year onto the bones.
  • He won't become poor in a year, but he can become poor in a day.
  • There is no winter without frost.
  • Whether you like it or not, it's not coming for Christmas, but for Easter.
  • Father Frost grabs the lazy one by the nose, but takes off his hat in front of the nimble one.
  • To live a year is not to live a century.
  • December ends the year and begins winter.
  • Protect your nose from Grandpa in severe frost.
  • The month of January is the ruler of winter.
  • February is full of snowstorms, and March is full of drizzle.
  • Boasting is like a firecracker: you fire it, and there's nothing left.
  • The Veil did not cover it, and neither will Christmas.
  • Where the night spends the night, the year goes on.
  • But still, Snegurochka is superior in beauty.
  • She didn’t walk or show off - neither at Christmas nor at Maslenitsa, but God brought her during Lent.
  • With my sweetheart, a year will seem like an hour.
  • No matter how you wash yourself, you won't be whiter than a snowman.
  • If snow falls on the blanket, it means happiness for the young.
  • Without a year, a year with a day.
  • Life is like a Christmas garland - as soon as one light bulb burns out, all the others go out.
  • Nowadays, there are no more leashes, and there is no money, everyone is hiding.

Beautiful Christmas statuses

Happy New Year 2024 Cards

Beautiful Christmas statuses:

New New Year 2024

  • It doesn’t matter what the weather is like outside on this Christmas night: a snowstorm, frost or clear skies, the main thing is that our souls and hearts are warm and cozy!
  • Christmas is a holiday when you feel all the spiritual purity and harmony of the soul and the world.
  • On the first Christmas, the Lord took a step towards us. May many take a step towards God this Christmas.
  • Christmas is a time of miracles and wishes coming true! May all your wishes come true, but leave room for next Christmas!
  • It doesn’t matter what kind of Christmas you celebrate – Catholic or Orthodox – what matters is what your heart feels…
  • At Christmas, angels sing in the sky and the stars light the way. 🙏
  • Merry Christmas! May the light shine in your home and love warm your hearts!
  • The Christmas star has lit up and the houses are filled with warmth! Merry Christmas! 🌟
  • I want it to be like when I was a child, Christmas and for everyone to be at home! For mom to be nearby!
  • The Christmas table is the most important one of the year! Have a delicious Christmas! 🤗
  • I can't sleep today and I'm hoping for a miracle!
  • How can you sleep on a night like this? 😱
  • It's time for Christmas fortune telling! It's both scary and curious!
  • The magic of Christmas is the most magical! I want to become part of the old events for at least a moment! 🏰
  • The harmony and purity of a festive morning enchants and captivates.
  • I want to see an angel on the Christmas tree and tell him my cherished wish! 👼
  • Christmas is a time to forgive, believe, hope, love.
  • Christmas is coming, walking across the planet, giving light and grace to people. 😌
  • Today is a bright, magical day! Smile! Christmas!
  • Christmas gives birth to miracles! Miracles give birth to faith! 🙏
  • I believe in Christmas again and love it! It's like I've come back to life!
  • Christmas has enveloped everything in its magical blanket of light and warmth. 😍
  • Christmas stars are little angels of hope and goodness.
  • Christmas lights should be burning in your soul all year round! ✨
  • Let the Christmas candle of hope burn and never go out in our hearts! 🕯

Funny post-new year statuses

Postcards with Santa Claus for New Year 2025

Post-New Year statuses:
New New Year 2024

There are… 365 days left until the New Year!

New New Year 2024

Until January 7th - chic...
On the eighth I looked into my wallet - shock!

New New Year 2024

New Year's holidays are like renovations: the end result is very different from the original idea.

New New Year 2024

— What did they give you for New Year?
— A bag of weekends…

New New Year 2024

I'm lying on the bed, almost dead.
It seems I'm a glutton, a drunkard and a spendthrift!
I'm afraid there won't be enough strength or resources
Celebrate the Old New Year with dignity.
New New Year 2024

Waking up after the New Year holidays is like being hit in the face with fifteen Mondays at once.

Cool statuses for New Year 2025 - beautiful, meaningful

New New Year 2024

We celebrated the New Year perfectly! Today it is impossible to look at three things: tangerines, chocolate, alcohol…

New New Year 2024

New Year is funny,
If there was no pressure,
And I didn't shake from a hangover
Half of the population.

New New Year 2024

Returning to work after the New Year holidays is like meeting classmates after many years: everyone has gained a little weight and is very happy to see each other. And most importantly, everyone has something to tell!

New New Year 2024

For our good fortune, or perhaps for our misfortune
The seconds fly by quickly.
It's so good that New Year only comes ONCE a year,
After all, drinking so much twice is unbearable.

New New Year 2024

The body is sleeping, it is tired, because yesterday it was drinking. The brain is also not up to the body, its parts are sleeping quietly. The tongue is sleeping irrevocably, and yesterday it was carefree, it skillfully talked nonsense, but by the morning everything was numb. And the stomach is sleeping tired, the only thing missing was an ulcer. Only the liver is not sleeping - it was necessary to drink so much!

New New Year 2024

Dear Santa Claus, take back all your gifts, and in exchange erase my memory of the entire New Year's Eve. And, if you have time, take away the feeling of shame as well.

New New Year 2024

Well, that's the end of the holidays, well done to those who haven't become alcoholics!
New New Year 2024

This week is remembered vaguely.
And, it seems, you told me this morning,
Today is January 7th - that's strange...
Tell me again, has the sixth already happened?

New New Year 2024

January 1st is Valentine's Day for mineral water.

New New Year 2024

The New Year celebrations were a success, and carefree faces of passersby can be seen lying here and there.

New New Year 2024

Gloomy faces with pale skin...
Festal, mezim - everything is used.
Pickle soup is also popular.
The country celebrated the New Year...

New New Year 2024

You are definitely lucky if your morning on the first of January started on the second…
New New Year 2024

In Russia, on January 1-2, ambulances pump out people who have overindulged, on the 4-5th - those who have overeaten, and on the 7-8th - those who have been poisoned.

New New Year 2024

From the explanatory note: “I didn’t come to work on January 2nd because I thought that I had come…”

New New Year 2024

January personnel changes in companies are echoes of December corporate parties.

New New Year 2024

Morning of January 1st.
— What happened yesterday?
- Well, it's New Year.
- Aaa... And which one?

New New Year 2024

New Year's sign: if a week after the holiday the guests still haven't left, it means that the hosts...

New New Year 2024

Now the New Year has already passed its day,
A medal for those who survived! And this is no joke!

New New Year 2024

You never know what date it will be on the morning of January 1st.

New New Year 2024

How lonely and destitute people feel now, who celebrated at a party or in a club, came home, and there is NOTHING TO FINISH THE FAMILY

New New Year 2024

Post-New Year...I'm already drinking tea...but still in one gulp...

New New Year 2024

Why is there no old New Year holidays after the Old New Year?

New New Year 2024

It had to happen. And it finally happened - the New Year's food in the fridge ran out.

New New Year 2024

- Well, did you see out the old year?
— We saw him off, but he’s already returned several times with a half-liter bottle.

New New Year 2024

The holidays are ending, people are sobering up. I've only seen two drunks lately, and I was one of them.

New New Year 2024

It would be better if we celebrated New Year not in winter, but in summer. Then we would not go to work for 10 days, for example, in July.

New New Year 2024

The use of facial recognition in the phone turned out to be a failure. On January 1, half of Russians' phones refused to recognize their owners.

New New Year 2024

Silence level on January 1: you can hear your upstairs neighbors' phones vibrating.

New New Year 2024

The period after the New Year holidays is the peak of sales of floor scales - girls are sure that their scales began to show the wrong weight.

New New Year 2024

Get up, huge country, finish your salads.
New New Year 2024

We've come to this! Almost all the products in the stores are from last year! What is Rospotrebnadzor looking at!

Cool statuses for New Year 2025 - beautiful, meaningful

New New Year 2024

And in the following days
I'm so happy this morning,
What they didn't eat
Half a bucket of Olivier salad.

New New Year 2024

New Year has passed, now summer is mine, please!
New New Year 2024

From the story of a supermarket security guard:
“January 6th… Well, thank God, they started buying snacks.”

New New Year 2024

Entry in work record: dismissed based on the results of the New Year's corporate party.

New New Year 2024

Then only New Year will pass, when you finish all the salads.

New New Year 2024

The glasses will ring, the fireworks will thunder,
I'll wake up in one of last year's dishes.

New New Year 2024

Happy is not the one whose table is bursting with food and alcohol, but the one who knows the secret of surviving the New Year holidays with a home All inclusive.

New New Year 2024

Well, here we go, our New Year has begun. The countdown has begun! Good luck to everyone at the start and to the finish!

New New Year 2024

The mystery of the Tunguska meteorite pales in comparison to the enigma of a man buying pasta, vinegar, a bottle of non-alcoholic beer and a bunch of clothespins at a store on January 1 at 9 a.m.
New New Year 2024

Starting a new life with the New Year in Russia means January 11th.

New New Year 2024

People who were last online on December 31st, are you even alive?

New New Year 2024

Every New Year began a new life, but it did not last long, because one had to live.

New New Year 2024

December 31:
— I'll have four whiskeys at zero seven, caviar and three kilograms of beef for steaks.

January 2:
— What do you mean, salt is 16 rubles? It was 14.5!

New New Year 2024

After the New Year holidays there are two troubles - a mirror and scales.

New New Year 2024

New Year's holidays are when you go to the kitchen for tea and at the same time eat a bowl of Olivier salad.

New New Year 2024

It seems like people started to “move away”,
But there is nothing to calm him down with,
After all, the Old New Year is coming soon.
It's like a coup de grace to the liver.

New New Year 2024

During the New Year holidays the most common question in Russia is:
- What date is today?

New New Year 2024

Greetings to all who survived New Year's Eve!!! Can anyone advise me what to do? I can't eat anymore, and my mouth is still chewing!

New New Year 2024

After the New Year, only fingerprints will remain in your wallet...

New New Year 2024

Those who don’t drink on New Year’s don’t know how delicious tap water is on the morning of January 1st!

New New Year 2024

I love this post-New Year's bustle - some are finishing their Olivier salad, some are lying under a drip.
New New Year 2024

Well, did you start a new life with the New Year? No problem, you'll try again in a year.

New New Year 2024

Everyone expects a miracle on New Year's Eve... But in the morning only a hangover comes.