Random Acts of Kindness Day: How to Celebrate in 2025, Interesting Facts

Today, the whole world celebrates an unusual holiday - Random Acts of Kindness Day! On this day, you can smile at a stranger on the street, help those in need, carry a heavy bag, help an old lady cross the street, or simply thank someone for their work.

Random Acts of Kindness Day, celebrated around the world every February 17, is one of the recent initiatives of international charities.

On Random Acts of Kindness Day, people try to do nice things for each other. These can be a variety of actions - from a simple smile to providing real help to those in need. On this day, it is customary to show kindness not only to people, but also to animals and the environment.

Random Acts of Kindness Day is a wonderful holiday that reminds us of the importance of kindness and encourages us to do good deeds. This day is another reason to make the world a better and kinder place.


What is good about such celebrations is the lack of strict regulations and easy assimilation with the local culture. Remember the mixed reaction that Western celebrations like Valentine's Day or Halloween cause in us? It's all about the mismatch of cultural codes. Whereas with Random Acts of Kindness Day in Russia, everything is much simpler. Universal human values are the same for the entire modern civilization, so the holiday was favorably received here too.

By 2025, local charitable organizations had developed their own traditions for this holiday. These are mainly volunteer groups that invite you to join their movement for one day. Some collect things, organize charity marathons and master classes. Unfortunately, there is no single portal or organizer of the event in Russia, so it is not easy to find out about an event taking place in a big city. Fortunately, this holiday is not so much about the organization as about personal contribution. A small good deed is within everyone's power.

The International Day is one of the recent initiatives of international charitable organizations. This holiday has a global significance and is celebrated regardless of citizenship, nationality and religious beliefs. In Russia, this holiday is still little known. On this day, as the organizers urge, you need to try to be kind to everyone, and not just kind, but kind infinitely and selflessly. Remember, if a person expects gratitude for his kindness, this cannot be considered true kindness. Good deeds in themselves should bring you pleasure, and at the same time, giving something to others or helping them, you should not expect a reward. This is true kindness. In a state of fatigue and irritation from pressing concerns, we increasingly indifferently pass by other people's problems until they touch us. And then we seek support and participation from people for whom "selfless help", "mercy" and "responsiveness" are not just words, but the meaning of life, which has become a calling.

Interesting facts

  1. Showing kindness, as scientists claim, has a positive effect on both the physical and psychological state of a person.
  2. According to American scientists, kind people live longer and get sick less often. They came to this conclusion as a result of a study of more than 400 elderly married couples, who were observed for five years. Caring and attentive partners got sick twice as rarely.
  3. In addition, compassionate people live on average nine years longer, since a person who does something good for others has an increased level of lymphocytes and dilates blood vessels.
  4. Joint research by Japanese and American psychologists has proven that the more good deeds a person does, the happier he or she feels. According to scientists, those individuals who express gratitude to people and show tenderness to them in their daily affairs feel better physically and look at the world with greater optimism.
  5. Kindness helps produce the “happiness hormone” – when a person helps others, the brain produces a large amount of endorphins, which, having a calming effect, neutralize the effects of stress and alleviate depression.

How to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day?

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" has prepared a small selection of good deeds for its readers, one of which you can do on February 17, 2025. However, you don't have to wait for the appointed day, because the name of the holiday includes the word "spontaneous". So, here's how you can celebrate the holiday.

  • Make a transfer to a charitable organization. Remember that this fund is registered as a legal entity and has the status of "NPO".
  • Carry out a clean-up day. In cold regions of Russia, it may be difficult to do this outside on February 17. Therefore, you can clean the entrance, offer your help to elderly neighbors or some social organization.
  • Feed or help a homeless person. Again, you can do this not personally, but through charitable organizations in your city. In each region there are shelters for such people, where they will not refuse help.
  • Adopt an animal. Maybe you've wanted to get a cat or a dog for a long time, but couldn't bring yourself to do so? Then Random Acts of Kindness Day is a great opportunity. Contact animal rights activists or an animal shelter. They'll find you a four-legged friend. By the way, the shelter will be happy if you make a small donation in exchange for a new family member and bring some things: bowls, food, vitamins, beds, etc.
  • Still don't know who to help and how? Go to church. It doesn't matter what religion you are. Even if you are an atheist or agnostic, they will be glad to extend a helping hand. There are always those who suffer at religious organizations. Contact a minister or a person who works at the church. We are sure that they will tell you who you can direct your energy or finances to help.
  • If you provide household services to people professionally, you can go one day without charging for them or offer them to people who cannot pay for them. For example, on Random Acts of Kindness Day, some hairdressers give free haircuts to anyone who wants them or go to the homeless. Again, this may not look good on the street in Russia, so you can offer your skills through charitable foundations.
  • Spread the word on your social media pages about the upcoming celebration and encourage your virtual friends to join in. With this simple gesture, you will promote the holiday and, perhaps, exponentially increase the amount of good deeds done.

Quotes about kindness

"Kindness begets kindness," Sophocles.

“The right and kind words can change our world,” Buddha.

“Great men are capable of great kindness,” – Miguel de Cervantes.

"Kindness is the only garment that never wears old." - Henry David Thoreau

“Kindness is the most beautiful music of the soul,” – Romain Rolland.

“There are only two virtues in the world that can and should be admired: genius and kindness of heart,” – Victor Hugo.

“Kindness is something which the blind can see and the deaf can hear.” – Mark Twain.

"Kindness in words creates trust. Kindness in thinking creates depth. Kindness in delivery creates love." - Lao Tzu

“I know of no other sign of excellence than kindness.” – Ludwig van Beethoven.

"He who does good to another does good to himself" - Erasmus of Rotterdam.

Remember that one small good deed can bring much more happiness than global thoughts about reorganizing the world.