Decorative cacti that don't need watering

Decorative cacti are easy to care for plants, but they can also die if they are not taken care of at all. An excellent and cute alternative to a live cactus is an artificial one, especially one made with your own hands. Moreover, the craft can be made while playing with children.

To make this cute "inhabitant" of the house, we need to find flat round stones. You can look for them near the river, and if there are no bodies of water in your city, you can buy them in a flower shop. We will also need:

  • Gouache or acrylic paints.
  • Several different brushes.
  • Corrector or marker.
  • Glue.
  • Flower pot.
  • Sand.

Step-by-step instructions for making a decorative cactus with your own hands

1) select 5-10 stones that are most suitable for the cactus stems, wash and dry them.

2) Apply green paint to the stones with brushes or, for example, with a spray can. Apply green paint of different shades to each stone, or you can completely forget about the real color of the cactus and paint it with all the colors of the rainbow. After the paint dries, apply another layer.

3) Apply "needles" with a thin brush or corrector. They can be drawn as dots, stripes, crosses or as your imagination suggests. With sufficient attention and skill, you can make such a realistic cactus that from a distance you will not be able to distinguish it from a real one.

4) Make a whole family of cacti! Glue several small stones to large stones, and with the help of artificial floristry or colored paper your cacti can “bloom”.

5) Place the cacti in a container, such as a pot or bucket, and fill them with sand beforehand. No need to water them, but you do need to wipe off any dust.

You can decorate your desk or office with such a cactus. Cactus decor will brighten up your gray working days!