10 Human Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

Ten Human Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

Dogs are the most loyal friends you can have in your home, but they can also be greedy and chew on food if they have the chance. Sometimes, kids or guests may innocently give food to your dogs without knowing the possible side effects. So, it is important to monitor and have a strict set of rules about what your dog can and cannot eat, including a long list of some foods that humans eat. In reality, your pet needs high-quality pet food that is tailored to your pet’s needs, not the food that we humans eat. If you realize that your dog may have eaten any of these foods on the list, you should check the amount eaten and seek immediate medical attention.

Onion, garlic and spices

Onions may not seem like a big deal to humans, but they are very dangerous to cats and dogs. Whether they are eaten raw, dried, powdered, or cooked, garlic and onions contain a compound that kills red blood cells in pets. If they consume large amounts in one sitting, you may notice symptoms such as weakness, vomiting, and breathing problems. If symptoms do not appear immediately, they may appear later when the dog becomes anemic.


Dogs can eat certain baked goods, but do not under any circumstances allow them to eat chocolate. The main toxin is a chemical called theobromine, which is found in all types of chocolate. Dark chocolate contains more toxins than milk chocolate, but they are still dangerous because the fat and sugar in milk chocolate can also cause pancreatitis. There is no way to know how much chocolate it will take before your dog gets poisoned because it depends on the dog's size and health, and you can't be sure, so you should just keep chocolate away from dogs.


Dogs and cats have more sensitive stomachs than humans, so small amounts of common chemicals can cause harm. Caffeine is another toxin found in chocolate and other common human foods that can be toxic to dogs if consumed in large quantities. Caffeine increases blood pressure in dogs just as it does in humans, and can cause cardiac arrhythmia. Some dogs may have seizures and tremors, or simply drop dead if not treated promptly.

Raw meat

It is true that dogs enjoy eating raw meat and it may not kill your dog outright, but the side effects can be disastrous for both your dog and your family. Raw meat is likely to contain bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli, which can lead to bacterial infections in your dog. The worst thing about bacterial infections is that if you interact with him/her at home, you can get infected too. It is safe to simply cook the meat before feeding it to your dog because it kills the bacteria.

Grapes and raisins

Grapes and raisins are very healthy for humans because they have heart-healthy properties, but you should never let your dog eat them. Eating grapes and raisins causes acute kidney failure in dogs. It is unclear why grapes can be so toxic. Some speculate that they may contain a toxin that somehow interferes with urine production.

Ten Human Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat


Dogs love peanut butter and other nut butters, but they are not entirely safe for them due to their high fat content. High-fat foods tend to cause pancreatitis in dogs. Now, one or two won't hurt, but too many almonds are a big risk. Almonds can also block your dog's esophagus, windpipe, or intestines, which can be fatal. Some flavored or salted almonds can also affect your dog's stomach or kidneys.


Avocados are one of the healthiest fruits in the world, but not for your pets. The leaves, skin, pit, and even the flesh of avocados contain persin, a type of fungal toxin. It’s bad for many animals, and dogs are not spared. While the flesh doesn’t contain as much persin as the rest of the fruit, it does contain it, and there’s no consensus on how much it would take for the toxin to affect your dog. It can cause diarrhea and vomiting in dogs. The high fat content of avocados can also cause stomach irritation and pancreatitis.


Xylitol is currently one of the most widely used food sweeteners both at home and in factories. It is used in chewing gum, candy, peanut butter, medicine, syrup, toothpaste and other common products used at home and it is impossible to know where it is unless you read the ingredients. Therefore, it is recommended to check the ingredients of any products and keep your dog away from those that contain it. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that causes the dog's body to release large amounts of insulin, causing hypoglycemia, which can be fatal.


Alcohol is dangerous enough for humans, let alone pets, and dogs are no safer. Even small amounts of alcohol, such as in syrups and products like bread dough, can cause alcohol poisoning in dogs. Alcohol poisoning causes tremors and seizures in dogs and can lead to organ failure.

Raw eggs

Eggshells are actually porous to allow oxygen to pass through to the embryo, and this includes bacteria. Eating raw eggs can expose dogs to salmonella, E. coli, and other bacteria strains associated with raw food. Therefore, it is best to boil or scramble the eggs before dogs can eat them.

If you know of any other human products that are harmful to our fur babies, please let us know in the comments below.