10 Most Dangerous and Deadly Birds in the World

The Ten Most Dangerous and Deadly Birds in the World

Can a bird kill you? Well, it depends on what kind of bird we are talking about, and yes! Some of these birds can kill you very easily. It is rare to hear about birds putting people in hospitals because most bird attacks are not fatal. However, some birds can be aggressive, especially during nesting season or when they are guarding their chicks, so you need to be careful. When it comes to the most dangerous and deadly birds on this list, you will be surprised because most of them are beautiful and seem harmless in appearance, but if there is a chance, they can very easily send someone to the hospital…


This is a surprising addition even to us, but given the number of deaths reported recently, this pet bird ranks number one in bird-related killings. However, the blame lies more with people who misuse cockerels than with the birds themselves. In February 2021, a man in India was killed by his own cockerel while training it to fight for him in an illegal cockfight. The funny thing is that he was actually trying to cheat in the fight by tying a knife to the bird’s leg so that it would knock out its opponent faster. The bird tried to escape and impaled the poor owner in the groin, forcing the police to arrest the bird because everyone else had fled after the poor guy passed out from blood loss. A similar incident occurred a year earlier, when a cockerel with a knife tied to his leg slit a man’s neck while being transported to another cockfight. This makes cockerels the most bloodthirsty bird in the world, but you can't blame them because you should never arm a bird with a knife.

Australian Magpie

Australian magpies don't seem dangerous at all. In fact, you'll rarely hear of an attack by these little birds until the so-called dive-bombing season begins. In August 2021, a child was killed by merciless magpie attacks. The birds also attack people who get too close to the trees where the birds nest during the nesting season, and while they're rarely fatal, the injuries can be significant. That's why some people call the Australian magpie the most dangerous bird in the world.

Southern Cassowary

Southern Cassowary

These birds are often called the world's last dinosaurs because they are actually descendants of these extinct reptiles. But the aggressiveness of these birds is something else entirely. The last recorded death by a cassowary occurred in 1926, when a cassowary severed the jugular vein of a 16-year-old boy. The birds can grow up to five feet tall with tall, powerful legs that have three claws. The claws can easily tear flesh, and a kick from a cassowary can break a human leg. When they attack, cassowaries will not stop striking their opponent until they are out of reach, defend themselves more aggressively, or lose their cool. Another problem is that the birds will run away from a person any day, so taking off may not help you much.


Like cassowaries, emus are flightless and are found in New Guinea and Australia. These birds can reach heights of 6 feet and run at speeds of 30 miles per hour, giving them an advantage over any human. They are naturally docile unless they feel threatened or when protecting their chicks. They have sharp beaks and claws like cassowaries, and can easily break your LED or poke your eyes out. They generally leave you alone when you are out of range, and there are no reports of deaths, but some victims have ended up in hospitals.



An angry ostrich has only one rule; poke until the threat runs for dear life or they are dead. This always happens when you get too close to these beautiful birds, which can grow up to 9 feet tall. When you can't poke, the ostrich will kick you hard with both feet, which have strong claws that can crush your skull. Ostriches rarely attack humans unless provoked, but when they do, the person will likely end up in the hospital, and the injuries can be life-threatening.


Imagine just walking up the stairs to the courtroom, and then a turtle falls out of the sky onto your bald head and crushes your skull! According to legend, this is how this vulture, also called the bearded vulture, killed the Athenian playwrights and the poet Aeschylus. Now, don't be afraid of the bald head, because there aren't many bearded vultures around, and the ones that do prefer carrion and small animals to human heads and babies. These birds are also not aggressive, so they won't come for you.

Red-tailed Hawk

The red-tailed hawk is one of the most majestic hawks in the world. You’ll occasionally find people posing for photos with the docile ones, but they’re also very territorial. They sent 12 people to the hospital in Florida in 2019 when they attacked an entire parking lot and pecked people in the head until everyone bled to death. They’ve also been known to scratch with their talons, causing serious cuts to people who get too close to their nests.



Imagine tagging a bird only to feel a tingling sensation in your mouth and then a dizzy feeling right before you pass out! That’s exactly what happened to a group of scientists in New Guinea when they were studying the pitohui. It’s the only toxic bird in the world, and can release the same toxin when touched as the poison dart frog. It’s thought that the bird accumulates the toxin by eating beetles, which they’ve become a staple diet over the years. So it’s wise to exercise caution when handling any species of this glittering bird.

African Crowned Eagle

This is the only bird known on earth to actively hunt human children for food. When the eagle was first studied back in the 1920s, the remains of a baby skull with claw marks on it were found near its nest. The eagle has the longest claws of any bird and typically hunts small animals, including monkeys and baboons in the savannah. However, when animals are scarce, the birds have been known to invade human settlements and attack infants, but humans are not their preferred food.

Mute Swan

The beautiful and innocent looking snow-white mute swan is also one of the most dangerous birds in the world, especially when it comes to their young. They rarely attack unless they feel their young are in danger, in which case they will attack you with everything they have, including their strong beak and huge wings. A man drowned in Florida back in 2012 when a mute swan knocked him off his kayak, and that’s pretty much the reason why you should never underestimate them.

Have you seen or been attacked by any of these birds? Why not tell us about it in the comments below!