10 Mysterious and Unexplained Things from Around the World

There are situations in the world that even today it is impossible to understand. What these days were seen many years ago, what gigantic structures of such a size and weight that today's machines cannot carry, how huge buildings were built, fine stone work and much more. We list 10 mysterious things that confuse scientists and give rise to even today…

Immortal Stone Set

Immortal Stone Set

300-ton limestone blocks were used to build a 9-metre-high embankment surrounding an Inca castle in Peru's Cusco region for 360 metres, but no mortar was used.

The Secret of the Hammer

The Secret of the Hammer

This hammer, found in Texas in 1936, is estimated to be 500 million years old. Scientists are amazed at how this primitive tool, consisting of a wooden hammer and an iron head, fit inside a stone block and the purity of the iron in the head.

Ten Mysterious and Unexplained Things from Around the World

Ancestor of Concord

This object, believed to have been made in 200 BC, was found in a tomb in Egypt in 1898. In 1972, an archaeologist suggested that the object was a model airplane with superior aerodynamics.

Landing track for UFO

Landing track for UFO

These motifs on the coast of Pampa in Peru depict the forms of ancient plants and animals. These motifs, created by the Nazca civilization, are believed to have served as a landing strip for aliens to land on Earth.

A city built 1000 years ago

A city built 1000 years ago

The ancient city of Nan Madol, located near an island in the Pacific Ocean, was built for almost 1,000 years. It should be noted that the construction of the city began in 200 BC. By ordering blocks of 250 million tons each, they united 100 artificial islands. How these giant basalt blocks got there remains a mystery to this day.

Aluminum belt buckle

Aluminum belt buckle

A belt buckle found in the tomb of the Chinese general Zhou, who is estimated to have died in 300 AD, is made of aluminum at 85%. It should be noted that the tomb was opened in 1956. In the 19th century, it became possible for the first time to separate aluminum, which occurs in nature only as a compound, from other substances and use it as a separate substance.

Mysterious Skull

Mysterious Skull

This Mayan crystal head, believed to be 1,000 years old, was carved from a single block. If the light is coming from underneath the crystal skull, how it was made at that time is still a mystery, the captured light comes straight out of the eye holes. Even the technology that can be used in this area today does not allow this.

Antique computer

Antique computer

In 1900, the Antikythera mechanism was found in a sunken ship on the Greek island of Crete. Upon examination, it was discovered that the object had been used to calculate the positions of the Moon, Sun, and planets.

2000 year old battery

2000 year old battery

A 2,000-year-old battery found in Baghdad in 1938 stunned the scientific world. When examined, the battery was found to consist of a copper cylinder set in a 13-centimeter clay pot, an iron rod around it, and asphalt covering the mouth of the clay pot. The object, believed to be the oldest battery in the world, was found to produce 2 volts of energy.

Ten Mysterious and Unexplained Things from Around the World

Map of the Future

A map drawn by the famous Turkish navigator Piri Reis in 1513, showing Africa, America and the South Pole, aroused great interest when it appeared in 1929. The South Pole was discovered in 1818. Even more interestingly, Piri Reis showed coastal areas of the continent that were under ice. However, the ice on the continent had melted 6,000 years before the map was drawn.

Which of these did you find most interesting? Have you seen any of these yourself? Let us know in the comments below.