Fashion trends in apartment interior design 2024-2025

The fashionable style of the apartment interior in 2023-2024 requires high-quality and detailed development. The attractiveness and beauty of the premises in which you will live depends on this. Fashionable design in compliance with the trends of reality will bring unprecedented beauty and comfort to everyday life at home.

Apartment Interior Design Ideas and Tips 2023-2024

People have a hard time thinking about renovating or building a living space, which ultimately leads to difficulties in the process. Owners find it difficult to make decisions about changing the appearance of a room and choosing an interior for an apartment. In this regard, before starting construction work, owners need to come up with an idea and highlight of the interior appearance. A good idea would be to install family photos from the older generation to the younger on a wall or chest of drawers, or create a cozy corner with an electric fireplace.

apartment design

Apartment plan

First of all, a plan of the apartment is drawn up. When drawing it up, the location of bathrooms and windows should be taken into account. It is also important to correctly prioritize the size of the rooms based on the data obtained. This will be needed for the installation of additional walls. The position of the load-bearing wall should be taken into account to create a suitable interior in the style of fashionable apartment design trends.

apartment plan

Painting the walls

Creating an apartment interior in 2023-2024 should start with painting the walls. To do this, it is necessary to choose color solutions in such a way as to preserve the ergonomics of the room and highlight the advantages in the shape of the room.

It is important to choose shades so that they match the planned decor. So, if the owners of the apartment want to make it in a modern loft style, the use of shades of orange or brown spectrums takes place.

Don't skimp on furniture

Furniture is an integral part of the attractiveness and coziness of the future family nest. The key role is influenced not only by its location in the room, but also by its presence depending on the purpose of the room.

wooden furniture

Depending on the future design style, certain color schemes and materials should be used in the apartment. In 2023-2024, glossy and matte surfaces are becoming very popular. Retro style lovers will prefer wooden items.

Consider all dimensions

Modern trends require taking into account the sizes of all decorative objects or furniture used. If you do not analyze this nuance before starting repairs or construction, then the desired item will not fit. As a result, a tricky situation may occur in which the washing machine will not fit in the bathroom and the apartment residents will have to “enjoy” its noise in the kitchen or dining room.

We save where possible

It is important to understand that a stylish house does not come from a large number of unjustified expenses. A good owner always knows where to spend the last ruble and where to hold on to it.

When building, you should invest in elements that form the basis of the design and require high costs when replacing them, such as parquet or windows. At the same time, interior elements such as a table or chairs they can well wait for better times.

Bring a little vintage into your new interior

The secret of stylish design in 2023-2024 is considered to be the use of objects from the past, creating a retro atmosphere in the apartment. Thanks to the competent use of the interaction of colors and the prevailing amount of wood, these elements fit perfectly into the modern interior, making it original and fashionable.

old times in a new interior

Use the help of a designer

It is important to understand that the task of correct ergonomics of objects and the apartment as a whole should be handled by a person with a professional focus in this matter - a designer. He performs a number of important tasks:

  1. Selects the required color spectrum, taking into account the interaction of colors;
  2. Calculates the area of premises depending on their functionality;
  3. Selects the necessary furniture and decorative elements that will be used in the house;
  4. Calculates and takes into account the size of design elements depending on their quantity and the wishes of the owners.

Apartment interior 2023-2024 with fashionable design

Apartment interior 2022 with fashionable design
Apartment interior 2022 with fashionable design
Apartment interior 2022 with fashionable design
Apartment interior 2022 with fashionable design

Modern interior style

The modern interior style differs from its predecessors with bold colors and original solutions. Depending on the desired design, it can use light or dark tones. Furniture coatings in 2023-2024 are made of wood or gloss, which emphasizes the minimalism and modernity of new styles.

modern interior style

Classic style

This style has become popular due to its versatility. It includes light or dark color combinations. Renaissance tiles and patterns are considered to be a striking representative of this style. It is suitable for calm people with a conservative mindset who prefer eternal classics to fashionable designs.

modern classics in the interior

Scandinavian style

The Scandinavian style differs from other representatives by the presence of light tones and clearly expressed minimalism. Geometric patterns, natural ornaments and natural materials such as spruce, wood or sheepskin play a predominant role in it. All surfaces are preferably made in a matte style.

The style will suit balanced people who strive for harmony with themselves and the world. Thanks to such an interior, a person can feel "detached" from consciousness and everything that surrounds him. As an additional decoration, you should use the idea of decoration 2023-2024 with photos that depict the favorite places of the owner of the apartment.

Scandinavian style
Scandinavian style


Contemporary is suitable for people who love minimalism and strive for the future. This style includes imitation of the technical perfection of the future, which is achieved by using one main white shade in the room and rough geometric shapes, such as rectangles or squares.

Contemporary is created with the help of warm lighting by zoning. The main task of this style is considered to be the creation of the most convenient and easy to understand room.

contemporary interior

When organizing the space, matte or glossy surfaces should be used, which indicates a kinship with the Scandinavian style, parquet and ceramic tiles. At the same time, the tones used should be oppositely combined. Thus, when using white as the main color, the borders of the surrounding objects include a black tone.


Minimalism became a popular design solution in 2023-2024, simultaneously with great historical events. It indicated a parallel movement of style with technical and scientific progress.

A striking feature of decorating an apartment in minimalism is the avoidance of using objects in general. The less furniture or design elements in a room, the more attractive it is for minimalism. Also, when organizing living space and interior, geometric shapes play an important role, which should be introduced into most of the objects used.

The color of the rooms is selected depending on the wishes of the home owners. In this case, it is necessary to choose additional shades that will complement the design and highlight the geometric shapes against the general background.


Neoclassicism differs from other styles by the need for large expenditures on its creation. All elements present in it must represent historical or material value.

Attention! When decorating the interior, it is important to consider the neatness and ergonomics of the furniture and objects. They should complement each other, creating as a result a feeling of luxury, wealth and prosperity.

The color scheme is usually chosen from light shades. At the same time, to highlight the most important and worthwhile details of the decor, an alternative shade is selected for them, highlighting and clearly expressing them against the background of everything else.


Eco-style will suit people who love and miss nature in the routine of urban slums. In such a design, colors are chosen taking into account their reality in nature. The most common are the green spectrum, beige and light shades.

Furniture is selected from wood to emphasize the relationship of the room's appearance with nature. It is also important to create bright and light lighting that will emphasize the decorative elements.

children's room in eco style

Among other items, eco-style also uses cotton, linen, bricks, stone. Such materials are used to make decorations that are placed around the perimeter and in the center of the room. Thanks to these means, a feeling of complete immersion in the natural environment is created.


Country style is suitable for people who love and honor the traditions of the past. It reflects the originality and uniqueness of the appearance of our ancestors' homes.

The design is based on wood. It is used to create almost all decorative elements. The color is chosen depending on the owner's preferences. It is also necessary to use checkered rugs and pillows, associatively creating a retro feeling.

For the country style of 2023-2024, high windows and spacious rooms are well suited. As a floor covering, you need to use polished wood or parquet with a corresponding pattern and shade.

Apartment Design Ideas 2023-2024

Apartment interior 2022 fresh design ideas photo
Apartment interior 2022 fresh design ideas photo