10 Easy To Notice Signs Your Dog Needs A Vet

Ten Easy-to-Spot Signs Your Dog Needs a Vet

A dog will always be your best friend if something is really wrong. Unlike a person, your dog will not tell you that he is in pain with the same words, so you need to monitor his behavior and appearance to make sure he is safe. The basics include examining your dog’s coat for signs of irritation or injury. You should also call your vet immediately if your pet has eaten chocolate or any other poisonous food. The most obvious sign of illness in dogs is the presence of cysts, especially in the lower abdomen, neck, and limbs. Here are 10 other signs of illness in dogs that people tend to ignore and which may be indicators of a serious underlying problem.

Sudden aggressiveness

If your dog knows you well and is naturally playful, it makes no sense for him to suddenly become aggressive toward you. If your dog becomes overly aggressive toward children, you, or other people, there is a chance that something is irritating or hurting him. Unless you have brought another pet with you, or your dog has recently been retrained, sudden aggressive behavior should not be ignored. If your dog begins barking uncontrollably and becomes aggressive for more than 24 hours, it would be wise to have the pet look at him.

Severe scratches and hair loss

It is normal for dogs to lick and scratch, but there is a difference between normal and abnormal scratching. If you notice your dog struggling to lick and scratch aggressively in one spot for a long time, you should check the area for bugs and lumps. Hair loss behind the ears, on the limbs, and other parts of the body can also indicate a medical condition. Don’t be alarmed if your dog is losing hair in general, just see your vet if the skin is visible and the condition does not improve.

Loss of appetite

This is especially bad for cats, but even dogs won't shy away from their favorite scheduled meals and treats if they're not feeling well. If you notice that the food you've eaten all day is still untouched, and you're sure your dog hasn't eaten anywhere else, you should be concerned. If your dog isn't eating enough or at all for 36 hours, you should show your pet.



The appearance of your dog's eyes will tell you a lot about how he's feeling. The most common sign of illness is lazy, watery eyes. If your dog can't keep his eyes open for long periods of time, you should seek medical attention. Red or pale eyes are also a sign that something is wrong. The worst thing is when they scratch their eyes aggressively and don't seem to stop.


Sometimes your dog may just want to be alone, so don’t be surprised if he doesn’t warm up to playing for a few hours. However, if your playful dog suddenly avoids you and doesn’t seem to be impressed by the usual games you play, something may be wrong. If your pup has difficulty moving, running, and playing, and prefers to sleep a lot, especially for more than six hours, something may be wrong.

Bathroom frequency has been changed

Many people miss the fact that their dog is not going to the toilet as often as usual, but if you notice, you should seek medical attention. The worst thing is when you notice an increase in the frequency of toilet visits. If your dog is urinating more often, this may be a sign of diabetes. The same thing happens when a dog wants more water than usual, which may indicate that he has diabetes or something worse. Diarrhea or blood in the stool or urine can also indicate an infection, so you need to see a vet.

Excessive vomiting

Dogs vomit when they chew too much grass or eat too much food. This type of vomiting only happens once or twice a week, although it depends on when you feed them the food they overeat. If you notice frequent and severe vomiting that occurs more than once a day and lasts up to 72 hours, you should see a doctor.

Sudden weight loss

Sudden weight loss

Many people assume that pets feel lighter than usual, but this is often a sign that the dog has cancer or other illnesses. Weight loss in your dog is considered abnormal unless their diet and living conditions have changed. It is recommended to weigh your dog at least once a month, and if this is not possible, take them to regular checkups and have them check their weight for you. Dogs do not strive to lose weight, so losing weight is not part of their health regimen unless you are intentionally feeding and treating them to lose weight.

Bloated belly

Dogs tend to have a bloated belly when they eat a lot, but this extra soreness should go away within a few hours. If you notice that your dog's belly is suddenly swollen and shows no signs of going down, you should gently feel it to check for lumps. A bloated belly should ultimately be taken to the vet.

Breathing Difficulty

It is normal for dogs to have difficulty breathing sometimes, especially after running. Sneezing can also be caused by dust and other irritants. However, any heavy breathing or sneezing that lasts longer than usual should be a cause for concern. You should see a doctor if your dog is having trouble breathing. If you hear wheezing when your dog is breathing or notice that he is breathing rapidly and without stopping, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.