10 Most Dangerous Insects From Around the World

What makes an insect dangerous? Is it the strong bite, the venom, or something else? Well, for most of these insects, it's the fact that they work in teams rather than alone, but some of them are truly deadly on their own. So take care as we navigate the world of very dangerous insects…

Hemiptera – Kissing Beetles

10. Hemiptera – Kissing Beetles

A distinctive feature of Hemiptera is the presence of a mouthpart in which the mandible and maxilla have been modified into a proboscis enclosed in a modified lip to form a "beak" or "rostrum" that is capable of piercing tissue (usually plant tissue) and sucking out liquids - usually juice.

The forewings of Hemiptera are either completely membranous, as in Sternorrhyncha and Auchenorrhyncha, or partially hardened, as in most Heteroptera. The name "hemipteran" comes from the Greek ἡμι- (half) and πτερόν (pteron, "wing"), and refers to the forewings of many Heteroptera, which are hardened at the base but membranous at the tips. Wings modified in this way are called hemelytra (singular: hemelytron), by analogy with the completely hardened elytra of beetles, and are found only in the suborder Heteroptera. The forewings may be carried "roof-like" over the body (typical of Sternorrhyncha and Auchenorrhyncha) or carried flat on the back with overlapping tips (typical of Heteroptera). In all suborders the hind wings, if present at all, are entirely membranous and usually shorter than the forewings.

9. Siafu (African ants)

The army ant genus Dorylus, also known as driver ants, safari ants, or siafu, is found primarily in central and eastern Africa, although its range also extends into tropical Asia. The term siafu is a loanword from Swahili and is one of many similar words from regional Bantu languages used by indigenous peoples to describe the various species of these ants. Unlike the New World members of the subfamily Ecitoninae, members of this genus do form temporary nests, lasting anywhere from a few days to three months. Each colony can contain over 20 million individuals. As with their New World counterparts, the workers include a soldier class, which is larger, with very large heads and pincer-like jaws. They are capable of stinging, but do so very rarely, instead relying on their powerful cutting jaws.


8. Wasps

The term "wasp" is generally defined as any insect of the order Hymenoptera and suborder Apocrita that is neither a bee nor an ant. Almost every species of insect pest has at least one species of wasp that preys on or parasitizes it, making wasps critically important in natural population control or natural biological control. Parasitic wasps are increasingly used in agricultural pest control because they prey primarily on insect pests and have little impact on crops.

7. Locusts

Locusts are the swarming stage of short-horned grasshoppers of the family Acrididae. They are species that can reproduce rapidly in suitable conditions and subsequently become gregarious and migratory. They form groups as nymphs and swarms as adults that can travel long distances, quickly devastating fields and causing great damage to crops.

The origin and apparent extinction of some species of locusts, some of which grew to 6 inches (15 cm) in length, is unclear.

Locusts are edible insects that have been considered a delicacy in some countries and throughout history.

Anopheles mosquito

6. Anopheles mosquito

Anopheles (/əˈnɒfɨliːz/) is a genus of mosquitoes. There are about 460 recognized species: although more than 100 can transmit malaria to humans, only 30–40 typically transmit parasites of the genus Plasmodium, which cause malaria in humans in endemic areas. Anopheles gambiae is one of the best known, due to its predominant role in transmitting the most dangerous type of malaria parasite (to humans), Plasmodium falciparum.

The name comes from the Greek αν, meaning "not", and όφελος, óphelos, meaning "profit" and translates as "useless".

Some Anopheles species may also serve as vectors for the canine heartworm Dirofilaria immitis, the filariasis-causing species Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi, and the viruses that cause O'nyong'nyong fever. There is an association between brain tumors and malaria, suggesting that Anopheles may transmit a virus or other agent that can cause brain tumors.

5. Fire ants

The body of fire ants, like all insect bodies, is divided into three sections: the head, thorax, and abdomen, with three pairs of legs and a pair of antennae. Fire ants can be distinguished from other ants by their copper-brown head and body with a darker abdomen. Worker ants are blackish to reddish in color and range in size from 2 to 6 mm (0.12 to 0.24 in). All ants of different sizes may exist in a single nest.

Solenopsis spp. ants can be identified by three body features - a peduncle with two nodes, an unarmed propodeum, and antennae with 10 segments and a two-segmented club.

4. Giant Japanese or Asian hornet

The Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia), including the subspecies Japanese giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia japonica), colloquially known as the yak killer hornet, is the world's largest hornet, native to temperate and tropical East Asia. Its body length is approximately 50 mm (2 in), its wingspan is about 76 mm (3 in), and its stinger, 6 mm (0.2 in) in diameter, injects a large amount of potent venom.

Tsetse Fly

3. Tsetse Fly

The tsetse fly, sometimes spelled tsetse and also known as the tik-tik, is a large biting fly that inhabits much of central continental Africa between the Sahara and Kalahari deserts. They feed on the blood of vertebrates and are the main biological vectors of infectious diseases. Wuchereria bancrofti, which causes elephantiasis, and trypanosomes, which cause human sleeping sickness and animal trypanosomiasis, also known as nagana. Tsetse include all species of the genus Glossina, which are usually classified in a separate family, Glossinidae.

Tsetse flies have been studied extensively because of their disease transmission. These flies are multivoltine, typically producing about four generations per year and up to 31 generations in their lifetime.

2. Bees

Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, known for their role in pollination and the production of honey and beeswax. Bees are a monophyletic lineage within the superfamily Apoidea, currently classified in the unranked taxon Anthophila. There are about 20,000 known species of bees in seven to nine recognized families [although many are undescribed and the actual number is likely higher]. They are found on every continent except Antarctica, in every habitat on the planet where insect-pollinated flowering plants occur.

Bees are adapted to feed on nectar and pollen, with the former primarily used as an energy source and the latter mainly as a source of protein and other nutrients. Most pollen is used as food for the larvae.

Bees have a long proboscis (a complex "tongue") that enables them to obtain nectar from flowers. Their antennae almost always have 13 segments in males and 12 in females, which is typical for the superfamily. All bees have two pairs of wings, with the hind pair being the smaller of the two; in a very few species, one sex or caste has relatively short wings that make flight difficult or impossible, but none are wingless.

1. Fleas

Fleas are insects that form the order Siphonaptera. They are wingless, with mouthparts adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood. Fleas are external parasites that live by hematophagy, feeding on the blood of mammals and birds.