Forbidden Tattoos of the World and Unexpected Benefits of Other Tattoos

Every fifth person, according to statistics, has had tattoos. Every third person dreamed of making a beautiful drawing, but did not dare, and every second tried to draw with a pencil or pen on their arms and legs to see how the creations would look on the body. Many experienced tattoo artists will say that there are many drawings that mean something and carry some meaning. There are other meanings of tattoos that are known only to "initiated" people, yes, we are talking about the other side of the law.

Many will say that the top 10 tattoos, the meaning of which can get you into trouble, are just words and nonsense, but the information is taken from reliable sources - people's stories, the experience of tattoo parlors and even victims who rushed to remove the drawings from their bodies, just so there would be no consequences. We are not talking about the mystical powers of the drawings, we will consider the real meanings of tattoos, which can be interpreted differently in certain areas of life.

1.Nefertiti, number 13, pentagrams. The whole world

The tattoos that took first place in our top 10 are also not among the lucky ones. Nefertiti and his magical powers are known to many who have had them on their bodies – numerous financial problems, difficulties in personal life, health problems. Fans of “mystical” signs often get tattoos of cats, the number 13, etc. Superstitious people will never even look at such numbers, especially pentagrams. Solit from the group “HIM” got a tattoo in the pubic bone area – it depicts the symbol of their group – a pentagram. After this, Vile Valo announced that the group had broken up, and a solo career only brings suffering.

2. Portrait of M. Jackson and M. Monroe USA

Recently, but very firmly embedded in the memory of all people, two portraits - Michael Jackson and Marilyn Monroe bring misfortune to all those who wear their portraits on their bodies. These words should not frighten you, but we cannot talk about it in vain. Data from the statistical center in the United States confirmed that out of 100 intensive care patients, only 19 people survived who had portraits of one or the other person. The faces of dead celebrities only bring harm to their fans, so it is best to have their posters and posters on the walls or in magazines on computers.

Also, scientists from America stated that most often portraits of M. Jackson and M. Monroe can be found on the bodies of people who suffered from alcohol and drug addiction. Perhaps this is just a coincidence, but who knows if this is true, and why after getting tattoos many fans became drug addicts and mentally ill people. We will not check this information, but there is no point in keeping silent.

3. Cross on the chest, stars on the shoulders and knees. Russia

The top three is opened by a tattoo in the form of a cross on the chest, stars on the knees and shoulders. We will not talk about its detailed meanings, but it carries the meaning of a "criminal authority". These names are taken from "that" world of people, so there is no need to delve into the ideology of creating drawings. Stars on the shoulders and knees carry the meaning of an appeal to representatives of the law - they mean the opposite of everything that a policeman or a person of the state does. You should not identify yourself with such people, because, as we know, there are no former prison guards at large, and the demand from you may be very high.

4. Spiders and webs. The whole world

Few people don't know that spider webs mean a prison term. And even a beginner in a tattoo parlor will tell you the same thing. A web that has several layers means that you have been imprisoned more than once, and if there is also a spider, then you have committed a terrible murder. It would seem, who would force such tattoos to be done? In prison and similar places there are "their" rules, responsible people and other guards who will not let you leave there clean and whole. You will be given such beautiful and high-quality drawings that it will be almost impossible to remove them on the outside.

If you have never committed a crime, then why did you insist on such drawings? You probably know that there is no year or horoscope of the spider, so it would be logical if you were asked a counter question. In Russia, spiders also mean that you have had a drug addiction for a long time. However, it is the person himself who decides on such "identification" signs, which then make you uncomfortable in store lines, and you can't lie quietly on the beach by the shore.

5. Trefoil USA

The shamrock tattoo is a symbol of St. Patrick's Day, a symbol of the country of Ireland. But these are not all the meanings that the drawing carries. In the United States, this tattoo means that you are a representative of a gang from North America. In simple words, you are either a bandit or belong to the number of families that once robbed and killed civilians. Yes, there are circles where it is customary to tattoo a shamrock to indicate your position in society, and, as a rule, these people do not leave their city, so as not to frighten other people with their life story.

Gangs from North America have already accounted for almost 1/5 of all known and notorious murders across the continent. So it would be better if your shamrock is covered with clothes or some decorative accessory. Americans are unlikely to listen to you - like, I'm from another country, I didn't know the meaning, etc. This does not exempt you from responsibility, and do not be surprised if someone hits you. This is normal, and the police will not protect you, even if you love St. Patrick.

6. Tear, stream of tears. Western Europe

In Western Europe, especially among the world of prisoners, your drawn tears will indicate a mortal sin. There, a simple drop near the corner of the eye means attempted or committed murder. What's so special about that, if you've never been to such remote places, you ask? It's very simple - in the Western part of Europe there are many such prisons, where almost all dangerous prisoners gather. There are specially built factories and plants for them, where only former prisoners, murderers and rapists work. You will either be treated with caution, or accepted as "one of their own".

In the US or UK, there is a similar system of "identifying your own" among a crowd of people. You can be 14 or 80 years old, but you will be taken for a sinful person. On the streets of these countries, police officers can approach you and check your identity, ask for your passport, detain you for questioning, mind you, not interrogation. They will talk to you, make sure that you have either served your time or have never been detained, and let you go. But this, you must agree, is also not the most pleasant impression, especially if you are going there on vacation with friends or family.

7. Samurai, carps, dragons. Japan

If you have a planned business trip to Japan, hide all tattoos. In this land of the rising sun, no drawings on the body are accepted. Friendly and nice citizens of Japan hate everyone who makes such tattoos. Visible drawings should be hidden - you can use foundation, plasters and even clothes, but any visit to the doctor, to the pool or a place where you need to take off your outerwear will cost you. You will be thrown out of the bathhouse or sauna, you will not be allowed into the pool, and the doctor will refuse to see you at all, even if you are the president of some country. Ordinary mortals, noticing a tattoo on you, can simply push you out of the establishment.

The hated yakuza is to blame for everything, they love all kinds of images of samurai and dragons. The clan of these people will greatly appreciate your efforts and art on the body, but the other half of the Japanese will consider it a challenge and indecent behavior. For them, you will be some kind of pest who desecrates their culture, nature, grace. Other tattoos will not affect your stay in Japan, but it is also worth remembering that not every city in Japan accepts drawings on the body. Different parts of the country have their own prejudices on this matter.

8. Biker subculture tattoos. Denmark

Here, where, in Denmark it is generally forbidden to make tattoos. The paradox is that it is a free country, there are many different areas of free trade, no taxes, no crazy prices, so live as much as you want. But in reality, anyone who is seen in tattoo parlors (and they exist) will be required to pay a fine. No, tattoos are allowed, but only beautiful, neutral, floral and abstract ones. Biker tattoos are strictly prohibited. If you decide to update or refresh the look of an existing tattoo, remember that it must be hidden - you cannot keep them on your wrists, arms, shins, neck, face and shoulders.

On these "open" parts of the body, biker tattoos are a challenge to everyone around. There, in Denmark, there are certain subcultures, like human rights or animal rights societies, and they will keep an eye on you so that you are not tempted to bare your arms or legs. What if you decide to undress in public, or go to the beach? In Denmark, you will be handed over to the police in two seconds, then they will write out a big fine and, perhaps, they will dress you more modestly. Of course, they will not be able to deport you, but next time you, as a tourist, may not get a pass into the country. That's how it is.

9. Buddha tattoo, his name. Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, religion is taken very seriously, even excessively. In fact, several hundred tourists, citizens of other countries, were expelled from the country when they were noticed with tattoos of the Great Buddha on their bodies. The sacred face cannot be immortalized, as well as his name. For locals, this is equated to a mortal sin, so many citizens immediately exclude drawings depicting the faces of people and mystical creatures, because who knows, in another country this is prohibited somewhere. Tattoo parlors do not provide services if the client asks to depict the face of a spouse or child on the body. They believe that the negative emotions that the human body can experience are transmitted to the people depicted on the body.

10. Nazi symbols, runes, eagle and skull. Germany and Russia

In Germany and Russia, these symbols cannot be applied. In a good and expensive tattoo parlor, a true master of his craft will not dissuade you from this, but will offer to reconsider your views on drawings for a luxurious body. Not every parlor has the opportunity to employ good artists, so it is worth asking in advance from those who know why eagles and skulls cannot be applied to tattoos. In principle, tattoos can be applied, but they cannot be shown accidentally or demonstratively, under any circumstances. This applies to visits to the doctor - surgeons, anesthesiologists, etc. A doctor in Germany can refuse to see a patient, despite the fact that he took the Hippocratic oath. There were cases when surgeons left the operating room if they saw Nazi symbols on the bodies of patients. In Russia, for such tattoos, you can get not only a fine, but also a prison term, although it is unlikely that anyone still practices this.

Unexpected Benefits of Tattoos

Tattoos often get a bad rap and can even sometimes prevent someone from getting a job. But there are 4 reasons why tattoos are awesome.

Close bad memories

Everyone has scars. From self-harm, accidents, or surgery, they are common. They are a part of everyone’s life and they tell a story. However, some people choose to just hold on to the bad memories of these scars and turn them into something new and happy by covering them with a tattoo. I have seen so many tattoos that cover scars or even highlight them and they are some of the most beautiful I have ever seen. With tattoos, people can transform something horrible into something beautiful.

They help us remember our happy moments.

The happiest times in our lives are the ones we want to remember no matter how long ago they were. Getting a tattoo of something special is something you will certainly never forget. Things like cartoons, characters, or quotes that connect someone to a happy memory are popular tattoo ideas. Some of the best tattoos are those that connect a person to their childhood. One day, years from now, you will look at your arm and see a certain tattoo and all those happy memories from your childhood will flood in, you will be grateful for your decision.

They connect us with our loved ones.

Love is a powerful yet invisible force. Through tattoos, we can make this love visible to everyone. Whether you get a matching tattoo with a family member or a friend, it is very important. The tattoo we get with our loved ones is what will strengthen the bond and complete the connection we already have with them.

Because they look good

There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting a tattoo just because it looks nice. People express themselves in different ways; some choose to do it through clothes, others through makeup, and some through tattoos.

Tattoos are a great way to show people a little bit about you in a unique and aesthetically pleasing way. I am a firm believer that everyone is beautiful in their own way, whether you decide to cover your skin with ink or your skin remains unmarked by that tattoo needle: if you are happy with yourself, it doesn’t matter what others think of your decision.