Fortune telling on New Year's Eve for love and wealth - how to predict fate?

The future always remains a mystery that everyone wants to solve. New Year's fortune telling provides a wonderful opportunity to find out what awaits us in the new year. Everyone is waiting for changes for the better, someone is waiting for an addition to the family, or a meeting with their soulmate, many dream of material well-being and good relationships. The desire to know their future has haunted people since the beginning of life on earth.

Already in ancient times, rulers of states and famous personalities invited oracles and magicians who were supposed to interpret prophetic dreams or signs. Fortune telling was done on everything that came to hand: fire, water, coins, shells, pebbles, coins, cards. Having received the necessary knowledge, one could confidently begin the new year. The new year is coming, and from the first days of January until Epiphany, one can devote time to learning secret information about one's future for this year.

When to guess?

Most New Year's fortune telling has already become a tradition and is usually carried out without leaving the festive table. Everyone is already accustomed to champagne with ashes. Everyone knows that before the chimes you need to prepare champagne, in which you will need to burn a leaf with your wish and have time to drink this cocktail before the end of the chimes. Many claim that what is written will definitely come true.

Experienced fortune tellers do not recommend learning the secrets of the universe on Monday and Sunday. They say that a special mystery occurs on the 13th and the other world will more favorably agree to open the curtain of the future for you.

Let's tell fortunes about love

  • Matches. The room where the fortune telling will take place should be protected from fuss, noise, and bright light. Stock up on a box of matches. Hold two matches in your fingers and light them with a third. At this time, you should imagine the image of your loved one and ask yourself whether you will be together. A pair of matches in your hands will tell you this. Initially, they were tightly pressed against each other. But if the matches deviated in different directions when burning, it means you will not be together. If the matches remain together, it means that fate will not separate you. Only one match may deviate. This means that someone loves, and the other simply allows you to love. Draw your own conclusions.
  • Onion. An ordinary onion will also help you find out your future betrothed. If you have several contenders for your heart, then find the same number of onions. We assign each one the name of a possible future gentleman, put it in a bowl of water and whisper: "Onion - onion, whisper, who is my groom?" In a few days, the onions will start to grow. The one that first shows signs of life will become your betrothed.
  • Comb. Before going to bed, comb your hair with a clean comb and put it under your pillow. While doing this, be sure to say the following words: "My betrothed, come to me dressed up." In the morning, remember who you dreamed about. After all, this is the person who will become your husband.
    Ritual for love. Before the New Year, go to church and buy 12 candles, then go to a shop and choose a small cake. On New Year's Eve, shortly before the chimes, put all the candles in the cake. Light them one by one, saying: "If I blow out the candles, then love is not far away. If none of them light, then I will be alone all year. Amen!" Then inhale as deeply as possible and blow out all the candles at once.

Fortune telling on finances and wealth

An ordinary plate with coins will tell you whether the coming year will be generous with finances. You will need three saucers or flat plates of the same color and size, as well as one coin. Someone from your household should hide the coin while you are not in the room. When you return, you need to try to guess under which saucer the money is hidden. If you guessed right the first time, then you will be financially secure for the entire next year. The second attempt shows that there will be no particular problems with money, but you will not become rich either. The third attempt will let you know that you will have to tighten your belt and wait for the next year, perhaps you will have more luck there.

A glass of champagne. The drink should be poured into a glass, take a five-ruble coin and rub it in your hands with the words: "Heads - to wealth, tails - to need. Amen!" After this, throw the coin into the glass and see which side the coin landed on. This will be the answer.

How to predict fate

  • Mirror and water. It has long been believed that these two components together are connected with the other world. With their help, you can get information about the future that awaits us. To do this, you will need a container for water, three candles and water. You need to place candles around the container with water and look through the water at the surface of the mirror. Depending on the drawings that appear on it, you can read what is destined by fate.
  • Frost pattern on glass. To do this, you need a mirror or a piece of glass. You need to pour water on it and take it out into the cold. But if the winter is capricious and the day is warm, you can use the freezer. A pattern should appear on the glass. Looking at the patterns that appear, you can judge the future. Well-being and prosperity threaten you if circular images appear on the glass. Hard work and troubles await you if the pattern is in the form of fir branches. Difficulties will overtake you if you see squares. And luck and success will come if diamonds or triangles appear.

Let's find out whether the wish will come true or not

Brevity is not only the soul of wit, but also an opportunity to know the future. Fortune telling on New Year's Eve can be made simpler. Every home will have everything you need, all you need is to make a wish.

  • Chicken eggs. You need to boil two eggs hard, so that there are no cracks. Then wake up at 3 am, take one egg in each hand. Make a wish and hit them against each other. If the one in your right hand breaks, then expect good luck in fulfilling your wish. If the left egg cracks, there will be problems with fulfillment. Both eggs crack, then the year means both good luck and failure at the same time.
  • Corn. Make a wish and imagine its fulfillment. Scoop up a handful of any grain, clench your fist so that nothing else spills out. After that, count the number of grains that remain in your hand. An even number means success and luck, and an odd number means that the fulfillment of the wish is postponed for now.
  • Paper. Write one wish on 12 sheets of clean white paper, fold each sheet and hide it under your pillow. The day after the New Year's feast, take three pieces from there and read them. These wishes will come true throughout the coming year.
  • Cats. Usually, each of us has a cat at home. It is believed that they see the other world and can be its guides. Therefore, they can tell you the answer. Call your pet by name, having previously made your most cherished wish. Watch carefully which paw it uses to cross the threshold of your room. Good luck is predicted by the right front paw. And difficulties - by the left paw.
  • Water. For the ritual, you need two identical glasses without pictures. You need to fill only one of them to the brim with water. Having silently made a wish, you will have to quickly pour the water from one glass to the other. The wish will not come true if you spill more than 3 drops. If no more than two are spilled, then your wish will soon come true.
  • Telephone. Having made a wish in your mind, pay attention to the ringing of a mobile or landline phone. A male voice means that the answer is: "Yes", but if a woman calls first, it means "no".

Believe in miracles

With the arrival of the New Year, we all hope for the best, believe in miracles and fairy tales, and wish to change our lives. Fortune telling and folk rituals add magic to the New Year's bustle. But do not forget that we are the smiths of our own happiness, and fortune is capricious and does not give the lazy a chance just like that. You need to believe in the good and strive for it in order to attract it to yourself. Failure also responds to our thoughts, so think less about the negative. Only positive, joyful thoughts will fill us with energy and open us to communication with other people. Take your destiny into your own hands and direct it along the route of love, mutual understanding, joy and happiness.