Fortune telling for the New Year 2025 of the Dragon: accurate and festive

New Year is one of the most magical and beloved holidays not only for children but also for adults. Each new year is patronized by one of 12 animals, and next year 2025 it is the dragon. Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, a huge number of people tell fortunes, try to look into the future.

There are many ways to try to see the future, so you're sure to find one that you like. Join the thousands of people who are trying to see the future on this day using a variety of methods of fortune telling, receive prophecies for the upcoming year 2025.

Fortune telling on the symbol of the New Year 2025

Fortune telling for the New Year 2024

The year 2024 will be under the supervision of the Green Green Wooden Snake. We can be sure that the year under his patronage will be successful. And here are some examples of how the symbol of the coming year can help you with fortune telling and the fulfillment of your desires.

You can find out about the green wooden dragon's favor in the coming year very simply - you should try to treat him! During the New Year's feast, you need to put something on the plate that the dragon might like - greens, fresh fruits or vegetables. All the treats should be left outside at night, and when the morning comes, check whether the dragon has accepted the treats. If the plate is empty, it means that the year will be happy, but if the food remains untouched, then you won't have much luck.

If you have already made predictions for the coming year, then you should try asking for your wishes to come true. Find a dragon figurine and write your question on it. Holding the figurine in your hand, ask your question. The answer will come in the form of intuition or dreams.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2024

Quick New Year's fortune telling

If you don't have much time, but want to get a forecast for the New Year 2025, try these quick fortune-telling:

Hide the coin in one of your hands. Then ask a question and choose the hand where the coin is. If it is in the right hand, the answer is "yes", if in the left hand, "no".

Stand with your back to the north, close your eyes and turn around your axis three times. Then stop and open your eyes. What you see first will predict your future.

In the event that you have much more time, and no less interest, a great variety of fortune telling methods awaits you.

New Year's fortune telling on dreams

Fortune telling for the New Year 2024

Dream divination is one of the most popular ways to predict the future. If you have had a prophetic dream, you can use it to find out what awaits you.

On New Year's Eve, many people tell fortunes for the coming year using various methods and symbols. Fortune telling on dreams is one of the most popular ways to predict your future.

To perform this fortune telling, you need the following: write on a separate piece of paper a list of questions that interest you, for example: “Will I be happy in the new year?”, “Will I find a new job?” or “Should I be more careful with my finances?”

Then, before you go to bed on New Year's Eve, shake the sheet of paper with the questions in your hands and repeat in your mind: “Let this sheet of paper help me get answers to my questions in my sleep.”

The next morning, as soon as you wake up, take the paper with the questions and write down everything you remember from your dreams. After that, compare the content of your dreams with the questions on the paper, and try to interpret them in the context of the answer to your questions.

Many people find this method helpful in getting the answers they were looking for. In any case, it can be an interesting experience, especially if you like riddles and mysteries.

New Year's fortune telling by cards

Fortune telling for the New Year 2024

Fortune telling by cards is another way to get a forecast for the New Year 2024, and fortune telling on cards can add interest to the evening entertainment. However, it is important to follow some rules when working with cards:

The cards you use to tell fortunes must be new, otherwise it may turn out that the cards will show not your future, but the future of the person who used these cards before you.

It is important that fortune telling takes place in a quiet, calm environment.

If you still decide to use cards and follow simple rules, then try the following methods of fortune telling to find out your future:

Lay out the cards in a triangle and choose the question you want to answer. Then choose a card from each row. They will predict your future in three areas – personal life, career and finances.

Before you start fortune telling, take the deck in your hands and think about the question that interests you, then start shuffling the cards. Thinking about your dream, and draw one card at random. The suit will give the answer to the question.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2024

  • The Hearts card says that the dream will definitely come true.
  • The diamond card means that you will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve your goal.
  • The Cross card means that you do not need what you want.
  • The Spade card signals that you will not be able to achieve what you want because of obstacles in your path.
  • Of course, if you are doing fortune telling with cards for the first time or simply do not know the interpretation of a particular card, you can use a search engine.

Fortune telling for love in 2025

New Year's fortune telling for marriage is a popular pre-New Year ritual that is considered a kind of prediction of the future of personal life. They are based on various superstitions and myths. If you want to get a forecast for your personal life, then there are many fortune telling that help you find out what awaits you in the area of love.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2024

New Year's fortune telling for marriage

The most famous fortune telling for marriage is the "kohiy branch", which consists of buying a toy in the form of a symbol of the year on New Year's Eve and hanging it on a kohiya branch, which must be alive. If the toy falls off the branch the next morning, then you will not be able to get married next year. If it stays in place, then marriage is guaranteed.

Another method of prediction is fortune telling on eggs. First, you need to separate the white and yolk, then put the white in a glass of water. If it quickly falls to the bottom, it means that this year there are no hints of marriage for the girl. And if the white remains in the center of the glass and forms some kind of pattern, then most likely this year your heart will find its soulmate.

Here is the most unusual and longest fortune telling - take an apple and cut it into 12 pieces. Eat one piece at a time for 12 days. On the last day, the groom should appear.

Fill a large vase with water and put 12 coins and 12 red heart-shaped gingerbread cookies in it. Ask each girl who comes to your house to take one coin from the vase. The one who takes the coin with your name written on it will become your bride.

New Year's fortune telling for the betrothed

Want to have an interesting fortune telling about your betrothed on New Year's Eve? Here are some options:

Take the lock, put it in the water, move it in a circle and say the spell: "I lock the water, the betrothed will not get drunk. If you want to get drunk, you will have to dream about it!" Then put the lock on the bottom and the key under the pillow. After the ritual, go to bed immediately. The one you dreamed about is the betrothed.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2024

Write the name of your lover on a piece of paper and put it in a bowl. Cover it with another piece of paper and write words of love. Make five waves of your hand in the middle of the bowl. Then stand on your toes and look at the piece of paper. If it remains motionless, it means that you will soon be married.

On the husband

Fortune telling with an apple, or more precisely, an apple peel. You need to carefully peel the apple so that the peel is long enough and in the form of a spiral. Then you need to throw it over your left shoulder. It is believed that the girl will see the outline of the first letter of the name of her future husband.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2024

In the case where you already have a husband, but you are interested in whether your marriage will work out, you can use the following fortune telling: write two names on two pieces of paper and put them in two different envelopes. Ask a friend to choose one envelope. If he chooses the right one, then you will have a happy marriage.

On the beloved

Fill a large vase with water and put some coins in it. Ask your loved one to choose one coin. If the coin says "yes", it means your love will last.

Fortune telling money and wealth in 2025

Fortune telling for the New Year 2024

If you doubt your material well-being or want to know what changes may occur in your financial life in the coming New Year, then fortune telling for wealth and money is best done on Christmas night.

Using maps

Lay the cards out on the table and select two cards from the deck. Put them together and read the meaning of their combination. It will predict your financial well-being in the coming year.

With the help of a mirror

Fortune telling for the New Year 2024

To perform this you will need a small mirror, no bigger than a matchbox. Lock yourself in a dark room, take out and hold the mirror so that your reflection is visible. While looking into it, silently make a wish. Then wrap the mirror in cloth and throw it at the wall. This gives us three possible scenarios:

  • Your dream will come true if the mirror remains intact.
  • The presence of a crack indicates that it will not be easy to fulfill your wish.
  • If the mirror shatters into many pieces, then your wish will not come true in the coming year.

With the help of coins

The ritual is performed in the evening, before going to bed. You need to put several coins in a cloth bag, all of them should be of different denominations: 10 and 50 kopecks, 1, 2, 5, and 10 rubles. Put the bag of money under the pillow and go to bed. In the morning, take out a red candle and light it. Then take out a small container to pour in the cereal that you have in your house. Pour the coins there, cover everything with a scarf and, without looking, take a handful of cereal.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2024

Interpretation of the result:

  • 10 kopecks - it is worth starting to keep records of income and expenses, and also paying attention to saving money.
  • 50 kopecks - someone will ask you to lend them money.
  • 1 ruble - you are about to make a large and pleasant purchase.
  • 2 rubles - your debt will be returned to you.
  • 5 rubles - in the coming year you will make a profitable deal.
  • 10 rubles - luck in financial matters will follow you throughout the year.

It is also possible that you will not pull out a single coin, which means that the time you spent fortune telling was chosen incorrectly. And if you pulled out more than one coin, then expect these events to be accompanied by each other.

Fortune telling for the future in the New Year 2025

Fortune telling for the New Year 2024

To get a forecast for your future for the New Year 2025, try this simple fortune telling:

Find a white candle and write your question on it. Light the candle and watch it melt. The shape it takes will help you get the answer to your question.

What should I do to make my wish come true?

Find a red candle and write your wish on it. Light the candle and imagine your wish coming true.

I would also like to mention another quick fortune telling. It will not predict your future, but will fulfill your wish: write down your wish on a piece of paper and burn it, watching the fire dissolve the ashes. This fortune telling will help fulfill your wish.

That's all interesting ways of fortune telling for the New Year 2025. You can try them all and make your forecast for the upcoming 2025! If you follow the rules and fulfill all the conditions, you will definitely attract luck, happiness, wealth, love and health to your home and family. To do this, you need to be calm and patient when performing each of the rituals or fortune telling. And, of course, believe in what you are doing. If you believe, then all your dreams will definitely come true.