Luck, health, wealth, love – signs for the New Year 2025

The formation of signs is characteristic of different nationalities. It is based on the experience of many generations, preserved in the memory of ancestors and increased by contemporaries.

Human psychology is characterized by observations of:

  • heavenly bodies;
  • the color of sunrise and sunset;
  • circles cast by the phases of the moon;
  • the movement of stars across the sky;
  • wind speed and other natural phenomena.

The information collected over the centuries was passed down from fathers to children, and was kept for new generations. Beliefs concerned not only the weather. According to economic ones, they determined the harvest of the year, according to personal ones - the time of getting married, a happy marriage, and good luck in undertakings. Signs for the New Year of the Dragon 2025 are no exception.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Green Wooden Snake 2024?

Each year of the Chinese calendar is associated with an animal. The coming year is patronized by a mythical reptile, which is in fifth place in the twelve-year eastern cycle. If we compare it with the signs of the zodiac, the dragon corresponds to the lion, and of the five elements, to the tree.

Those born under the sign of the dragon are endowed with intelligence, hard work, kindness, but they are also not alien to stubbornness, rude treatment of others. New Year's signs for 2025 have absorbed many beliefs associated with the traditions of ancestors, superstitions, ritual actions, the violation of which can lead to trouble.

Signs for the year of the dragon 2025 are associated with meeting it:

  • fun;
  • surrounded by noisy companies;
  • in entertainment establishments.

A family round table with relatives, close friends, and the presentation of gifts is welcome.

What to wear?

The year of the dragon corresponds to bright colors of red, green, gold, and flashy, expressive jewelry.

Red is associated with determination, fortitude, purposefulness, aspiration for leadership, attraction of happiness. Green – with peace, love, harmony, life-affirmation. Gold – with warmth, wealth, wisdom.

You don't have to wear a solid color dress. All colors are combined, complementing each other. The combination of red and green brings harmony, cheerfulness, and lifts the mood. Complementing a green outfit with gold looks aesthetically pleasing and noble, and is associated with fabulous wealth.

Setting the table

The main sign before the New Year 2025 is the custom of tidying up the house. It is not without reason that in Italy it is customary to throw away everything unnecessary on the eve of the New Year celebrations.

By December 31st, the house should be cleared of old things, cracked dishes, broken furniture, which attract poverty. Garbage thrown out on December 31st repels prosperity and well-being from the doors of the house.

In order for the coming year to pass under the auspices of a powerful, strong patron, it must be celebrated at a properly set table, in a room decorated in red and green tones. The first thing you should pay attention to is the colors that will be present on the New Year's table..

When creating a festive atmosphere, do not forget about the green dragon's love for harmony and balance. An expensive tablecloth can serve as a green base, and dishes with red ingredients can be added. After all, according to the signs of the New Year 2025, the combination of these two colors is associated with strength, luck, and success.

Despite the dragon's ability to fly, it is an aquatic reptile. It is not without reason that the Greek word drakon is translated as sea fish. So a variety of fish dishes on the table will not be superfluous. Multilayered dishes in the form of herring under a fur coat are popular. Do not forget about the dragon's love for meat and poultry.

Meat dishes should preferably be seasoned with hot sauce, salads with hot dressing. Don't forget about fresh fruits and brightly colored vegetables. As a tribute to the fire-spewing reptile, place hot peppers on a separate plate.

As for the dishes, you can use the generally accepted classics in the form of white plates.For decoration, there are gold-colored napkins with images of little dragons.

The tea ceremony, according to New Year's signs for 2025, should be held according to the rules adopted in Japan. Every little thing is important here. Otherwise, luck and prosperity will bypass the house. As for alcohol, it is preferable to stick to strong drinks and berry liqueurs.

Home decoration

According to Chinese mythology, festive home decoration should be multi-layered and bright to match the imperial ceremony.

Natural fabrics with a glossy surface are more suitable for decoration., reflecting light, beautifully shimmering in the rays of Christmas lights. When choosing tinsel, preference is given to a combination of red, yellow, and green tones.

Attracting Good Luck for the New Year

Luck is already embedded in the karma of every person. But it often happens that without inner harmony it passes a person by.

To attract good luck to yourself, you need to:

  • tune in to her arrival;
  • refrain from committing dishonorable acts;
  • rejoice at every coming day;
  • stop complaining about life's difficulties.

All random events depend on a person's inner mood. Rituals that our grandparents used can help tune in to luck.

Despite the change of eras, they are still relevant today:

  1. Before covering the table with a New Year's tablecloth, you should place a yellow coin on each corner.
  2. In the center of the festive table, 8 candles are placed, which must be lit when all the guests are assembled.
  3. Decorate each room with an image of a dragon.
  4. Take the food left over from cooking to the yard cats and dogs. Let them feel the approach of the holiday.

Pay attention to your pets. Their behavior determines whether you will attract good luck. Whoever they choose will be accompanied by good luck in their endeavors throughout the year.

Ritual for wealth

Let's now look at what needs to be done to attract luck and money into the home., what signs for the New Year 2025 are relevant in our time:

  1. It is necessary to enter January 1st without financial debts, with a banknote in your wallet. This will attract cash flows to the owner of the banknote.
  2. Don't skimp on treats. Guests should be satisfied with the variety of dishes.
  3. Gifts for family and friends are chosen with a dose of practicality. Don't waste money on meaningless souvenirs, the purpose of which is to collect dust.
  4. Along with Christmas tree decorations and garlands, decorate the tree with sweets and banknotes.

Also, to attract cash flows, we advise you to change the course of your thoughts, aimed at the impossibility of specific earnings, envy of those who have a better financial situation.

To your health

Try to meet the chimes healthy. Even a slight runny nose is considered a bad omen. Until the last chime dies down try to appeal to the universal forces with a request to grant health to all your relatives and friends:

  1. Women should cover their heads with a cape to ward off illnesses at the first stroke of the clock. They should take it off before the last stroke.
  2. Feeding animals that need care will help you improve your health.
  3. Don't be upset about a broken Christmas tree decoration. A broken trinket at night is considered a favorable sign for bringing health to the residents of the house.
  4. You need to handle the dishes carefully. Broken plates, cups, glasses can be harbingers of diseases.
  5. Be careful with alcoholic drinks. Their excess contributes to alcoholism.

According to the signs for the New Year 2025, whoever manages to clean up after the festive feast on the first day of January before sunrise will be healthy throughout the coming year.

Our ancestors got rid of diseases by means of an open window, believing that accumulated negativity leaves the room through it. For those who believe in the power of amulets, we recommend getting a symbol of a mythical animal. Before wearing the amulet, cleanse it of negativity with a salt solution.

To attract love

The desire to meet your soulmate is not alien at any age, no matter whether you are a woman or a man. Let's look at rituals that help attract love:

  1. Make sure that, along with balls and garlands, the tree is decorated with figures that resemble a heart shape.
  2. To attract family well-being, light 7 green candles and do not extinguish them until they burn out on their own.
  3. To preserve love in the family, try to tie a ribbon around the table leg before guests arrive.
  4. An accidentally oversalted dish tells of an upcoming romantic date.
  5. A mistake in dialing a number can lead to a meeting with a stranger.
  6. Girls who want to attract love should take care of red underwear.
  7. For those who do not dare to reveal their feelings to the object of their adoration, we can advise pouring the contents of a glass onto the chosen one’s dress.

Meeting on January 1st while driving a vehicle or as a passenger may indicate an event of a romantic nature.

A meeting with a stray dog on the first day of January can prompt a meeting with a loved one. A meeting with a yard cat does not promise anything serious except flirting. The energy of love is attracted by presenting children with sweets and toys.

For pregnancy

The absence of a child in the family is the reason for many divorces. That is why many couples dream of pregnancy. A hint of an addition to the family can be received from three broken Christmas tree decorations in a row, suddenly slipping out of the woman's hands. Intentionally broken toys have nothing to do with pregnancy.

Possible pregnancy may be indicated by:

  • accidentally landing on children's channels while searching for a New Year's show;
  • the arrival of unplanned guests with a baby in their arms.

Older people advise that when the chimes begin to ring, a ritual of intertwining little fingers between a pair of lovers dreaming of a child should be performed.

Money signs

Big money is a dream of many. But if you do nothing, it will not increase in size. There are many tips on the Internet on how to make big money.

But rituals to attract them may not be superfluous:

  1. To make your dream come true, you need to get a lock with a set of keys, for which you can make a keychain with your own hands. After closing the lock with a key inserted into the keychain ring with the inscription "these keys open my apartment" we wait for the New Year holiday. With the meeting of the new day, the keychain with keys is hung on a branch of the Christmas tree. When visiting, it is not recommended to part with the accessory, hold on to it until you return home.
  2. An accidental cut while preparing food indicates financial well-being.
  3. To attract money to the family, there should be at least seven dishes with treats on the table. Moreover, guests should try them all without exception and appreciate the taste.
  4. Don't be lazy and dress up in something new.

The flow of money can be attracted by coins in a red velvet bag hidden on the shelf of the refrigerator. And, of course, be generous, help those who need alms.