Eastern horoscope for Rooster for 2025

People born in the year of the Rooster are distinguished by self-confidence, courage and openness. They know how to solve difficult problems, relying on their own intuition, which rarely lets them down. Unrestrained emotions are a common cause of loneliness for representatives of this sign.

What awaits the Rooster in 2025

In the coming year, many important events will happen in the lives of people born in the year of the Rooster. Everything built over the years can collapse in an instant. However, do not get upset and despair. Any changes will eventually lead to the better, so you should pull yourself together and prepare for changes.

Astrologers recommend Roosters:

  • to work on restoring your figure, to change your image in order to be satisfied with your appearance;
  • restore health by undergoing a thorough medical examination;
  • to reveal existing potential in order to achieve career growth;
  • avoid conflicts with loved ones, your significant other;
  • devote time to education and improve your qualifications.

Roosters are prone to panic, so life's troubles can cause a feeling of emotional burnout. Any situation should be approached from a positive side to avoid a stressful state.

Talismans for the Rooster for the New Year

Roosters have special talismans that allow them to achieve good luck in the most important areas of life.

Name Talismans
Color Light grey
Stone Citrine, agate, amethyst, aquamarine, garnet, emerald, lapis lazuli, rhodolite, marcasite, topaz, seraphinite
Flowers Gladiolus, palm, orange tree

According to astrologers, having a talisman leads to an improvement in material well-being and strengthening of the family.

General horoscope for men

In the first half of 2025, male Roosters will be able to achieve high results at work. The management will appreciate the efforts and generously thank them with a bonus or even a promotion. Immediately after the New Year holidays, representatives of the stronger sex will need to resolve all important matters and pay off debts that have been dragging on since last year.

The Year of the Green Wooden Snake has prepared many useful acquaintances for male Roosters, in which they need to show themselves from their best side in order to gain the trust of serious people.

Men born in the year of the Rooster will have to overcome excessive irascibility in order to maintain trusting relationships with loved ones and their other half. Your lack of restraint can lead to conflict situations, and in some cases, even to divorce.

Forecast for women

Rooster women will experience significant changes in their personal lives. Lonely representatives of the weaker sex will be able to find a partner with the most similar interests. Joint trips and romantic evenings will allow you to establish trusting relationships.

The Year of the Green Wooden Snake will be an excellent period for achieving previously set goals. Self-development, learning new areas, languages and restoring health - this is the list of the main tasks for the coming year!

Excessive narcissism of women born in the year of the Rooster can play a cruel joke on them. People around you will be disappointed with your behavior if you do not change tactics, showing empathy and friendliness. In particular, you should avoid conflict situations with colleagues and management.

Love and relationships

In the coming year, married couples will feel like they have a "second wind". Relationships will be like a honeymoon, so it is necessary to maintain harmony and avoid quarrels. The manifestation of negative emotions will be a reason for conflicts. Ardent Roosters need to restrain themselves to avoid unpleasant moments in relationships.

In 2025, single representatives of the sign will often meet people and visit interesting places. Roosters can expect numerous romantic dates and vivid impressions. But many people will be just guests in your life, so you should not immediately become attached to them and swear eternal love.

Only in the second half of the year is there a high probability of meeting a person who will not disappoint you. If you feel maximum harmony, then do not delay with the wedding - such a union will be happy!


Roosters should take care of their own health to avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases and feelings of chronic fatigue. The year will be successful if representatives of the sign:

  • monitor your diet;
  • maintain a sleep schedule;
  • drink enough water;
  • exercise regularly;
  • visit your doctor and undergo all prescribed examinations.

In the coming year, success will accompany those Roosters who direct all their efforts to getting positive emotions. Work should not take up all your time, otherwise emotional burnout and poor physical health cannot be avoided.


The financial forecast for Roosters cannot be called unambiguous. On the one hand, representatives of the sign will be able to achieve career advancement and increase income. On the other hand, impulsive purchases and unplanned expenses will cause large expenses. Additional income will help restore the situation, so it is not recommended to refuse interesting offers.

In 2025, there is a high probability of conflicts with relatives on material grounds.

It is better to enter the year of the Green Wooden Snake without debts and unresolved matters related to money. It is recommended to settle all issues in advance so as not to worsen the existing situation.

Career and Business

The coming year in the professional sphere will be positive for Roosters. However, you should not expect stability and peace at work. Representatives of the sign will face increased competition and discontent from management. Conflict situations can throw you off track, but maintaining balance will help you emerge victorious from any situation. Try to declare your desires in a timely manner, demonstrate your knowledge. Your initiative will not go unnoticed.

Success awaits those representatives of the sign who direct all efforts to gaining new knowledge. A good solution would be to attend additional courses and improve their qualifications.

Do not rush to change your field of activity when the first unclear moments or misunderstandings with your superiors arise. Try to improve relations, explain your point of view, avoiding a raised tone. Only after the conversation with your superiors will you be able to understand whether it is worth changing your job. If the outcome is undesirable, try to realize your hobby without large investments.

Travel and Trips

Long trips in the coming year may result in the loss of interesting offers in the professional sphere. Try to devote equal amounts of time to work and leisure in order to achieve harmony and achieve the desired earnings. In the second half of the year, you will be able to visit new places without skimping on the quality of rest.

Traveling together with your chosen one will lead to the establishment of trusting relationships. You will be able to clarify all the unpleasant moments and resolve existing conflicts. Do not be afraid to experiment, trying new entertainment with your partner. Do not forget that some couples simply lack extreme sports to improve their relationships!

Purchases and sales

In the coming year, Roosters can expect pleasant purchases. You will be able to buy long-desired goods at a ridiculous price. However, you should not spend money too often. Passion for impulsive purchases can lead to clutter and disappointment.

The Year of the Green Wooden Snake will bring great profits. Such success can blind people born in the year of the Rooster and cause the need to constantly make useless purchases.

In the second half of the year, Roosters will be able to sell real estate that they have been unable to part with for a long time. An interested buyer will need to make a discount to get rid of the property that is hanging like a burden.

In the year of the Green Wooden Snake, Roosters will need not only patience, but also willpower. The patron of the year will often test for weakness, so in any life situation you will need to show your inner core.