Eastern horoscope for the Pig for 2025

People born in the year of the Pig are generous and make new friends without any problems. They are free from excitement and rivalry, so they easily find a common language with different people and create a good impression of themselves. Boars try to decorate their lives with beautiful things, worry about material wealth. They courageously overcome all the difficulties on their way and achieve great heights, demonstrating their professionalism.

Surely, representatives of the sign are interested in what awaits them in 2025? Let's consider in which areas of life changes should be expected.

What awaits the Pig (Boar) in 2025

Despite the fact that 2025 will be a leap year, Boars should not be afraid of bad omens. The Green Dragon is preparing many pleasant surprises that should be accepted with gratitude, but without vanity. Pigs will literally drown in the attention of the opposite sex, listen to compliments and often go on dates. An active period will begin in their lives, during which significant changes will occur in their personal lives. New acquaintances will not only be pleasant, but also useful. It is worth waiting for the establishment of social connections.

In 2025, Pigs should not withdraw into themselves and be modest. This quality will not be the best in the current circumstances. Representatives of the water sign are advised to demonstrate their skills and not be afraid to take risks. Self-education and initiative will help improve their financial situation.

Talismans for the Pig (Boar) for the New Year

Those born in the year of the Pig have their own talismans.

Name Mascot
Color Black
Stone Amethyst, lapis lazuli, moonstone, malachite

Astrologers believe that having talismans allows Pigs to feel in harmony with themselves and attract good luck and profit.

General horoscope for men

Male Pig will have to go through many tests that they will encounter on the path to success. If they manage to overcome them courageously, the reward will be colossal. Problems that have arisen at work will be a clear message that you need to change your field of activity. You should not give up the idea of opening your own business. However, you should not accept dubious offers. There is a high probability of getting involved in an unpleasant adventure and losing all your savings.

The personal life of Piglets will be full of dates and vivid impressions. Don't refuse surprises that fate will present time after time. Spend more time on rest to get maximum pleasure from the attention of women and find your other half. You will have to make mistakes more than once in the new year. Serious relationships fall at the end of summer - beginning of spring.

Forecast for women

In the year of the Green Snake, Pig women will face a whole host of unpredictable events. It will be pointless to schedule and stick to plans. Life will make its own adjustments, which will have a positive effect on the emotional state. Women can expect a promotion at work, and dramatic changes in their personal lives. A long-standing marriage may fail. You will most likely be the initiator. However, you will not have to regret the decision you made.

Pig women can expect new meetings that will bring not only benefits, but also disappointments. You should not take to heart all the words said by potential partners. Astrologers warn: in the new year, representatives of the fair sex will encounter deception more than once.

Love and relationships

The Year of the Green Wooden Snake will be eventful for single representatives of the Pig sign. You are unlikely to languish from boredom and loneliness: a lot of attention and regular offers of meetings are expected from the opposite sex. There will be an excellent opportunity to diversify your leisure time with trips to beautiful places with interesting companions.

At the beginning of spring, many representatives of the water sign will find their other half. There is a high probability that the relationship will actively develop and lead to marriage.

Married couples should be more sensitive to each other. In the new year, you may encounter conflict situations. Often, quarrels will arise on financial grounds, so you should not make excessively high demands on your partner. Try to live by the principle: "No one owes anything to anyone!" Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy a romantic candlelit dinner with your chosen one, a joint trip to the cinema or a restaurant.


In the coming year, many Pigs will experience an emotional upsurge. However, this state can be deceptive. Astrologers do not advise using your energy excessively, so as not to undermine your health. Try to work less, refuse extreme sports. In the spring, chronic diseases may worsen, and injuries may occur. Try to pay attention to your health and undergo regular check-ups.

In 2025, Boars should protect themselves from industrial injuries. At work, try to be as collected as possible so as not to harm yourself.

Summer will bring a period of complete harmony with yourself and the world around you. You will be able to completely relax, as the stars do not indicate serious health problems.


According to the astrological forecast, this year Pigs can expect an increase in profits. However, you should not refuse additional offers that will help to significantly increase the budget.

Don't forget about creating a financial "safety cushion". In the second half of the year, there may be layoffs at work, and worsening relations with management.

You should be extremely careful about big expenses. Some of them can cause significant problems. Try to listen only to your own opinion. If your loved ones offer supposedly “profitable” purchases, carefully double-check the information.

Career and Business

In the professional sphere, everything will be ambiguous for Pigs. At the beginning of the year, pleasant changes are expected in the form of a promotion at work, opening your own business. However, do not delude yourself, as the first losses may occur already at the end of summer. Dismissal at work is possible, and losses in business. Unpredictability should not frighten representatives of the sign. Unpleasant moments will be temporary, so you should concentrate on realizing your own potential.

The Year of the Green Snake is preparing interesting offers that you shouldn't refuse. They may not concern your field, but if you have imagination and desire, you will be able to easily cope with the new job.

Travel and Trips

Travel lovers will be able to fully realize their dreams this year and visit interesting countries. However, to realize their own desires, it will be necessary to work hard at work in the first half of the year of the Green Snake. For the demonstrated professionalism, a salary increase or a generous bonus will be due, which can be spent on a pleasant trip.

You shouldn't give up on the idea of a romantic trip with your significant other. This is especially true for strong family couples. In 2025, your relationship may become less harmonious, so you should take care of preserving it. A joint trip will be a great option to cross out unpleasant moments and get closer to your partner.

Purchases and sales

In the year of the Green Snake, you should not rush to buy real estate. At the end of the year, prices may go down, so you should carefully monitor the cost of housing or a car. It is better to devote spring and summer to savings, so that in the autumn months you can make the desired purchase at the most favorable price.

The same applies to sales. If you want to make money quickly, you should be prepared for the price to change in a way that is not good for you. You will have to wait a little to make a profitable deal. Already at the end of summer, a buyer may appear who will not haggle and will consider the price you set to be the most profitable for themselves.

2024 will be a favorable year for the Pig. New acquaintances, changes in personal life, success at work - all this is achievable subject to self-development and an active life position. Financial problems will be resolved thanks to successful projects and help from partners.