Signs for the Year of the Dog 2018

Customs and Signs for the New Year 2025: Celebration Traditions

There are a large number of official holidays that people celebrate to a greater or lesser extent all over the country. The New Year celebration is given special attention and it rightfully occupies one of the places of honor. We are all familiar with the feeling of a distant happy childhood that lived in us in anticipation of the approach of a mysterious holiday that could bring a real mysterious miracle, give a fairy tale. Each of us tried to wait for the cherished midnight in the hope of seeing kind Grandfather Frost on the threshold with a magic staff and a bag of gifts.

Signs for the Year of the Dog 2018

Years and time make their own adjustments to all holidays and to the New Year in particular. Growing up and reaching a certain age, some people stop celebrating their birthday, which in childhood brought a lot of fun, joy and gifts. Now this day can be defined by such a saying - "not at dawn, but at sunset," reminding us of the transience and fragility of life. But, in spite of everything, the Christmas tree holiday, even for the adult generation, remains that wonderful fairy-tale time that can make the most cherished dream come true. If you are familiar with all the existing signs and customs for the New Year, then you can say with confidence that luck will not turn away from you, and all your dreams will come true in the coming year.

Traditions of the holiday

The birth of some customs and traditions came to us from ancient times. For example, we owe the custom of celebrating the beginning of a new calendar year to Ancient Rome, and giving New Year gifts — This is also the merit of the Romans. They began to give each other small gifts and presents with words of happy wishes back in the heyday of their empire.

Signs for the Year of the Dog 2018

At that time, Christmas tree decorations had more of a symbolic than decorative meaning and were considered a kind of sacrifice to the spirits. The New Year's evergreen tree itself was considered a symbol of immortality. In hot countries, the palm tree was given the primacy of the symbol, and the Germanic tribes barely gave their preference.

New Year's customs

So, listening to and respecting the foundations of our ancestors, let's give preference to the forest beauty, tastefully dress and decorate her. If you believe in the legends of the same Germanic tribes, you can feel and sense the power of the spirits living in the spruce paws, capable of influencing not only the health of a person, but also the happiness of the whole family.

Signs for the Year of the Dog 2018

Signs and rituals

In order to prepare for the New Year as best as possible, you will have to try hard, attracting luck in all your endeavors and affairs. The New Year is approaching with its difficult oriental character, along with the qualities of nobility, openness, honesty and friendliness inherent in this animal, laziness and a dual attitude to life can be overcome. It is worth considering that the owner of the year is yellow, and the element is earth, then you need to decorate the house taking into account these colors.

A mandatory condition is to celebrate the New Year in a lively, cheerful and noisy company. Giving preference and dressing in yellow, gold, orange, brown, mustard or chocolate colors from the first minutes of the new year.

Signs for the Year of the Dog 2018

In addition to a cheerful and active company, there is another mandatory condition - a richly laid New Year's table. The main place on this table will be given to meat dishes on the bone. Deliciously cooked chicken legs and wings, ribs and baked knuckles, a "veyer" of lamb ribs will create an exotic festive meat still life on your table. A large original dish filled with the most aromatic, smoky shashlik will add a special twist and complete the decoration of your New Year's table.

Celebration and festivities

The population of our country treats the New Year with great love and even with some tender trepidation. This holiday is considered the biggest and most important, for which they prepare several days, or even months earlier. Many people look forward to the New Year with great impatience, hoping that all the bad, all the troubles and problems will be left behind in the past life, in the old year. The New Year is a clean white sheet for everyone, from which many try to start life in the New Year.

Signs for the Year of the Dog 2018

People celebrate the holiday as cheerfully as possible, in the company of a noisy, cheerful company. Richly laid tables, filled with unusual delicacies, clapping and sparkling fountains of opened champagne, a fluffy beauty of a Christmas tree, sparkling with New Year's garlands with iridescent tinsel. The Christmas tree appears in the house a week before the main festivities, and all family members take part in decorating it. People sit down at the festive tables two hours before midnight, but the main continuation of the holiday with songs and dances can sometimes continue until the morning.

New Year's signs

Signs for the Year of the Dog 2018

There are many New Year's signs and beliefs that you can sometimes remember and give preference to.

  • In order not to live the whole year in poverty and with an “empty pocket”, you cannot celebrate the New Year with an “empty wallet”.
  • The New Year should be celebrated in beautiful new clothes. New clothes and purchases made throughout the year will serve as gratitude.
  • Good luck awaits the person who drinks the last remaining glass of wine from a bottle at the New Year's table.
  • If something happens to you or someone in your family on New Year's Eve, it is possible that this event may repeat itself from time to time throughout the year.
  • It is believed that if the holiday is exciting and fun, then the whole coming year will be the same.

Beliefs for the New Year

Signs for the Year of the Dog 2018

  • According to many beliefs, if you spend New Year's Eve alone, you will spend your time alone throughout the year.
  • It will not be a coincidence if on New Year's Eve or on the first day of the new year, a stray cat or dog appears at your doorstep. If you do not have the opportunity to shelter and keep the animal, then just warm it up and feed it. This case promises a happy year.
  • The more people receive holiday greetings on New Year's Eve and the first day of the new year, the more wishes you hear, the more happiness and luck you will attract to yourself and your loved ones.
  • If the first person you see after the chimes is a man, then the coming year will bring only joy.

Video: New Year's signs