Eastern horoscope for Tiger for 2025

People born in the year of the Tiger attract the attention of others with their bright appearance and daring character. They strive to surprise loved ones with grand gestures, to flaunt their hot temperament and mannerisms. Tigers love to take risks, do not deny themselves expensive purchases to amuse their own vanity. In 2025, representatives of the sign will face many good and negative moments, the course of which can be changed. The manifestation of efforts and a strong core will become the main assistants in overcoming difficulties.

What's in Store for Tiger in 2025

2024 will be a time of discovery for Tigers. Representatives of the sign can succeed in a new professional field, radically change their personal life and their own principles. The Year of the Green Snake will be full of difficult situations that will require quick solutions. Tigers will have a hard time, but a long analysis of the problem will allow them to achieve excellent results.

There will be pleasant changes in the professional sphere if Tigers reveal their inner potential. You should forget about modesty and not be afraid of competition. There may be obstacles in the form of adventurous offers that will distract from the main work. Astrologers do not recommend responding to suspicious deals.

Tigers will succeed in their personal lives. Long-term relationships will result in marriage, and single representatives will be able to find their other half. The year promises many pleasant romantic meetings and trips, holidays with family.

Talismans for Tiger for New Year

Tigers have certain talismans that will protect them from negative energy.

Categories Talismans
Amulet Tiger
Stone Amethyst, topaz, diamond, malachite, selenite, celestite, amazonite, spinel, apatite, sapphire
Color Blue, black

The stars suggest: having a talisman will allow you to succeed in many areas and achieve your goals.

General horoscope for men

Tiger men will experience many events in the coming year that will not always bring pleasant emotions. There may be failures in the professional sphere, conflict situations in personal life. Despair will not help solve problems, so you should turn on logic and draw the right conclusions. In some situations, the only solution will be radical changes - a change of job, a breakup. There will be no time for regrets, because there is a high probability of zeal for self-education, expanding knowledge.

In the second half of the year, Tiger men will need to rest. At this time, they should not open a business, actively engage in sports, or spend all their energy on relationships that do not bring pleasure. Excessive worries and stress can negatively affect their physical well-being.

Forecast for women

The Year of the Green Wooden Snake will be a difficult test for Tiger women. The fair sex will find themselves between two fires: personal life and career. Two important aspects of life will be on the scales, which will be too difficult to combine. 2025 will be a test for relationships, but you should not be afraid of the results. The stars promise pleasant events in the second half of the year. In the summer, the best solution will be to spend leisure time with loved ones, organize exciting trips. Do not refuse to get-togethers with friends, take a vacation and go on a romantic trip with your chosen one.

The year for Tiger women will be rich and bright. New acquaintances are expected, which will be useful and turn into long-term friendship.

Astrologers recommend that Tiger women avoid conflict situations at work. Harmonious relationships with colleagues will help rapid career growth. Do not forget to show your talents! Management will appreciate initiative and increased responsibility.

Love and relationships

In 2025, Tigers will be in the spotlight of the opposite sex. They will have an endless series of pleasant meetings and experience intense emotions. But there will be many random people around, so you should not get attached to every potential chosen one. Excessive infatuation with a person can result in emotional burnout or even depression. Try to treat people more easily so as not to be disappointed.

The dragon is a hot-tempered and passionate animal, so married couples should not expect peace. Their relationship may undergo major changes, both for the better and for the worse. Everything will depend solely on the lovers themselves. If they manage to hear each other and work on their relationship, the marriage will only become stronger. Otherwise, there is a high probability of divorce.


In the coming year, Tigers need not worry about their own health - no serious illnesses are expected. But do not forget about regular preventive examinations.

Some representatives of the sign may encounter household injuries, so you need to be more careful when doing your usual things.

Tigers react sharply to stressful situations, which can cause nervous breakdowns. To avoid unpleasant symptoms associated with the moral state, the best solution is an optimistic outlook on the difficulties that arise.


The financial situation will directly depend on the Tigers themselves. By directing all their efforts to increasing profits, representatives of the sign will be able to improve their financial situation. Astrologers support Tigers in gaining new knowledge, but they should not agree to dubious adventures. They will cause a long-term debt hole, from which it will not be easy to get out.

In the coming year, Tigers can try themselves in several areas at once to increase their chances of success.

The second half of the year will bring an unusual surprise in the form of a bonus, lottery win or debt repayment. However, you should be more careful with this money so as not to waste it on unnecessary purchases.

Career and Business

In the year of the Green Snake, Tigers will be able to advance in their careers if they are not hindered by laziness and pride. Due to excessive vanity, representatives of this sign often refuse to take the initiative, believing that luck should fall on their heads. In 2025, this number will not work. You will have to push with your elbows and gnaw with your teeth to win a place in the sun.

The stars recommend that Tigers think about improving their qualifications, acquiring new knowledge that will be useful in the future. It would not be superfluous to study a foreign language, take educational courses.

Travel and Trips

Trips with friends to the countryside and romantic trips will be a great way to spend your leisure time in 2025. Offers will come in regularly, so you should set aside funds for your vacation at the beginning of the year.

The Green Dragon is preparing many difficulties, so you should not refuse to rest in a sanatorium. Tigers will be able not only to relax, but also to restore their physical condition.

If difficulties arise in the relationship with the second half, then it would not be superfluous to show initiative in the form of travel. Buy tickets yourself to the country that your chosen one has long dreamed of visiting. This act will be appreciated, and the long-awaited harmony will come to the relationship.

Purchases and sales

At the beginning of the year, many representatives of the sign may need to make large purchases. If you have a financial "safety cushion", you can treat yourself a little. But you should not spend all your available money. The year will be unpredictable, problems at work are not excluded. A rational approach to shopping will help to avoid disappointment and keep your available funds intact.

The summer months will be a great time to make a good deal. Selling real estate will bring in a lot of revenue. The main thing is to keep track of prices for similar offers so as not to miscalculate. Do not agree to the price offered by a potential buyer. As a result, the person will still pay the amount that you initially set.

The Year of the Snake will be a time of trials and hopes for Tigers. Willpower and discipline will help representatives of this sign overcome all difficulties and achieve heights in their careers and harmony in personal relationships.