Horoscope from Tamara Globa for 2025 by zodiac signs

The more troubled times become, the more often people turn to horoscopes. They want to know when and how a difficult period will end. To mentally prepare for possible changes. Horoscope from Tamara Globa for 2025 will help to look into the future, slightly lift the curtain of secrecy, because Tamara is endowed with a gift that allows you to see the general trends of our "tomorrow". So, what does the coming day have in store for us?

Horoscope by Zodiac Signs by Tamara Globa

Now let's take a closer look at each of the signs. Tamara Globa's horoscope for 2025 pays attention to all of them.


2024 will make representatives of the sign become more active. They are quite calm and sometimes a little lazy, but in the year of the green wooden dragon you cannot indulge in blissful laziness. Work - your efforts will be rewarded with interest!


For Taurus, career will not be so important. How much is personal life. Put family first, always remember the interests of parents, children and the second half. Creative life in the coming year will become more interesting and brighter.


Versatile Geminis will again be carried away by something unusual. Perhaps one of them will change their profession. Self-realization will be at its best: you will realize at least half of your grandiose plans.


Cancers are almost guaranteed personal happiness, but on condition that they do not silently wait for it, standing aside with their hands hanging limply. They need to act.


The royal Leo often does charity work – he has the strength to help those who are weaker. In 2025, charity work will bring especially wonderful results. When achieving goals, show character.


Both career and family – everything will be fine in all areas. Of course, not without difficulties, but only those who cope with them will be able to enjoy the fullness of happiness.


Libra should be careful at the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Anything can happen during this unstable period, so it is necessary to relieve the accumulated tension in time. Beware of conflicts! Try to smooth out sharp corners, compromise.


Complex and contradictory Scorpios cannot rely on logic in 2025. They will have to listen to their own heart and intuition. Intuition will not fail.


Sagittarius is expecting changes. What will they be like? This largely depends on the representatives of the sign themselves. Sagittarius often have to work hard, and only then do they achieve the desired results. This is not bad!


Capricorns working in the business sphere, or in general somehow professionally interacting with money, should know: the most successful period in this regard will begin in March and end in September. The results of property transactions will be especially impressive.


It is rare that Aquarius does not shine with some talent, or even a whole bunch of them. So: in 2025, fate provides an opportunity to fully reveal your abilities. Many will even start earning money with their hobby, and quite well.


Mysterious, outwardly slightly sluggish, full of their own fantasies, Pisces should listen to their intuition. In principle, they always do this, and usually it does not fail. In 2025, Pisces' perception will become more acute, they will begin to literally see everything.

Important! After July 13, many things may change for Pisces: housing, work, city and country.

Horoscope from Tamara Globa by year of birth

Sometimes you can predict some events by year of birth of the person. Most often, astrologers choose a different path - by zodiac sign, but you shouldn’t neglect the first method either.

Some will be luckier in the coming 2025, some less so, and some should familiarize themselves with the warnings of fate in advance in order to be able to repel the blow in time. As the saying goes, forewarned is forearmed.

If you were born in between between 1979 and 1989 years, you can relax: most likely, a joyful, fairly calm period awaits you.

If, when celebrating the year of your birth, you also pay attention to your Zodiac sign, then, according to horoscope from Tamara Globa for 2025 by zodiac signs and by year of birth, you will build for yourself the most accurate forecast for the near future.

Let's see what the clairvoyant prophesies for some inhabitants of the Earth. For Taurus, born in:

years, Tamara made a proposal: you must not give up and fight any approaching difficulties. Yes, there will be difficulties! However, they can all be overcome if you have the desire and sufficient zeal.

You'll get lucky for virgins, who first saw this world in the years:

  • 1962;
  • 1966;
  • 1970;
  • 1974;
  • 1988;
  • 1996.

Virgos are distinguished by stubbornness in the good sense of the word - it will serve them well.

Luck will literally haunt you as well Libra sign (by year of birth – born in the year of the Goat: 1967, 1979).

Several years of the Snake in which they were born Crayfish (1977, 1989 and following) will bring pleasure and happiness to the “owners” of this sign – Cancer.

Sagittarius - that's who luck loves. If you were born in 1973, 1980, 2001 - you need to work hard in those areas that seem especially important to you. And then 2025 will be bright and memorable, one might say, it will become an important milestone in your life.

If you look at life as a whole, you can note a number of both positive and negative moments. The fortune teller has identified some general trends that will be characteristic of the fates of all signs of the Zodiac.

What does Tamara Globa say about love in 2025?

2024 brings a lot of love. The year is not easy, and it will be needed so that people can more easily endure various events, cope with instability.

Those who have a family should treat each other more carefully, try not to conflict. Love your parents. Appreciate the time you can spend with your children - after all, they will grow up and fly away. Those who have not yet found (or lost) their soul mate have every chance to find strong love again.

What did Tamara Globa say about health in 2025?

Appreciate each other, talk and hug more often. Health should be checked, and those who have problems with the cardiovascular system should know that in the coming year, health is their priority. You can take a break from work a little - the main thing is to prevent the development of diseases.

Financial component in 2025 according to Tamara Globa

Changes, incomprehensible events, political conflicts – all this will have a significant impact on the well-being of each person. It is important not to panic, but to try to hold on to the gains you have. Tamara Globa believes that 2025 may hit hard those people who have significant wealth. They may lose everything. Those who occupy the middle position should not suffer.

The most dangerous months in terms of economic unrest will be May and June 2025.

2024 does not promise to be simple and easy. But Tamara Globa advises not to despair, to remain resilient, to believe in the best, to take care of your health, to take care of your loved ones. The world will soon undergo changes that will shift the position of the ruling elites today. Everything will be different. Our task now is to simply live, hope, work and, of course, love.