How will Magnit and Pyaterochka stores operate on January 1, 2025?

After the fiery festive night, life in the country calms down. There is no rush in the shops, but there are still plenty of people willing to buy some food. After the traditional feast, Russians, having bought gifts, go to visit relatives and friends.

Store owners are not in the mood to lose customers, so outlets open on January 1, but not always in the morning. To get an idea of what time Magnit and Pyaterochka open, let's recall last year's work schedule.

This year, specific opening hours will be available around December 20th. Store managers will post them in the most convenient place.

Grocery Store Operating Hours January 1, 2025

Most retail spaces are closed on the first day of the new year, but this does not apply to chain supermarkets.. Department stores located in large shopping centers are most often closed if they do not have an individual entrance.

It should be taken into account that the last working shift of the outgoing year will also be shortened in complex shopping centers, which means that the supermarket work schedule will also be adjusted.

Small grocery stores in detached buildings open on January 1 from 9 or 10 amWhether a retail outlet will operate depends on its location and the owner’s preferences.

Supermarkets come alive much later. In addition to the fact that no one gets up early after the holiday, there are transport problems. It is quite difficult for the staff to get there early in the morning. It is better to go shopping no earlier than 1 p.m. After lunch, you can get to the grocery department and buy alcohol without any problems.

Operating hours of large retail chains:

  1. The crossroads will close trading 2 hours earlier this year, at 22:00. It will operate on a regular schedule on all days of the holiday break, except for January 1. At the beginning of the year, it will open at 13:00.
  2. Lenta will provide the consumer with everything necessary for the holiday until 22:00 on the 31st and will welcome the New Year at 1:00. 24-hour shopping centers will open at 10:00.
  3. SPAR minimarkets and supermarkets will work in extended mode until midnight on December 30. Before New Year's Eve, trading ends at 9 pm. On the first day, the store's doors open at noon. On this day, customers are served until 10 pm or until 11 pm.
  4. Dixie will close at 9pm on the 31st and reopen the next day from 11am to 9pm.
  5. O'Key supermarket is open 24 hours a day during the last week of December, and on the 31st the last customers are allowed to leave at 9 p.m. The store will open in January at 1 p.m. No further changes are expected.
  6. The metro in different regions works from 7 or 8 until 22:00. In the old year, the hypermarket of small wholesale goods will finish its working hours on December 31 3 hours earlier, that is, at 19:00. The first trading floor will open at 1 p.m.

Online purchases are traditionally delivered by stores until midday before the New Year. On the first of the month, order takers and courier service are off. The delivery service resumes work on 02.01.

How will Magnit stores operate on January 1, 2025?

On New Year's Eve, stores say goodbye to customers earlier than on ordinary days. The pre-New Year week is busy, with heavy workloads. On the last day of the year, store employees, like other citizens, rush home to the festive table.

Employers are shortening their schedules so that cashiers and merchandisers, stock managers and controllers have time to leave.

Magnit serves everyone who didn't manage to buy their goods in advance, only until 21:00On January 1, stores open much later than the usual 8 o'clock, namely at 13:00. After the New Year's Eve, there are usually no customers in the morning, so the owners of the retail chain allow their employees to rest.

This was the case at the beginning of 2023. How long Magnits will operate in 2024 will be announced in December. There may be changes.

How will Pyaterochka stores operate on January 1, 2025?

The retail chain serves customers on the last day of the old year until 21:00. If there are no people in the sales area, they can close earlier to have time to arrange for the staff. After the New Year, stores open their doors on January 1 at 13:00.

Until what time are Magnit and Pyaterochka open on the first day of the new year? Traditionally, from the first day of the long winter weekend, supermarkets close as usual, that is, at 11 pm.

Magnit and Pyaterochka working hours for the New Year holidays 2024

During the New Year holidays, if there are no trips planned, the family gathers together in full force. Food supplies will have to be replenished more often.

You can find out what time Magnit near home will be open on January 1, 2025, on the official website of the chain giant. Pyaterochka also posts the necessary information on the pages of its own web service. On the remaining days of the New Year holidays, supermarkets continue to operate in the usual pre-holiday mode.

How is alcohol sold during holidays?

In most regions, alcohol-containing products are sold from 8:00 to 11:00 pm. The store must have a license and observe the following rules for the sale of alcohol:

  • ensure that bottles and packages are labeled correctly;
  • Do not sell to persons under 18 years of age;
  • Do not sell goods online or on youth and children's holidays.

The holiday ban is not valid everywhere, but only in some regions that have established it. New Year is not included. Legislators of regions, territories and republics have the right to establish additional alcohol-free days. For example, in Dagestan, alcohol is not sold during the month of Ramadan, and in Perm - on Victory Day.

Regions may also extend the night-time trading ban interval. In Tomsk, Kaluga, and Kaliningrad regions, neither wine nor champagne can be purchased after 10 p.m. In St. Petersburg, alcohol sales are only possible from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.

At night, cafes and restaurants sell alcoholic beverages, but on New Year's Eve and January 1, they are closed or closed for special events. In addition, their prices are not at all divine.